
October no longer just means the arrival of jack o' lanterns and colorful leaves -- it also brings pink ribbons, reminding us that October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Though you could argue that by now, Americans are highly aware of breast cancer, it is difficult to understate the magnitude of the illness.
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer (second only to skin cancers), and it is the second leading cause of cancer death among American women. Approximately 1 in 8 women in the U.S. will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. Early diagnosis is key to preventing deaths from breast cancer, and that is a major reason why education and awareness campaigns remain so critical.
This month, we're taking a close look at some of the ways that you can reduce your breast cancer risk. Doctors regularly recommend exercise, minimizing alcohol consumption, quitting smoking (or better, never starting!), good nutrition, and maintaining a healthy weight. We would like to highlight some of the less commonly discussed ways to reduce your breast cancer risk, so that you can know and understand the importance of liver methylation, estrogen metabolism, and supplements such as Vitamin D.
If you would like to talk more about wellness solutions for minimizing your breast cancer risk, we encourage you to call Rejuv� at 408-740-5320 to come in for a personalized consultation with Dr. Tang. To your health! |
Methylation and Breast Cancer
We hear so much about the links between estrogen and breast cancer, but it can be hard to understand. Is estrogen unhealthy? Well no, not necessarily. The key here is that there are actually multiple forms of estrogen within the body.
Estrone, the most common form of estrogen, can be converted into many other forms inside your body. Each has a different function, and these send different kinds of signals to your cells. One, estrone-4, is a baddie -- it is known to be pro-carcinogenic, encouraging the growth of certain cancers and often getting converted by the body into compounds that can damage your DNA.
Fortunately, your body also has ways of fighting estrone-4. Your liver is actually able to neutralize and clear out these bad estrogens with certain enzymes in a process called methylation. In order for this to happen though, your body must have an adequate level of the amino acid methionine. Methionine helps keep your liver supplied with cysteine, carnitine, taurine, lecithin, and phosphatidylcholine, the amino acids and nutrients that are necessary for the second stage of detoxification. It is vital that this second stage of detoxification occurs. As estrogens are cleared by the liver in the first step of detoxification, the liver actually first has to make these estrogen molecules more toxic. However, in the second phase, methylation is used to produce a non-toxic soluble estrogen metabolite that can be eliminated safely. Thus it is crucial that your liver be supported to ensure that the second stage of liver detoxification takes place and is accomplished as efficiently as possible.
Clearing out these bad estrogens is extremely important for decreasing breast cancer risk. One way to ensure you're supporting your liver is to make sure you take in an adequate amount of lean protein each day, providing the amino acids needed for these processes. You can get methionine from eggs, chicken, fish, and many whole grains. If you are vegetarian or gluten-free, however, you should see Dr. Tang to ensure that you are taking supplements that will support your liver health.
Want to learn more about supplements? Come in to Rejuv� for expert advice from Dr. Tang. Call us today at 408-740-5320 for an appointment!
Though regular breast self exams (and mammograms, if you're older or know you are in a high risk category) are vital in detecting breast cancer, there are also other ways that breast cancer risk can be assessed. An
estrogen metabolism test allows patients to determine whether they are at a higher risk for breast cancer long before cancer is even present. This test can be used to establish a baseline and provide monitoring, letting you know if you are at higher risk if you are on a particular diet or undergoing hormone therapy.
As we've noted, estrogen plays a significant role in your health. Our increasing understanding of estrogen metabolism is leading to a better understanding of clinical interventions as well as to how estrogen metabolites may provide valuable information about your cancer risk. Two estrogen metabolites that can be looked at with the estrogen metabolism assessment are 16 alpha-hydroxyestrone (16 alpha-OHE1) and 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OHE1). Optimizing the ratio of these two metabolites may help reduce the risk of estrogen-related diseases. Regular testing allows you to monitor the impact of changing your diet (for example, increasing omega-3 fatty acids and cruciferous veggies) and examine the safety of hormone replacement therapy.
The estrogen metabolism assessment can be performed conveniently and noninvasively with just a urine sample done in the privacy of your home. It allows Dr. Tang to evaluate how estrogen is being processed in your body by testing hydroxyestrogens in your urine. It also evaluates whether the body is properly methylating to eliminate the bad estrogens. By doing so, this test can be used to assess some of the risks involved in developing breast cancer in the future even before it develops. It can also be used to examine how well different interventions (such as supplements or lifestyle changes) are working. Along with standard detection methods such as mammograms and self examinations, urine estrogen metabolism tests give you the best possible chance to prevent and protect against this ever-growing deadly disease.
Curious to learn more about how estrogen metabolism testing works? Call Rejuv� today at 408-740-5320 and make an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Tang!
People often talk about what you should avoid in order to decrease your risk of breast cancer, but there are also some things you should try to get more of to support your health. Dr. Tang particularly recommends these three supplements:
CDG EstroDIM helps your body metabolize estrogen, with a potent combination of I3C and DIM. Research has found that Indole-3-carbinol (IC3) and its metabolite DIM boost estrogen metabolism as well as supporting endocrine balance. How does it work? Well, one of the "good" estrogens, estrone-2, is created when a certain compound called 3,3'-Diindolmethane (DIM) is present. It's found in foods from the brassica family, including brussel sprouts, cabbage, and broccoli. Unfortunately, when you cook these foods you eliminate most of the DIM, and eating them raw can be unpleasant. Supplementing with DIM helps ensure that your body can create enough of this healthy, protective form of estrogen.
Additionally, this supplement contains calcium D-glucarate (CDG), which helps modulate glucuronidase activity. This helps aid the detoxification process, ensuring that bad estrogen metabolites are successfully eliminated from the body.
Studies have shown that low levels of Vitamin D are associated with an increased risk of breast cancer, particularly among post-menopausal white women (who due to their age, sex, and race are already in a high-risk category for the disease). A 2014 study in the journal BMC Cancer looked at white, African American, native Hawaiian, Japanese, and Latino women, and found that for white women, a 20ng/ml increase in 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 was associated with a 72% decreased risk in breast cancer. Maintaining an appropriate level of Vitamin D -- regardless of your racial or ethnic background -- is an important way to protect yourself.
We've long been told that Omega-3's are an excellent supplement for supporting many aspects of our health, including reducing inflammation and helping maintain the length of telomeres. Studies have also shown that levels omega-3's may be related to breast cancer risk. A longitudinal study from Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center published in 2012 found that women who supplemented regularly with fish oil -- a common source of omega-3's -- had one-third less incidence of breast cancers than those who did not. That said, many are hesitant to take fish oil due to concerns about toxins. A good alternative is krill oil. Krill are tiny, shrimp-like organisms who are a great source of omega-3's. Studies also suggest that absorption of omega-3's may actually be better from krill oil because of the phospholipids that act as carriers for the omega-3's.
Want to ensure you're supplementing properly? Come in for vitamin testing with Dr. Tang. Call Rejuv� at 408-740-5320 to make an appointment!
 | Rejuv� Anti-Aging Laser Spa |
Rejuv� was featured on NBC, "The Best of the Bay" August 19, 2007
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Support your body's ability to metabolize estrogen with special savings on CDG EstroDIM supplements.
Bring in this coupon (printed out or on your smartphone) any time through November 30, 2014 to receive your discount.
| Offer Expires: November 30, 2014 |
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SAVE 10% ON BioKrill
Krill oil is an excellent supplement to help ensure that your body gets the omega-3's it needs. This month, take 10% off BioKrill, the krill supplement recommended by Dr. Tang.
Bring in this coupon (printed out or on your smartphone) any time through November 30, 2014 to receive your discount.
| Offer Expires: November 30, 2014 |
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