MDC News
  Volume 18, Issue 10
May 2013   
In This Issue
Memorial Day
Picture Week
More on Picture Week
Recital 2013
Shirts & Flowers
Team Applications
Summer Classes
Memorial Day

No Classes
Saturday, 5-25
Monday, 5-27 

 Picture Week
May 16-22 


Important Note-

In the interest of getting the best photos in the most expedient manner-
No Parents will be in the room during the group shots, only the teacher & photographer.
With a lot of people in the room it's very hard to get all eyes on the camera.
Thanks for your help & understanding!


Picture Week-   May 16-22
                                         Photos by
Rick Barge of Barge Photography
Group and individual photos will be taken during classes starting this THURSDAY, May 16 through WEDNESDAY, May 22.
A copy of the price sheet with package information
is posted on the website.  Order envelopes will be passed out the day of pictures.  We also have some at the front desk.  CHECKS or CASH only for orders (they do not take credit cards).  Payment is due when the photos are taken.  No purchase is required but we do want everyone to be in the group photos since the all go into the souvenir recital program booklet.
Don't forget your recital costume & tights!  Pictures are taken in costume.  Be sure to check that you have the correct color & type of shoes too.
recital 2013 
Recital 2013 - 
        Sunday, June 9th 

Our students are working hard to prepare for their recital!  Our 18th annual recital will be presented at Mason High School on Sunday, June 9th.  Show times are 1:00, 4:00 and 7:00 pm.  Each show will last just over 90 minutes.  Please give all the dancers the respect they deserve and stay for the entire performance. It will be a great show!  
Saturday, June 8th will be our Dress Rehearsal also at Mason HS. 
Pre-Pro Ballet only will have a Tech Rehearsal on Friday evening, June 7th. 
Your rehearsal times and show order are posted on our website.  You can check the line-up list for what color shoes each class will need for the show as well.  Tights were included with most costumes so you already have those.  Hair styles and any other details you'll need are being added to the Costume Previews on our website. If you'd like to have a spare pair of tights just in case, you can purchase them in the office. 

Recital tickets will be available for purchase starting Thursday, May 16th.   You may pick up your 2 comp tickets from your family recital participation fee at that time as well. 

Tickets Available May 16th
Cost-$12 (General Admission)
.   Tickets will be available during regular office hours.  You may pick up your 2 comp tickets from your family recital fee.  We ask that an adult pick those up and sign for them.  You may also purchase additional tickets starting Wednesday, May 16th. 

**Accounts must be paid in full to pick up or purchase tickets.**
Tickets will not be on sale to the general public until June 1st.
Recital T-Shirts & Flowersrecital flowers

Time is running out to place your orders for recital flowers and shirts.  Sizing samples for the shirts are hanging in the entryway.  The design is shown in the article above.  This year's shirts are gray with the screenprint design in bright orange and lime green.  All the MDC dancers will be listed on the back of the shirt.
Click HERE to go to order forms.  Place orders in the Team Mailbox near the entrance.  Last day to order T-shirts for pick up at dress rehearsal is May 17th.  Orders placed after the 17th will arrive later.  Flower order deadline is May 24th.  These sales are a fundraiser for the MDC Team Parents Association. 
Company & Team Applications

Interested in applying for our Performance Groups?  Information can be found on the Teams page of our website. 

Applications are due in the office by May 24th.
Summer Classes summer
   Our summer schedule is posted on our website. This summer we offer 6 weeks of classes June 24-July 31.  Most classes meet once  a week.  Summer is a great time to sample something new or just keep active with what you love!

Our adult class will be continuing over the summer too.  Moms, give it a try!
Upcoming Dates
  ~Check our calendar for the year any time at newsdates.htm
          ~   Picture Week.................................................................................. May 16th-22nd 
          ~   Memorial Day Weekend, Sat-Mon, May 25-27th ............................ No Classes  
        ~   Potential Snow Make-up days as needed........................... June 4th & June 6th

                                            June 4th - NO make-up needed, so NO classes that day 

                            June 5th is the last Wednesday of classes.  ALL Wed classes, regular times                   
                              June 6th - Make up classes for Fri PPBallet 5-7:45 pm (No Thurs classes)  


          ~   Rehearsals at Mason HS.............times listed on website.............. June 7th-8th

          ~   Recital 2013.............order on website................ Sunday, June 9th at Mason HS

Spring Cleaning Sale
     Please help us do some Spring cleaning!  Look for the Green Tag clearance items- reduced 50% or more.   (Clearance prices as marked.)
See You Soon! 
Ms Bobbi
and all the staff at Mason Dance Center 