St. Paul  -  Will be Closed 

Sunday,  July 26, 2015


Parishioners, please put a reminder on your calendars that Fr. Joe will be attending the Archdiocese Convention in Boston from Tuesday, July 21 through Sunday, July 26. Traveling to Montreal on the 26th and returning to Naples on Friday, July 31st. Please visit one of the other Orthodox Churches in Naples.


Liturgy as usual on Sunday August 2.



Brick Fundraiser is Ongoing

If anyone is interested in purchasing a brick for our garden - please see Betty Kavooras or Shirley Nicholas. 
Antiochian Women of St. Paul have postponed the June 28 meeting to Sunday, July 12 - after Liturgy. 

Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, July 14th at 5 PM.

Please continue to pray for the health of our St. Paul  Parish Family: and in particular: Alex Kennan, who underwent very serious surgery this week. Please also remember to keep Bill Yurkovac and Dr. Nicholas Trifelos in your thoughts and prayers.


Archdiocese Convention - July 20 - 26 - An Event you should not miss!

Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul - July 29th

By Archpriest Steven Rogers (The WORD Magazine.)

There are perhaps no two men more greatly revered yet so seemingly different than Saints Peter & Paul.

Commemorated by the Orthodox Church on June 29, Saints Peter and Paul, "the heads of the Apostles" as described throughout the hymnody of the feast, are especially loved by the Church of Antioch, where Peter served as its first bishop and Paul set forth on his great missionary travels. Peter, who preached on the day of Pentecost when 3,000 were converted to the faith, and Paul, the greatest missionary the world has ever known and author of over half of the New Testament, were two of the most powerful instruments ever raised up by God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to found This holy Church. Their preaching and the power of God within them literally transformed the world. Both lived completely for Christ and both died a martyr's death in Rome by order of the evil Roman emperor Nero.


Coffee / Fellowship Hour after Liturgy.........

Thanks to all who have volunteered to host a Coffee Hour and who have complied with our request - simple and easy! Let's just follow through with this plan. 

Church School will not be held during July and August. Please watch for Fall Announcements!

We are hopeful that Father Ernie will visit with us this coming Sunday, June 28. He will be traveling during July and August and we wish him a Bon Voyage!


Antiochian Women Schedule Christmas Party - Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the Club at Pelican Marsh! Put this date on your Calendar.