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June 3, 2016
University United Methodist Church
From Your Worship Pastor

Psalm 147:11 
But the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Doesn't it sometimes seem as though life is this mixture of good news and bad news. Some weeks seem to be weeks filled with nothing but the best news we could hope for and other weeks seem as though they are filled with one disappointing bit of news after another. I remember being taught how to write a letter to someone where you had bad news to share. The theory was that you should sandwich the bad in the middle. Start with good, sneak in the bad, and end with good. Always seemed a little less than fully honest to me. But haven't you heard people say; "I have good news and bad news; which do you want first"?

While our lives seem to hold this balance of pain and joy, we can be reminded that when Jesus is at the center of our lives we never lose sight of hope. When all around us is wonderful, we never lose sight of the fact that our true hope is in Jesus and not the goodness of our circumstances. When all around us seems overwhelming, we do not lose sight of the fact that our true hope is found in Jesus and is not lost in the pain of our circumstances.

Even in the life of the church we experience goodbyes and we experience hellos. Rich Holt shared six years with us and we are a better church because of that. At some point, someone new will join our staff and we will love and welcome them.

Sarah Reiter will be joining our staff beginning July 1 as the Director of Care & Wellness. She will be officed on the South side of the campus in what was formerly Nancy Andres' office. Sarah is a member here at University and has been actively involved in Student Ministry. She has some pretty amazing gifts for ministry. She is deeply compassionate, highly organized, and we were certainly impressed in her interviews with her sense of creativity. We look forward to having Sarah on our staff and trust that you will take every opportunity to welcome her to this ministry.

I continue to be extremely excited about where we are headed as a church. God continues to have great plans for University United Methodist Church and I sure hope that you're looking forward to this exciting truth!

See you Sunday at the place where hope remains alive and well! -isn't that great news!

Pastor Laurinda 
"We promise to uphold The United Methodist Church with our...PRESENCE..." 

Will we see you Sunday for worship?

#one body
Sermon Title:
"Restore My Soul"

TRADITIONAL WORSHIP | 8:15, 9:30 & 11am | Sanctuary
Rev. Max Perez at 8:15
Rev. Ruben Saenz at 9:30 & 11am

CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP | 9:30 & 11am | Worship Center
Rev. Laurinda Kwiatkowski at 9:30 & 11am

BELIEVER'S GARDEN (Special Needs Worship) | 11am | McCreless Gym

LIVE STREAM each Sunday!

See. Hear. Live chat. Check in. Get the UNews. Participate in the offering.

9:30am Traditional | 11am Contemporary


For Your Family: Vacation Bible School: The best week of the summer is coming up! Are your kids ready? Do you know of kids or students who want to participate? It's not too late to sign up to participate or help. 

For You & A Friend: 300 in 30: We are kicking off our new sermon series "Celebrating the Body of Christ" on May 15th, Pentecost Sunday, the day the Holy Spirit filled the Apostles and other Christ followers. We want to bless you so that you may be a blessing to others. To do this we are initiating blessing the homes of 300 families in 30 days.

For You: Black, White or Gray?: Wednesdays in June | 6-8pm
"Some things are perfectly obvious and clear to anyone...But some topics are not so perfectly obvious to all. They are neither black nor white issues, but are instead "gray areas..." As a Methodist, how do we respond when both sides of the debate believe their positions are perfectly obvious and true? They both can't be right! Join Pastor Max Perez as we explore these issues. Are we gray or simply black and white? Register today!
Summer is next week! Have you made your plans yet?

University United Methodist Church | info@theu.org | 210-696-1033  http://www.theu.org
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