
The Holland Performing Arts Center was the venue for the 2014 Scholastic Honors Convocation on May 9. Forty seniors were vested with their doctoral hoods and took the Pharmacist's Oath. Senior recognition awards and the 2014 Preceptor of the Year Award were also presented at the Convocation. Spring Commencement was held at the Ralston Arena.
Anton Anderson, Battle Creek Joshua Bauer, Amherst Leah Benson, Grand Island Kasi Bodyfield, Ord Kale Breinig, Arapahoe Thu Hong Bui, Lincoln Brody Crowe, Hastings - with distinction Michael Dibble, Austin, MN Craig Ecabert, Omaha Brittany Ernst, Phoenix, AZ Adam Felber, Omaha Matthew Folcik, Hastings Evan Gahan, Lincoln Jennifer Gallanger, Orange Park, FL Corin Hartzer, Culbertson Elizabeth Higgins, Lincoln Wade Hoefer, Elgin Valarie Hoffman, Chambers Ashley Kenkel, Omaha - with high distinction Megan Kenkel, Omaha - with high distinction Jennifer Kim, Palmdale, CA | Jared Knoell, Elkhorn Casey Koch, Lincoln Allyn Komorowski, Grand Island Travis Kuchar, Battle Creek Ryan Linscott, Lincoln Nadir Maaiah, Omaha Matthew Nielsen, Gibbon Gina Paletta, Omaha - with high distinction Brian Robinson, Omaha Rory Ruma, Missouri Valley, IA - with distinction Michael Schmidt, Lincoln - with distinction Sloane Schneider, O'Neill Kendra Schomer, Madison - with high distinction Anna Schreck, Omaha - with highest distinction Michael Seim, Lincoln Ronda Stede, Lakewood, CO Hoainam Vo, Santa Ana, CA Janelle Weber, Dorchester Shayla Wrage, Shelton
 | Dr. Gall (left) and Dr. Diekmann |
Eric Gall and Casey Diekmann were awarded the Preceptor of the Year award at the Spring Honors Convocation on May 9. Drs. Gall and Diekmann, both graduates from the College of Pharmacy in 2005 and 2007, respectively, work at the Lincoln Surgical Center.
Comments in selecting Drs. Gall and Diekmann as Preceptors of the Year include:
Drs. Gall and Diekmann went out of their way to make students feel welcome at the hospital from day one;
Being exceptional teachers that create a relaxed learning environment; Teaching students the ins and outs of hospital pharmacy, which is quite different than community pharmacy; Helping students relay pharmacy information to other health professionals and patients with confidence; Offering numerous learning experiences outside of pharmacy such as observing surgeries; One student describes this year's recipients as "great individuals who have inspired me to continue learning and to pursue as many opportunities that I can to advance my career."
Congratulations Drs. Diekmann and Gall!
Dr. Dering-Anderson
 Dr. Ally Dering-Anderson, Clinical Assistant Professor in the department of Pharmacy Practice, has been named a 2014-2015 participant in the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Faculty Scholars Program. The program is designed to educate junior faculty about effective and meaningful community pharmacy-based patient care research. Dr. Dering-Anderson is one of eight participants selected nationally. Congratulations, Dr. Dering-Anderson! Click here for the full announcement.
 | Cover (left) with Ally |
Ally Dering-Anderson, Pharm.D., received the APhA Immunization Champion Honorable Mention Award for Community Outreach. Ally's work as a community advocate, preceptor, radio show host, and immunizer was highlighted at the award's ceremony. NPA Executive Vice President, Joni Cover, was installed as the Second Vice President of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA).
Trevarrow Honored
 Brian Trevarrow, Pharm.D., BCPS, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, and Anticoagulation Stewardship and Heart Failure Coordinator, Department of Pharmaceutical and Nutrition Care, The Nebraska Medical Center, is one of seven individuals selected for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Master Preceptor Recognition Program (MPRP). The program, in it's inaugural year, is to recognize preceptors who are not full-time employees of a school/college of pharmacy for their sustained commitment to excellence in experiential education and professional practice.
The MPRP consists of an honorarium (to be used to attend additional preceptor training or a pharmacy professional meeting to continue preceptor development), a certificate of recognition, complimentary AACP membership for the year of MPRP recognition and national recognition from AACP and other pharmacy associations.
"We are very proud of your accomplishments and pleased to have our students in the hands of such a dedicated and effective preceptor," stated Dean Courtney Fletcher. Congratulations, Dr. Trevarrow!
Student News
 Carolyn Corn, P3, was the national winner for best student poster at the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) Foundation's 14th Annual National Student Pharmacist Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Competition and 2014 Best Poster Contest at Tampa, Fla. Corn's poster, "Healthcare Resources Analysis of Influenza-Like Illness," is related to the College of Pharmacy's ongoing rapid diagnostic testing projects. Judges evaluated posters and their authors on the paper's scientific merit; evidence that the research conducted was innovative and practical; evidence that the results of the study match the paper's conclusions; the relevance of the study to managed care pharmacy practice; the clarity of the material; and the knowledge of the author regarding the subject matter during his or her presentation.
 | Left to right: Blood, Lemke and Schulte |
UNMC's chapter of Bridge to Care was honored with the opportunity to present at the Community Campus Partnerships for Health (CCPH) Conference: "Rhetoric to Reality" this year in Chicago, IL in early May. P3s, Joshua Blood, Andrew Lemke and Caci Shulte, presented on the topic "Addressing Health Disparities of Resettled Refugees While Enhancing Personal and Professional Growth of Students and the Community."
Bridge to Care is an inter-professional student-led program that seeks to facilitate positive health care outcomes for recently resettled refugees in the Omaha community.
The CCPH conference focused on building partnerships between academia and community partners. The students said, "being able to present this information at an international conference was a great honor, not only for us, but for the entire program."
Alumni News
Sidney Stohs P'62, MS'64, of Frisco, TX, was recently recognized as a Fellow in the American Pharmacists Association. Dr. Stohs was a faculty member in the College of Pharmacy at UNMC for over 20 years, and was also Dean of the Creighton University School of Pharmacy and Health Professions for 13 years. He serves as the President of the Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists, the premier organization that certifies clinical practice individuals who hold a M.S. or doctoral degree in nutrition and related fields. He also serves as a consultant for a number of industrial companies.
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August 7, 2014, Noon
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August 25, 2014
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October 16, 2014
Career Day
November 21, 2014
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