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July 24th, 2014
Farm News
Yesterday marked the Hunter Farms debut at Goodell Gardens Farmers Market located in Edinboro. Despite the blowing rain and unseasonably cool temperatures, lots of folks stopped by to visit and sample our wares. We greatly appreciate the support and hope to see you in the coming weeks. The market, located at 221 Waterford Street in Edinboro, PA will run Wednesdays from 3:00 to 6:00 through September. See you there!

CSA News


CSA Distribution Bin Reminder


As a continuing reminder throughout the season, we ask that all CSA participants please remember to return their distribution bins each week. Sustainability and food safety are of supreme importance to us, and these reusable bins, which are sanitized each week, are an important part of our efforts to operate in a sustainable, responsible manner. We very much appreciate your cooperation. Thanks!
Additional Share Options

Please note that egg, cheese, and coffee share options are still available for CSA members. Members who sign up are guaranteed product availability as well as a reduced price on these items. For details, check out the CSA page at

Summer is well upon us, but traditional summer crops are still in development. Cool evenings combined with a planting period delayed by an intense winter has resulted in unusually slow ripening for many crops in the region. Tomatoes, peppers, and corn are all behind schedule but we're watching their steady progress with great anticipation and look forward to sharing them in the very near future. 

CSA Share Information

The share list for the 2014 CSA's seventh week includes:

Certified Organic:

Candy Onions
Green Beans
New Gold Potatoes
Red Kale

How to Caramelize Onions
Few things bump up the flavor of any dish quite like caramelized onions. A burger or a pile of roasted potatoes transform into something gourmet when candy-sweet-yet-savory onions are in the mix. Caramelized onions cannot - and should not - be rushed. The only way to achieve the caramel-sweet flavor is to cook them slowly. Luckily, if you have a frying pan, butter, and some time, you'll soon be enjoying them!
You will need:
1 onion
1 tablespoon butter, olive oil, or a mix
1 tablespoon wine, balsamic vinegar, broth, or water

1. Trim the root and the tip from the onion. Slice it in half and remove the skin. Cut the onion into thin strips from root to stem.
2. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add onions and stir gently to coat with butter.
3. Let the onions caramelize, stirring every 5-10 minutes. 
*First, the onion strips will soften and turn translucent. A lot of liquid will be released at first. After a few more minutes, they'll start to break down and some will start to look caramelized in spots. Adjust the heat if they are starting to burn.
4. When the onions are golden, taste them! If they have the flavor you're looking for, it's time to deglaze the pan. Pour the wine, balsamic vinegar, broth, or water into the pan. The liquid will cause the pan to release the sugars that have stuck. Stir this into your onions and salt to taste.
5. Remove the pan from the heat and let the onions cool.

Caramelized onions can be stored in the refrigerator for about a week, or in the freezer for three months. Try freezing them into small portion-sized pucks so you can thaw what you need for a sauce or sandwich topping.
Available at the Farm Store

We're very excited to announce the availability of two new products at the Farm Store. Created in collaboration with Eric Laughery of Beelzebub Salsa, they are unique culinary experiences you won't find anywhere else. The first is Beelzebub's brand new Blueberry Salsa, made with Hunter Farms Organic Blueberries just picked from our fields. It's as fresh as fresh can be and unlike any other salsa we've tried. Of course we're biased, but if you already love our berries and Beelzebub's salsas, we think you'll love the combination.

The second new addition to the Farm Store is Hunter Farms Pickled Asparagus. Made with organic asparagus grown here at the farm and pickled using a unique recipe Laughery crafted just for us, it's a twist on asparagus you won't soon forget. A little sweet, a little spicy, and incredibly full of flavor, we think it's another winning combination. 

Weekly Special

This week's special is our Fresh Little Farm Girl lavender foaming hand soap. Made with a blend of the finest natural ingredients including organic coconut, olive, and jojoba oils, our foaming hand soaps provide an uplifting scent and a luxurious lather. Regularly priced at $7.99, this week they'll be available for $5.99. Stop out to the Farm Store, located at 7269 Sterrettania Road in Fairview and stock up.
Open Saturdays 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
 Local Products and Certified Organic Produce: 
Seasonably-Available Certified Organic Produce
Happy Mug Organic Coffees
Old State Farms Maple Syrup
Clarion Rivers Organics Canned Goods and Breakfast Cereals
Frankferd Farms Pastry Mixes and Blue Corn Tortilla Chips
ReCap Regular and Wide Mouth Jar Lids
Out of the Grey Organic Teas
Hunter Farms Organic Blueberry and Strawberry Jam
Fresh Little Farm Girl Handmade Soaps and Sundries
Simply Body Soap Nets
Local Honey and Beeswax Candles
Grabski Farm Eggs and Antibiotic & Hormone-Free Meats
Beelzebub's Salsas and Spicy Pickles
NOW Aromatherapy Essential Oils 
Garden of Eden Organic Canned Goods
Hunter Farms Crew

Hunter Farms | | |
7269 Sterrettania Rd, P.O. Box 478
Fairview, PA 16415

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