News from AWSNA            August 2013
The official e-news of the Association of independent Waldorf schools


In case you missed it, do check out the piece in the Huffington Post from July 17 in which a Waldorf parent extols the virtues of Waldorf Education. She describes her sons as "growing into empathetic, incredibly well-rounded, good and, most importantly, happy humans. And that's what I want for my boys." You can find the link to the entire article on WhyWaldorfWorks.org


And while I'm on that topic, WhyWaldorfWorks.org continues to be the go-to website for people interested in finding out more about Waldorf Education. We have links to our member schools and plenty of stories and articles about the education itself, plus alumni updates, job postings, book reviews, and much more. Visit often and remind your communities that this online resource is available to them.


Lastly, please follow us on Facebook by hitting that 'like' button! Even if you have liked us already, because of changes with the Waldorf Research Institute, we need you to 'like' us again. And please do share your school and community news on our Facebook page, as well as sending updates, events, and news to our webeditor@awsna.org for posting on our website.  


Warm regards for the upcoming school year,


Beverly Amico

AWSNA Leadership 

Bethany Woodward - alum Former Rudolf Steiner School student

Bethany Woodward takes silver 

in T37 200m at World Championships


Former Rudolf Steiner School student Bethany Woodward won a silver medal in the T37 200m at the IPC Athletics World Championships in Lyon in July. Woodward's time of 29.12 was a personal best and just 0.64 seconds behind the winner, Mandy Francois-Elie from France. The 20-year-old, who has cerebral palsy and won silver and bronze medals at last summer's Paralympic Games, came close to securing a second medal in the T37 100m but just missed out, finishing fourth in 14.43.


Read more on Why Waldorf Works.  

Children and the Importance of Play


Today's children are often structured, instructed and assigned. Yet, when children guide their own play, it provides a foundation for their mental, physical and cognitive health, through childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Extensive free play is critical to development.

Read more on Why Waldorf Works


  Salad days are here at Waldorf School

There's something special going on at the Seacoast Waldorf School in Eliot, ME, starting this summer, and it goes beyond an exceptional education. On Tuesdays, an unusual agricultural enterprise called Misty Brook Farm sets up a tent on school grounds and sells meats, milk, and vegetables it produces organically.


Read more on Why Waldorf Works


Eurythmy: Allowing the soul to sing


A parent reports on a workshop in Quezon City in the Philippines called Indayog: Healing Through Movement. She writes: "The session that day was all about eurythmy therapy for children. The press release read: "Can healing actually happen through movement?" And that is the charm of it: healing sans the drugs, chemicals, and intrusion. Can one get better through dance, motion, freedom?" 



Read more on Why Waldorf Works




Event details, including contact information, can be found on the Events page of the Why Waldorf Works website. Please send us your events so we can include them in our calendar. 


August 19-21, 2013: Costa Mesa, CA

Back to School Conference with Christof Wiechert. The topic is "The Step from childhood towards individual development: The period of transition between 12 and 16 years." Christof Wiechert has been a teacher in the Waldorf School in Den Haag, co-founded of the teacher-training seminar in the Netherlands, was a member in the Vorstand of the Anthroposophical Society, and was former leader of the Pedagogical Section of the Anthroposophical Society in Dornach, SwitzerlandHosted by the Waldorf School of Orange County.


September 26, 2013: Everywhere

Waldorf One World Day 

This is a day shaped by your commitment: you support other children and teenagers in Waldorf initiatives around the globe. Together as a class or school, find a great idea that will enable you to raise money and inspire people. Waldorf One World - it is all about doing something good for the world!


October 2013 - July 2016: Newtown, CT
H E A R T: Healing Education And Remedial Training Including The Extra Lesson This is a Three-Year Part-Time Certification with Rachel Ross, M.Ed. More and more students in our schools display developmental and learning difficulties, yet most Waldorf teacher trainings spend little time addressing remedial needs, and most schools do not have trained remedial specialists on staff. The HEART course prepares Waldorf teachers to assess and address the needs of students with developmental and learning difficulties. Based on an anthroposophical understanding of child development, it includes training in Audrey McAllen's Extra Lesson program. Hosted by the Housatonic Valley Waldorf School.


Please inform your communities and mark your calendars!


You are welcome to send Waldorf-related events for posting on our web site.

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AWSNA provides leadership to schools by facilitating resources, networks and research as they strive towards excellence and build healthy school communities. The Association performs functions that its member schools and institutes could not do alone, including:
�    Outreach and advocacy
�    Accreditation and school support services
�    Professional development activities
�    Research and publications
Please contact us if you have any questions about AWSNA or this or any other newsletter


Questions please contact Kirin at webeditor@awsna.org or an AWSNA executive team member:  

Leader of Administration: David Owen-Cruise

2142A Washtenaw Avenue, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Office 612-870-8310 x104   Fax 877-835-0299


Leader of Outreach and Development: Beverly Amico


515 Kimbark, Suite 103, Longmont, CO 80501

612-870-8310 x106    Fax 720-633-9543


Leader of Programs and Activities: Melanie Reiser


515 Kimbark, Suite 103, Longmont, CO 80501

612-870-8310 x105     Fax 720-633-9531