April   Newsletter

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Hello from GAB! Thank you for taking a moment to stay involved in our vital cause to "change the culture of learningonly together can we make a difference.



In this Newsletter
Laws & National Statistics
Wisconsin Statute prohibits §118.13 law prohibits discrimination against individuals based on a person's sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

Wisconsin Statute §118.46 - Policy on bullying indicates that
a model policy be implemented by school districts as guidance on how to handle bullying incidents.

However, the school boards may change any elements of this model policy and create their own district policy.

Did you know?

Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.

1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4 percent of the time.

Harassment and bullying have been linked to 75 percent of school-shooting incidents.
SPRING AHEAD and react when you see bullying by:


Planting seeds of kind words, compliments, good deeds,
listening, and being assertive.


Nurture the seeds you planted by being proactive and weeding out gossip, hurtful words, lies, isolation, and violence.


Celebrate an abundant harvest of a better quality work and school environment, new friendships, and an increase of upstanders that prevent bullying to sprout.


May the garden you plant and nurture this Spring, add beauty to your community.


Mary Jo Bellinger

A message from our President: Linda Lee
Generations Against Bullying is proud to bring you our first Newsletter. We will be sending out our newsletter quarterly. 

Upcoming Events
  • April 18, 2014 - GAB on The Morning Blend Mrs. Wisconsin, Tiffany Konecko partners with GAB. Tune in at 9am CST. TMJ4
  • May 1, 2014 - Annie Jorgensen at Rolling Hills Elementary

This Newsletter is in honor of
Nicholas Olson 1995-2014

Nick Olson is the inspiration for our organization. Nick passed away on March 27, 2014 in his sleep. He put on his PJ's, said good night to his mother and father, and went to bed. Nick passed away from an enlarged heart and we know Nick had a beautiful heart. We had the honor and privilege to get to know Nick; he had many special gifts. Nick was a young man that would do anything for his friends. If it meant getting up in the middle of the night to give someone a ride, Nick would be the one to call on. He was a young man that would give you his last dollar, and he would give you the shirt from his back. Nick will always be with us in spirit. 
We will always remember you, Nicholas Olson.

(Click here for a Tribute to Nick)

In The News

The Tyler Clementi Act

No one should live in fear of being who they are


By Senator Tammy Baldwin


I recently joined Senator Patty Murray from Washington to reintroduce the Tyler Clementi Higher Education Anti-Harassment Act of 2014, a bill aimed at curbing harassment and bullying at colleges and universities across America.

(Read more here)

GAB Accomplishments
  • Bully Video - Generations Against Bullying
    Bully Video - Generations Against Bullying


In Photo (Left to Right):

Representative from Tammy Baldwin's Office, Benjamin Juarez

Annie Jorgensen, Miss High School America

Representative from Ron Johnson's office, Tyler Loney

  • Mukwonago High School Movie Event (Read more here) Click here for photos of Event
  • Winning Essays from Mukwonago (Read them here,here and here)
  • Watch our new Powerful Video.
  • Puppet Theater Featuring Generations Against Bullying's "Gabbits" (Read more here)
 A message from Annie


As Miss High School America, I am working to end bullying with my platform The Crown CARES (Creating A Respectful Environment in Schools). I am so fortunate to have partnered with Generations Against Bullying this year to work to put a stop to bullying and advocate for a respectful environment in schools. As a spokesperson for GAB, I travel to schools around the state of Wisconsin as well as around the country to spread the message of respecting others and finding your self-worth. 


Spring can be a very stressful time. With AP exams, spring sports starting, prom, looking for a summer job, final exams, and summer vacation being so close, yet so far, students are becoming antsy and irritable from being cooped up all winter long. Now is a crucial time to reiterate the importance of respecting others. It is important to think consciously about the way you react to another person and the way you talk to or about someone else.  Don't be a bully, respect others. Be an upstander, stand up for the victim or for yourself. Let's finish this school year off strong!

Annie Jorgensen
Miss High School America 2013 


St. Anthony's High School and Middle School Presentation

We are excited to announce that
High School America, Annie Jorgensen 
is available to
spend a day at your school.
Click here for more Info

Letters from our Peer Ambassadors

Dear Peer Ambassadors and Perspective Ambassadors,

We have been working diligently to establish a great program that will influence children for
generations to come! Your input has and will continue to help shape this program. It is your creativity and ideas that will make this organization thrive. 
Click Here to read more by Anji Rueda

GAB has done so many things for me. But if I were to pick the top ones they'd be learning how to recognize bullying and standing up for those who are being bullied. 


Click Here to read more by Sheridan Schaefer


Generations against bullying is a worthwhile program. We as a group have been together for roughly a year and a half or so and have made so much progress.


Click Here to read more by Dean Busalacchi

From the desk of 
Sheila Gissibl  


"Bullying toughens you up"- One of the many myths believed about bullying, which helps us to "normalize" this behavior. We act as if it's just something that all kids go through- a rite of passage that couldn't possibly cause lasting harm. 


Click Here to read more by Sheila Gissibl


From the desk of Attorney  
James Hall 


Do Wisconsin school districts have a duty to protect students from bullying?


Yes, there are federal and state laws that protect students from harassment and bullying.  The federal protections include the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


Click Here to read more by James Hall


Please see our list of amazing Sponsors on our website.


Welcome future Sponsors! (Read more here)

Bullying Resources

See our Brochure (Link)
Resources for Families (Link

PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center
Kettle Moraine Parent Resource Network
Be a Sponsor
or Volunteer!

The GAB mission is to provide resources with clear-cut channels for our children to reach out to stop the bullying. GAB will provide a hands-on, comprehensive and proactive approach in helping our children understand our differences so they can interact with each other with acceptance, respect and compassion. 
This will help provide a safe and healthy environment for our children to learn and grow.
GAB needs YOU!

Generations Against Bullying is currently in need of:

  • Web Site Design
  • Trainers
  • Data Entry
  • Graphic Design
  • Phone Personnel
  • Research
  • Computers
  • Printer
  • Office Space
  • Office Furniture 
  • Office Supplies
 Generations Against Bullying
 (414) 241-2465