Vol. 7 Feb 2014

Many thanks for joining the Adapt Now community. Our 2014 focus: explore real world formula's that capture long-term business success. As before, I am pleased to work with 15 other industry leaders that will contribute to this year's editions. Look forward to hearing about your victories. Until then, Aim high - Kelly

What Happy Leaders Do Differently
Is your resolution to create a healthier and happier working team in 2014?  If so, you are in good company. Based on current studies, productive teams continue to play a key in turning businesses around. The challenge: how do you build or reshape a team to be successful in today's fast paced environment?  To discover how, I secured a rare interview with the knowledgeable  Dr. Michael Cofield, Diplomate in Clinical Health Psychology with the American Board of Professional Psychology.  Highlights that introduce the Losada Ratio and related, successful strategies follow:

Q:  What is the "Losada Line" and how can it be a strategic tool for work teams?   

Dr. Cofield:  The Losada ratio was developed by a well-known organizational psychologist, Dr. Marcial Losada.  He studied over fifty companies, utilizing verbatim transcripts of strategic planning meetings. He discovered that the most successful companies have a predictable three to one ratio of positive to negative interactions between team members.  That is, for every critical interaction, there needs to be at least three positive ones in order to offset the negativity.  Companies that fell below 3:1 P/N (positive/negative ratio) were shown to function much more poorly in terms of productivity and profit.  Thus, increasing a company's P/N can yield huge benefits.  

Q:  What types of advantages can work teams that fall within the optimum zone deliver to their business and organizations?
Dr. Cofield:  Well, one example is a mining company that Losada's group worked with and reported on.  The company was losing a significant degree of productivity and profit every month.  However, once some relatively simple "P/N" strategies were implemented amongst the managers, they saw a 40% increase in productivity at the end of the year.  The company's CEO wrote an extremely grateful letter praising the organizational intervention efforts and giving them great credit for essentially turning the company's productivity around.

Q:  As far as strategies and tips go, what are one to two good ones that work teams can use immediately to get closer to the optimum ratio, and will stand the test of time?  

Dr. Cofield:  One technique that has been utilized is the implementation of an "E-ppreciation" strategy.  Each team member is asked to write a very brief message of appreciation to a different team member on a daily basis, or at least three times per week.
Secondly, a very effective communication strategy known as "DPR" or Dynamic Positive Responding, teaches team members and supervisors how to "celebrate" good news, rather than focusing exclusively on negative input.   

Q: Before we wrap up, what is a good resource that working teams can use to monitor when they want to gain more insight in this area or monitor what is on the horizon?  

Dr. Cofield:  One excellent website is "AuthenticHappiness.com". It contains a variety of self-assessment tools free of charge.  They measure such success-related workplace attributes as personal optimism and "grit" or the tendency to "stick to it" on the job, regardless of the challenges.

Next Step: Do you have a team that can benefit from one of these techniques?  If so, have the team report progress, within the first 30 days of their effort to keep the momentum going.

7 Tips for Getting the Most From Your Next Conference

What is the best way to leverage your time and investment at the next conference? Here are 7 recommendations that deliver results:


No. 1 - Who's Who

Identify two key people you want to meet during the conference and do it. They may be potential clients or connectors that you want to meet. In either case, identify them in advance and meet them.


No. 2 - The Spotlight Is On

Build an elevator speech or update your current one. Hone your 20 to 30-second introduction and professional summary that explains your role and expertise.


No. 3 - In The News

Contact those covering the press for the conference in advance and remember to coordinate your efforts with any PR representatives that you or your company may work with. If you have an established relationship with any members of the media attending, offer to help them by making introductions, granting interviews, or contributing quotes.


No. 4 - Location, Location

Stay at the host hotel if possible and secure reservations during the key days. Even though this is not school, and you can easily arrive late and leave early, you never know what or who you might be missing by doing this.


No. 5 - Call Me Maybe?

Give and get business cards. Make sure you take plenty of your business cards, write a short description on the back of cards for those people you meet and need to follow up. It may also be wise to bring marketing material or a media kit.


No. 6 - Roll Up Your Sleeves

Be prepared to be an active participant, not a passive observer. You may not be a formal presenter, but that doesn't mean you don't have something to contribute. Make sure to do your homework in advance, so you ask intelligent/relevant questions and make comments when the format allows it.


No. 7 - Give Fate A Helping Hand

When entering a large conference stay near the back until you identify your key people to contact and position yourself accordingly. This is what you will see the connectors doing and most often key leadership will stay near the back of a conference if they are not speaking and for exiting purposes.

End Notes
Let us know what your thoughts on the fresh redesign. Sending our thanks to Chris Rosepapa & her creative group.

To your continued success,


In This Issue
Global Entry: The Wait Is Over

Global Entry is a U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) program that allows expedited clearance for pre-approved, low-risk travelers upon arrival in the United States

Learn more here 




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Sunny, Seventy Degrees, And A Shoe Tip You Will Remember

Start checking the temperatures at your destination a week before your trip and use a single shoe to keep you organized before the departure. First, having current weather information allows you to revise your packing list quickly and to give thought to buying mittens over sunscreen. Also pack layers (a favorite tip of mine), or whatever else you may need for the weather. If rain is in the forecast, avoid suede finishes and opt for easy to clean boots, heels, or loafers. And be sure to consider the humidity level which could benefit from packed hair clips or hats.

Next, adopt a clever 'shoe' tip from Scott McCartney of the Wall Street Journal. Discovered during a British Airways interview, flight attendants shared the following with Scott: "...by putting a shoe you wear when flying into the room safe with your passport, you'll never risk leaving it behind when you depart."

Enjoy packing and safe travels.


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