In This Issue
Join WIF on the Web
Dayla Kennedy
Deborah Brock
Lotti Pharriss
Share your news!
Hot off the Press! NEW- Career Lounge Blog-Shawn Tolleson
Film Finishing Fund UPDATE
WIF Events
WIF Goal Support Group
WIF Malibu Breakfast with Talent Agent and Artist Herb Tannen
WIF PSA Production Program Meeting
WIF Breakfast Series with Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky
Writers Group
WIF Master Class with Shawn Tolleson
Women In Film International
WIF PSA Program Crew Call
Women In Film and Television International Summit
Shadows Round The Moon with Kate Burton
Non-WIF Events
AFI Fest and WIF Screen "The Selfish Giant"
Post Alley Film Festival
Volunteer Call: Social Media Squad
Member Discounts
Members Center Discount
Premiere Sponsor
Greetings WIF Family
Dear Women In Film Family,
Come out to our WIF Goal Support Group on Thursday, November 7th, where we will collaborate in taking our careers to the next level. On Friday, November 8th, start your day off right at the WIF Malibu Breakfast with Talent Agent and Industry Icon, Herb Tannen, where he will share his invaluable insight. 
It's that time of year, the AFI Fest is back! WIF will be teaming up with AFI Fest in screening the powerful film, The Selfish Giant, on November 9th and 10th. If you are interested in our PSA Program, stop by our PSA Production Program Meeting on Tuesday, November 12th and see what you can do to get involved. 
On Friday, November 15th, we will have a special treat for you at our WIF Breakfast Series with Producing Partners and Founders of Court Five, Jane Fleming, WIF President Emerita, and Mark Ordesky. Hannah Minghella and the WIF Board of Directors invites you to, Shadows Round the Moon, a reading by Kate Burton on Sunday, November 17th. Also on the 17th we have our monthly Writers Group meeting. 
Our Master Class speaker, and career coach, Shawn Tolleson, will help you identify the jobs that are perfect for you and your passions on Monday, November 18th. If you are a Director, Producer or Writer, sign-up for our PSA Program Crew Call and give back to the community using your expertise. Find out what our WIF International committee is planning at our November 21st meeting.
Don't forget to check out our WIF calendar for all of our events in November!

Women In Film
Follow WIF on the Web!  Like us on Facebook  Follow us on Twitter  View our videos on YouTube  
Already a facebook fan?  Don't forget to LIKE "Women In Film - Film Finishing Fund" on facebook as well!  Get Grant timeline info and updates on recent Grant winners!
Interested in WIF Membership? 

From October 17th through November 17th, WIF is offering Executive, General, Associate, Student and Friends Memberships at a discount price! For this limited time you can jump-start your career and save money at the same time!
Join WIF and become a part of a dynamic organization that is dedicated to empowering, promoting, and mentoring women in the entertainment, communication and media industries. Achieve your highest potential through a network of valued contacts, educational programs, and exciting events.


  • Free Master Classes, WIF Goal Support Group, Writers Groups, and Actors Groups
  • Free Screenings
  • Discounts on Networking Breakfasts and Speaker Series
  • WIF discounts on community film expos and forums
  • Join our PSA Production Program and WIF International Committee
  • List your name and job skills in WIF's Membership Directory and Career Lounge

For more details and an application, visit wif.org/join!

Dayla Kennedy
Dayla Kennedy's short film Highpoint Film was recently completed and chosen as a Vimeo Staff Pick.

Highpoint Pool is set in the 1980's and is about a boy who makes a final plea to President Reagan, on behalf of his love interest, to stop the building of a tract home development that will replace their existing community pool.

Shot 35mm anamorphic in 1999, Highpoint Pool was finally completed in 2013 after being on hold for more than a decade after sitting in film storage for 13 years, the negative was pulled, scanned, edited and completed with generous help from friends, some additional ADR from her own kids (now the same age of the kids acting in the film) and a couple small personal loans.

Highpoint Pool can be viewed on Vimeo by clicking here.
Deborah Brock
Director Deborah Brock's Misadventures of The Dunderheads starring Alison Brie, Olympia Dukakis and Haley Joel Osment is now playing on Starz Channels and their Starz Plays service. Deborah won "Best Feature Film Director" out of a field of
90 films at the Los Angeles International Femme Festival and Misadventures was picked up by The Southern Circuit for screenings in 7 cities last Spring. Deborah is managed by Mike Wise at Grace Talent. 

More information available:


Lotti Pharriss
Lotti Pharriss Knowles (Weirdsmobile Productions) secured distribution for the feature film she wrote and produced, the feminist horror-comedy CHASTITY BITES, and it's now available to watch via VOD! Platforms include iTunes, Amazon, Vudu, XBOX, Playstation Network, or most cable companies' on-demand; DVD will be released in February. Visit the website at www.chastitybites.com and watch the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=urN0cxv0Hoo.


Share your news!
Share Your News
Have your news read by over 3000 people! Send member news to info@wif.org.  *Submissions should be written in the third person and should be 4-5 sentences in length. Always include a JPEG head-shot*  See you in our WIF news! 
Hot off the Press! NEW- Career Lounge Blog
Shawn Tolleson
Shawn Tolleson is the premiere career coach for entertainment industry professionals of all disciplines. She gives you tools you need to accomplish the career of your dreams. Shawn has now EXCLUSIVELY written a new blog just for WIF & WIF members!  How To Work A Film Festival... can be found on our Career Lounge page!          

Film Finishing Fund UPDATE
 One of this year's FFF winners Dawn Porter (SPIES OF MISSISSIPPI) has another documentary that the International Docmentary Assoc. is screening GIDEON'S ARMY at The Landmark 11/12 at 7:30pm which originally aired on HBO

One of this year's FFF winners: Afia Nathaniel DUKHTAR has been nominated to receive the the euphoria Calvin Klein Spotlight on Women Filmmakers 'Live the Dream' grant, a $25,000 cash award presented by IFP for an alumna of IFP's Independent Filmmaker Labs. This grant aims to further the careers of emerging women directors by supporting the completion, distribution and audience engagement strategies of their first feature film. 
WIF Events 

WIF Goal Support Group
Goal Support Group Banner
Coordinator: Kimberly Faith Jones


 Thursday, November 7th

6:30 - 8:30 pm

 WIF Office, 6100 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 710

 Los Angeles, CA 90048



I am lucky to be working with one of the top motivation and business trainers in the world right now... and I am passing on my turbo charged ambition and enthusiasm to you this next year!!


November, December and January's meetings will be dedicated to creating, fine-tuning, and scheduling your Success Map for 2014!! It takes time and focus to create a truly exciting vision, that's why we will be doing it for 3 months. My Goal for the Group is to hit the ground running early next year!!


The WIF Goal Support Group is an ongoing, members-only gathering where we continually focus on taking our careers to the next level.  Together, we create an environment and attitude that is a prerequisite for long term success.  We tackle any and every topic that impacts our ability to support ourselves, leading to greater and greater levels of creative expression and success. Come join us! 



                                                               WIF Members Only 


       RSVP: Kim@KimberlyFaithJones.com


WIF Malibu Breakfast with Talent Agent and Artist, Herb Tannen - CANCELLED
 Herb Tannen, Industry Icon/Talent Agent/Artist
Friday, November 8th  
8:00 am - 10:00 am 
Malibu Chart House Restaurant
 18412 Pacific Coast Hwy 
Malibu, CA 90265  







Herb Tannen has always loved art and began sketching when he was a child. "I asked my parents if they would send me to art school, but they thought artists starved to death, so I went to work in other fields, including as a ballroom teacher for both the Arthur Murray and Fred Astaire studios and later on for the William Morris Agency agency in New York and Chicago."


The Brooklyn native eventually made his way out west and went to work for Abrams-Rubaloff.  After five years he opened his  own operation in 1968 Over the years he worked with top names like Drew Barrymore, John Travolta, Efrem Zimbalist Jr, Jamie Farr, Allyson Hannigan and Jay Leno among others. In order to balance the stress and demands of show business Tannen managed to work two creative tasks at once. "I would get up at four-thirty in the morning and do art," he recalled, "Then I'd go to the office and be an agent for the day". He has been in the industry for 50 years plus.


WIF Networking Breakfasts are immensely popular, as they allow attendees to interact with our
special guests, WIF members, and WIF program chairs in a friendly and social atmosphere.  

Come and meet your peers, eat delicious food and widen your networks in the industry!




RSVP: Candace Bowen, candace@malibuonline.com


TELEPHONE: (310) 457-8664  


Membership cards are required at the door to obtain member discount!  

WIF PSA Production Program Meeting
PSA Production Program Meeting

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 
 7:00 - 9:00 pm
 WIF Office, 6100 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 710 
       Los Angeles, 90048

The WIF PSA Production Program, under the guidance of Bonnie Spence, Chair, produces and distributes pro-bono Public Service Announcements on issues impacting the lives of women and children.

The rewards of working on a WIF PSA are enormous, both personally and professionally. Members and Non-members welcomed. No RSVP required.

Contact Pandora Kan, PSA/Production Manager: psa@wif.org


WIF Breakfast Series with Jane Fleming and Mark Ordesky

 Special Guest: Jane Fleming, WIF President Emerita, & Mark Ordesky, Producing Partners and Founders of Court Five


Friday, November 15, 2013

 8:00 am - 10:00 am

 Planet Dailies  6333 West 3rd St.  The Grove



Founded by former New Line Cinema executives Mark Ordesky and Jane Fleming, Court Five is a multi-faceted media company focused on developing and converting diverse intellectual property and brands into filmed entertainment for distribution in all media worldwide.


Since 2011, Ordesky and Fleming have produced three films at Court Five. "The Frozen Ground," starring Nicholas Cage, John Cusack and Vanessa Hudgens will be released worldwide this summer. The film centers on the true story of Alaska's most notorious serial killer, Robert C. Hansen, and the principled Alaska state trooper who must earn the trust of Hansen's only surviving victim to see justice done. In post-production is "EXISTS," a terrifying new first person film based on the Bigfoot mythos co-produced with Haxan Films, creators of "The Blair Witch Project." "Lovely Molly," also co-produced with Haxan, is in worldwide distribution.


TICKETS: WIF Members $20 / Guild Members $30 / Non-members $50

RSVP BY PHONE: 323-935-2211

Reserved tickets must be purchased in advance by phone to guarantee a seat. Seating is limited

All Tickets are non-refundable.


Writers Group
Writers Group Banner



Laura Grant, Chair


Sunday, November 17th

   10 am- 12:30 pm  


Feinstein Studio 

13273 Ventura Blvd, Ste 212

Los Angeles, CA 91423 

(NE Corner of Fulton and Ventura)


Interested ACTORS are always welcome - no need to RSVP. 

 Only WRITERS with pages (25pp maximum) need to RSVP to: lauraggrant@aol.com


* DROP IN FEE $2 CASH AT THE DOOR (exact change please!)

(Writers note: Two meetings required before submitting pages to be read; 

Approx 4-5 Writers read each meeting on first come, first served basis--sign up via email) 


WIF Master Class with Shawn Tolleson


Master Class topic: The Day Job/Passion Job EquationA Workshop to Identify the Perfect Day Job for You!  

Monday, November 18, 2013
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 
Los Angeles Film School, Room# 1060 
6363 W. Sunset Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90028



The entertainment industry being what it is-uncertain, ever fluctuating, time-intensive-many professionals find that they need the proverbial "day job" to earn a living as they pursue their "passion job."  Actors wait tables, writers read scripts and write coverage, directors work in production, make-up artists sell make-up.


But what if you hate waiting tables, you aren't earning enough money writing coverage, working in production doesn't leave you enough time to work on your own projects and take meetings, and selling make-up doesn't seem to be getting you any closer to being a working make-up artist?


This is the classic Day Job/Passion Job Equation, and it can be challenging to solve. Fortunately, there are a set of principles that can guide you to effectively identifying the right day job that's a match for you, your temperament and your passion job.


Join us for a workshop to identify what kinds of jobs are a good match for your passion job.  You will emerge having a identified your ideal day job with clear ideas about how to pursue it!


Shawn Tolleson is the premiere career coach for entertainment industry professionals of all disciplines.  She gives you tools you need to accomplish the career of your dreams. Recently, her clients have booked jobs working with James Franco, Julia Roberts, Tarsem, Peter Berg, Ray Liotta, Jay Mohr, Bob Orci and on shows for AMC, TNT, Discovery, USA, ABC, NBC, CBS and FOX, to name just a few collaborators. www.entertainmentcareerstrategy.com


FREE for WIF Members / General Public: $20  

Street parking available; $6 parking in Ivar Ave. structure  


Women In Film International 
WIFI Logo Blue
WIF International Committee Meeting Ruby Lopez & Arati Misro, Co-Chairs   



Thursday, November 21st 

7:00 - 9:00 pm 

WIF Office, Free Entry 

WIF PSA Program Crew Call

Women In Film is looking for Directors, Producers and Writers for their upcoming round of charity productions.


Women In Film's award-winning PSA Production Program produces and distributes broadcast-quality public service announcements on issues impacting the lives of women and children.  Artistically crafted, these 30-second messages, consisting of powerful images and a call to action, have offered hope, broadened perceptions and saved lives.  Serving the arts, education, health and social services communities, the PSA Production Program is the first and largest charitable production program that grants pro bono PSAs for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.


Our Mission
Produce Public Service Announcements and give underfunded nonprofit organizations that primarily serve women and children a successful way to publicize their services to the community.


Service to the Community 
To provide members the opportunity to contribute their professional skills and talents for community service vital to the well-being of our society.


Advance Women In Entertainment
To offer women in the television and film industries the opportunity to practice their craft, add to their credits, and work in job categories not otherwise available to them on a professional level.


Please contact: Pandora - psa@wif.org or (323) 935-2211


Please come and join our team!  We are looking for talented people to share in this collaborative and rewarding experience.


Women In Film and Television International Summit

Women In Film and Media Pittsburgh will play host to the 2014 Women In Film and Television International (WIFTI) Summit, which will draw women from the 40 chapters located worldwide to discuss film making issues and attend panel discussions and screenings.

"This is a huge thrill for our chapter to be the host of this summit and show the world what Pittsburgh is capable of in the film industry. We will be drawing from our local film and television community to form our panel discussions and showcase Pittsburgh at the same time," said Faith Dickinson, President and Founder of Women In Film and Media Pittsburgh and WIFTI Board member.

The 2014 WIFTI Summit is currently in the planning stages with VisitPittsburgh and will include local film groups such as Steeltown Entertainment, Silk Screen Asian American Film Festival, Douglas Education Center, Point Park University, Pittsburgh Filmmakers and others in the community.

The 2014 Summit will draw attendees from around the world as well as local interested filmmakers. The recent summit in 2012 was held in Washington, DC in December and drew participants from New Zealand, Sweden, London, Mexico and across the United States and Canada.
Now is the time to nominate candidates for the 2014 Women In Film Board of Directors. The complete election procedures and time-line are detailed below. This year we will be conducting our election primarily through on-line voting. If you prefer receiving your election materials through conventional mail, please contact David Kay at 323-935-2211. We are also contacting all members who have opted out of our e-mail mailing list and sending them instructions through conventional mail.


The Board of Directors (BOD) has selected a Nominating Committee (NC) for the Election of the 2014 WIF Board of Directors.  The Nominating Committee members are: Gayle Nachlis (Nominating Committee Chair), Vicki Dummer, Iris Grossman, Bill Harris, Cathy Schulman and Mike Tschida.




Shadows Round The Moon with Kate Burton

Hannah Minghella and the Women In Film Board of Directors

invite you to: Shadows Round The Moon

A reading by Kate Burton
of a one-woman play by Janice Kennedy

based on the life of Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley 

to benefit Women In Film



followed by an Afternoon Tea  

Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 2:30pm
The Actors' Gang Ivy Substation

9070 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232



In Shadows Round the Moon, Mary Shelley relives the triumphs and tragedies of her life, including her elopement with the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley when she was only sixteen, the untimely deaths of their children and the fascinating story behind the creation of her masterwork, Frankenstein.

Janice Kennedy is an award-winning screenwriter and playwright whose honors include a nomination for the Susan Smith Blackburn Prize for women playwrights in the U.S. and Great Britain.


Kate Burton has amassed a wide range of credits in theatre, film and television where she can currently be seen in the hit series SCANDAL as well as the JJ Abrams-produced drama REVOLUTION. On stage, Kate works in both England and the U.S., where she has received two Tony nominations for her performances on Broadway. Kate has appeared for 13 seasons at the Williamstown Theatre Festival, most recently in Tom Stoppard's Hapgood.



For tickets call: 323.935.2211

Tickets: WIF members $25 / Union-Guild members $30 / Non-members $50


Non-WIF Events 

AFI Fest and WIF Screen "The Selfish Giant"


Women In Film presents a film at the AFI Film Fest 2013


Director: Clio Barnard
Cast: Connor Chapman, Shaun Thomas, Sean Gilder, Rebecca Manley

UK, 2013 - 91 MIN



Inspired by the children she met in Bradford in northern England when researching her previous acclaimed documentary, The Arbor, Clio Barnard creates a moving tale that combines fairytale with contemporary reality. Arbor is a feisty menace who rejects his meds and roams the streets with his mellow best friend, Swifty. After a fight at school, the duo is expelled and seems as forsaken as the desolate countryside surrounding them. Failed by their parents, the educational system and society in general, Arbor and Swifty face challenging scenarios that will test their friendship and loyalty. Armed with striking cinematography and unforgettable performances from the untrained leads, A SELFISH GIANT continues Barnard's exploration of the dangers of neglecting children and presents a memorable story of a society that sifts through garbage in search of hope and opportunity.

TCL Chinese Theaters


Saturday, November 9, 9:30 p.m., Chinese 4
Sunday, November 10, 4:15 p.m., Chinese 3


AFI FEST runs from November 7-14 at the TCL Chinese Theatres, the Egyptian Theatre and the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel.




.AFI FEST is the only film festival of international stature that is free to the public.

Post Alley Film Festival

Call for submissions for the Post Alley Film Festival in Seattle  
PAFF is a female centric shorts film festival sponsored by Women in Film Seattle
One day of fabulous female films.

The official general deadline is extended to November 9, 2013
facebook logo

Volunteer Call: Join our Social Media Squad!

The Digital Media Committee of the Foundation Board of WIF are organizing a new program for VOLUNTEERS who want to helps us promote our very worthy projects supporting the members of WIF. If you are an avid facebooker or like to tweet, tweet, tweet, put your social media skills to good use! 

You will have a chance to network with members of the various committees of our foundation board and other members of the Social Media Squad. Limited to Active WIF Members; Contact Concepci�n Lara at lara.concepcion@gmail.com.   
Member Discounts
WIF Membership Card Make the most of
your membership card!

Browse our Members Discount section for free and discounted workshops, screenings, and more listed below!

Members Center Discount

WIF's Members Center Discounts offer special rates on
production and media services, publications, career coaching,
personal services, hotel, and travel.  Make the most of your membership card!
For complete details, CLICK HERE.    

Premiere Sponsor