Spring Into Travel
Don't miss your educational opportunity...
This could be YOU...
A few spaces remain in the Niagara Falls Course...

Niagara Falls 
Class Dates:  Sunday, April 26
       Sunday, May 3
         Sunday, May 17

Tour Date: June 5-7, 2015

Tuition Price: $459
Payment made to BMCC
includes classroom sessions and
the weekend tour to Niagara Falls

Education Earned: 4.5 CEU's or 45 hours

Class Location: University of Illinois,
Downtown Chicago Campus     
 Click here to see what's included in the Niagara Falls tour!

Don't need to earn educational credit?

Take the weekend off and do just the tour!
Sign up on the Cultural Hi-Ways website
for Niagara Falls tour only:
$299 per person (no educational credit*)
And enjoy your weekend getaway!
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Cultural Hi-Ways