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Gas Tax Projects Delivering Outcomes     


Projects funded through the federal Gas Tax Fund in B.C. from 2009-2012 will provide 89 million kilowatt hours of clean energy annually - just one of the findings from the newly released Gas Tax Agreement Outcomes Report.  Read More  

UBCM Joining Environment and Economy Roundtable


UBCM has accepted an invitation from Environment Minister Mary Polak to participate in the provincial Roundtable on the Environment and Economy. The Roundtable will be chaired by MLA Mike Bernier, and has been given the mandate to seek the right balance between economic development and environmental protection.  Read More  

BC Appoints Canada's First Seniors Advocate     

Isobel Mackenzie has been appointed as BC's Seniors Advocate, the first in Canada. The Office of the Seniors Advocate will monitor seniors' services, promote awareness and work collaboratively with seniors, families, policy makers, service providers and others to identify solutions to systemic issues and make recommendations on ways to improve care for BC's aging population.  Read More
Health and the Built Environment Webinar  

Community Health Networking-Works is hosting a webinar to provide an overview of the Healthy Built Environment Linkages Toolkit. This resource is designed to assist planners, health care professionals and local governments to include 'health' as part of the discussion in land use decisions.  Read More 

April 9, 2014
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