GAB Peer Ambassadors have been busy, busy, busy! These remarkably inspirational students have taken the Peer Ambassador Program to a whole other level with their impressive original ideas, volunteer recruitment, spreading the word about GAB, and utilizing the tools they've learned to help parents and peers.
What have the Peer Ambassador's been up to?
- The Peer Ambassador's had a booth at the Greendale High School extra-curricular activities, sports, clubs, and organizations introduction night for incoming freshmen. They handed out GAB bracelets, pamphlets, and informed students and parents about GAB. GAB was the only outside organization invited that night and resulted in retaining one of the highest amount of participant sign-ups! See photos from event here
- Peer Ambassador bonding dinner where they discussed upcoming projects and program ideas. Read a blog from Sheridan, a GAB Peer Ambassador about her experience that night. Sheridan's Blog
Peer Ambassador projects in motion:
- The Luminescence Project which teaches people how to overcome their own personal darkness by illuminating their "life light" within.
- The Soar Above Mission
- Life Jars Project
- Night Light Project
- "It's Only Temporary" Gabtivity Tattoos
- GAB Puppet Shows
- Broken Marbles Project
- Posting colorful posters around school that have positive definitions and affirmations such as "Have Fun!", "We Are Humane", "Don't Be a Bully", "Be an Up Stander", "Don't be a By Stander", "You Look Better When You Smile More", and many more.