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Mid-week is here, and we hope you can join us for today's Big Blend Radio show focusing on Wine, Travel, Fashion, Holiday Events, Family and more. The show airs live at 3pm PT / 6pm ET, and is available as an on-demand download after the show airs - just follow the same link.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!Nancy Reid & Lisa Smith Big Blend's mother-daughter publishing and travel team! |
Quote of the Day: "A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom." Bob Dylan
On This Date: November 14: From the arrival of Francisco Pizarro's conquistadors in Cajamarca, Inca empire, to the beginning of BBC's radio service in the UK ; plus, the birth dates of Claude Monet, Aaron Copland, Veronica Lake, and more - see what happened in history on Nov. 14th!
BIG BLEND RADIO Listen to Big Blend Radio's Live or Archived Online Radio Shows!
Nov. 14: Big Blend Radio 'Holidays & Wine' - Join Nancy & Lisa for conversations with: Linda Kissam 'Food, Wine & Shopping Diva', David Vergari - Winemaker for Thornton Winery, Krisie Morgan - Julian Chamber of Commerce, fashion designer Aggie Garcia, interior designer Corena Lea Kessel, Bobbi DePorter - Quantum Learning Network, and Greg Richardson 'The Strategic Monk'. Show Airs Live at 3pm PT / 6pm ET.