A Story for Christmas   

from Friends World Committee  
Section of the Americas
  The gift of family    
Earlier this year a Friend told us how connecting with the wider Quaker family through Friends World Committee gave her the gift of connecting with her own family:

"The opportunity of work with FWCC has led me to a deeper understanding of Friends...I have been forced to go deep into an exploration of my own faith and understanding.  What I had not realized until a conversation with my sister-in-law recently is that FWCC has taught me how to listen at a deeper and fuller level than before.   


"My sister-in-law and I are at different ends of the Christian spectrum. She is strongly conservative and wedded to personal salvation through acceptance of Christ.  I am of the liberal bent, unconcerned with personal salvation but seeking to follow the path demonstrated by Jesus, trying to assist with the bringing of God's Kingdom here and now.  I'm not concerned with whether or not the biblical stories are factual historical accounting, but look to what those stories are trying to tell us. In the past...religion and faith became a subject we avoided - each turned off by the other.  


"Recently we were able to have a conversation lasting for about 2 hours. This time I found I was able to hear behind the traditional words...this time I could hear the depth of her faith.  We learned that on many levels we are closer than we thought we were.  We learned that we can happily work side by side to serve God's purposes as we love our neighbors.  


"The conversation was transformational for our relationship.  We can do so much more together than apart.  Learning how to listen across a theological and cultural divide is a learned and earned benefit of being part of FWCC."


illustration of nativity card with frames and decorations  

Merry Christmas to you and your family
Friends World Committee for Consultation Section of the Americas
1506 Race St.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102