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April 29, 2016
University United Methodist Church
From Your Worship Pastor

"Always ask the question; 'where is the greatest need' so that you can always do the greatest good." - Rev. Dr. Paul Parks

In his final days, Pastor Paul shared so many words of wisdom and grace with those who were privileged to be in his presence. He shared this quote with me one week ago today and I will treasure these words for all of my life.

Where is the greatest need? I feel blessed to be one of your pastors. Being allowed to be in ministry with all the saints of this church who care deeply about doing the greatest good is a tremendous blessing in my life. As I have prayed for this church, God has placed upon my heart the need for us to celebrate and practice unity. Our greatest need: Unity among believers.

Acts 2:43-47 Awe came upon everyone, because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believed were together and had all things in common; they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. Day by day, as they spent much time together in the temple, they broke bread at home and ate their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having the goodwill of all the people. And day by day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.

For revival to take place in any church, there needs to be unity. Unity with Christ and unity with one another. There is a need for people who are called to disciplined prayer and there is a tremendous need to have grace practiced on every level.

I am asking you, as church members, or regular attenders, to join the clergy and staff of this church for a season of deep prayer. Pray for unity here and at every level of the United Methodist Church. Please pray that the Lord will add to our number those who are being saved as we practice grace, disciplined prayer, and unity.

"Always ask this question: 'where is the greatest need' so that you can always do the greatest good." Thank you, Pastor Paul, for all the grace, prayer and unity you practiced and encouraged all of us to practice, as well.

Pastor Laurinda

Sermon Title:
"When God Says 'No'"

TRADITIONAL WORSHIP | 8:15, 9:30 & 11am | Sanctuary

CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP | 9:30 & 11am | Worship Center

BELIEVER'S GARDEN (Special Needs Worship) | 11am | McCreless Gym

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9:30am Traditional | 11am Contemporary


Have You Signed Up Yet? Sign up for Kid's Summer Events Sunday! Be sure to stop by the coral reef in the atrium or lobby to get your children, friends and neighbors set for summer activities and to learn about God's big world. Ask about the items at the coral reef to find out how you can help support making the Good News of Jesus free to our community!
What Are Our Kids Excited About This Summer?

Sundays Through May 22: What Is Methodism? - Who is John Wesley? What are the basic principles of Methodism? Join Pastor Max Perez for this 5 week study on Methodism. Together we will learn about John Wesley,  the history of Methodism and what makes us Methodist. Be sure to sign up today or simply show up! Childcare is available with a reservation. For questions email 

Church Conference | May 4 | 6pm | Loft/S311: If you have never been to a church conference, make plans to attend this one! Two exciting things in the life of our church will take place. We have a ministerial candidate and a change to lay governance on which to vote. 

It's almost Summer! ... Which means ... There's so much to do! Have you made your plans yet?

University United Methodist Church | info@theu.org | 210-696-1033  http://www.theu.org
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