Volume 7, Issue 9
April 27, 2015
  Broadband Flash Bulletin
In This Issue:

Champion Awards

Due By May 1!!

Comcast Formally Withdraws Pending Merger With Time Warner Cable

Broadband Resources




Time is getting short!!  Applications for the 2015 Broadband Champion Awards will be open only be accepted until this Friday, May 1st at 5:00 p.m. (EDST).  We encourage you to nominate yourself, a team, or someone who is helping to positively change the broadband landscape in New York State!


There are two new categories this year, bringing the total number of awards to seven. This year's awards include:

  • The New York Extraordinary Broadband Leader Award will be awarded to an exceptional individual who has provided a major influence on the direction and success of broadband development in New York State.
  • The New York Extraordinary Broadband Team
     (New!) will be presented to an exceptional team that has proved to be a major influence on the direction and success of broadband development in New York State.
  • The Most Innovative Broadband Project Award will recognize a leading-edge product, service, application, project or program that has an emphasis on fueling New York's digital economy while allowing citizens to be connected.
  • The Economic Leadership Award will celebrate the successful implementation of innovative, economically promising projects/programs in a community or region that enhance New York's social and economic fabric, and quality
    of life and well-being for residents.
  • The Most Collaborative Broadband Project/Program Award will recognize an outstanding collaboration of two or more entities (i.e. businesses, local government agencies) that support broadband service expansion in New York State.
  • The Best Broadband Adoption Initiative/Program Award will recognize a project/program that increases statewide Internet use and/or promotes computer digital literacy.
  • The Most Collaborative Broadband Adoption Initiative/ Program Award (New!) will recognize an outstanding collaboration of two or more entities (i.e. not-for-profits, local government agencies) that have come together to tackle the challenge of increasing broadband usage and digital literacy training in New York State.

To learn more about the Broadband Champion Awards, or to make a nomination, visit the New York State Broadband website.


Comcast formally withdrew its pending $42.5 billion merger with Time Warner Cable on April 24th.  According to Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler, the FCC informed both companies that it had serious concerns that the risks associated with the proposed merger outweighed the benefits to American concerns.

Comcast began the merger approval process 14 months ago.  Most recently, FCC staff members recommended that the deal be reviewed by an administrative law judge.  According to Chairman Wheeler,
"The proposed merger would have posed an unacceptable risk to competition and innovation especially given the growing importance of high-speed broadband to online video and innovative new services."

For more information, see the New York Times article: 

The New York State Broadband Program Office serves as the single point of contact for New York State broadband development and deployment efforts. The Broadband Flash Bulletin is intended to keep you up-to-date on local, state and federal broadband initiatives. I hope you enjoy reading this issue of the NYS Broadband Flash Bulletin.
The NYS Broadband Program Office