Diocese of
 Palm Beach

August 2015


The Sanctity of Life and the Gift of Creation: Themes in Bishop Barbarito's Recent Writings

Bishop BarbaritoWith his historic trip last month to Latin America now over, anticipation is building for Pope Francis next historic trip - his first ever to the United States of America in September. The Holy Father will visit three U.S. cities and of course visit Philadelphia where the World Meeting of Families will be wrapping up and many Catholics will remain for Saturday's Festival of Families and the Papal Mass on Sunday.*

(*Please see further below in this E-Newsletter about the World Meeting of Families, the world's largest Catholic gathering of families, the Papal Visit and our special, related web pages on our diocesan website).



Bishop Barbarito quite often writes about Pope Francis in his columns as evident in bishop's most recent Living the Truth in Love columns. In Mary Will Always be With Her Children, Bishop Barbarito discusses our Holy Father's repeated expression of his deep devotion to our Blessed Mother, and explains how similar we are to Mary. We can learn from her. She had difficult times she had to get through and so as we experience our own difficult times, we should turn to Mary as she can help us through our difficult times.


Writes Bishop Barbarito:

"Many times we seem to be in the last place and have to struggle with doing God's will. However, it is especially in these times and by doing the will of God that we find the first place as promised by Jesus."


And in his column A Central Intervention published just this week in The Florida Catholic newspaper, Bishop Barbarito also discusses how our lives can be transformed when we unite more to Christ during the joys and suffering of our everyday life. For example, we become transformed by the Eucharist.


Bishop Barbarito points out that our Sunday readings right now focus on the Gospel of John who is known for writing about Jesus' teaching on the Eucharist. Bishop Barbarito shares with his faithful readers that like him, our diocesan shepherd, we can learn from our current Holy Father, Pope Francis, and two of our past Holy Fathers, St. Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI, in gaining an understanding of how John's Gospel message about the Eucharist can help us create a deeper appreciation for the gift of God's creation.


Here is an excerpt from Bishop Barbarito's column:

Pope Francis makes use of St. Pope John Paul II's beautiful insight to illustrate how the centrality of the Eucharist helps us appreciate the goodness of God's creation and gift to us.


As I read the words of Pope Francis, reflecting the words of St. Pope John Paul II, I could not help but think of the words of another pope with great devotion to the Eucharist, Pope Benedict XVI in his apostolic exhortation on the Eucharist, Sacramentum Caritatis Here Pope Benedict makes a striking assertion of the Eucharist's power to transform the created order.


We have three more Sundays in which our Gospel readings will be from the sixth chapter of John's Gospel. During these next few weeks, may we all reflect more deeply upon the great gift God has given us, one that transforms the world.



Click on the links below to read to read Bishop Barbarito's Living the Truth


Living the Truth in Love: Mary Will Always be with Her Children

 (July 24 column)



Statement from Bishop Barbarito Regarding the Disturbing Investigative Videos of
 Planned Parenthood

Bishop Crest



Below is a statement from Bishop Gerald Barbarito in regards to the disturbing investigative videos of Planned Parenthood:  


The investigative videos regarding Planned Parenthood's involvement in the marketing of human organs and tissue obtained from aborted babies is gravely disturbing and unsettling. The matter emphasizes the truth of Pope Francis' assertion that abortion is the product of a "throwaway culture" and that, in his words, "Things have a price and can be sold, but people have a dignity; they are worth far more than things and are above price." The horrifying videos are reason for all of us to renew our commitment to the sanctity of life at every stage, especially within our "throwaway culture." We need to realize ever more fervently the words of Pope Francis, that "Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before He was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world's rejection." We commit ourselves to, in the words of St. Pope John Paul II, "a culture of life," and we reject "a culture of death," which frighteningly continues to ferment in our society.




Declaraci�n del Monse�or Gerald Barbarito


Inquietantes videos de investigaci�n en la Planificaci�n de la Familia �Planned Parenthood�


Los videos de investigaci�n respecto a la participaci�n de Planeaci�n de la familia en la comercializaci�n de �rganos y tejidos humanos obtenidos de beb�s abortados es gravemente perturbadora e inquietante. El asunto enfatiza la verdad de la afirmaci�n del Papa Francisco que el aborto es el producto de una �cultura de usar y tirar� y que, seg�n sus palabras, �Las cosas tienen un precio y se pueden vender, pero las personas tienen una dignidad que valen m�s que las cosas y no tienen precio. � Los videos horribles son motivo para renovar nuestro compromiso con la santidad de la vida humana en todas las etapas, especialmente dentro de nuestra cultura de �usar y tirar". Tenemos que darnos cuenta cada vez con m�s fervor sobre las palabras del Papa Francisco, que �Todo ni�o no nacido pero condenado injustamente a ser abortado, tiene el rostro de Jesucristo, tiene el rostro del Se�or, que antes incluso nacer, y luego apenas nacido ha experimentado el rechazo del mundo.� Nos comprometemos a las palabras de San Juan Pablo II, �una cultura de la vida, � y rechazamos �una cultura de la muerte, � que terriblemente sigue fermentando en nuestra sociedad.  



View this statement on the diocesan website




Deacons to be Recognized at Appreciation Mass


Early next week, the Diocese of Palm Beach will celebrate our deacons at a special appreciation Mass on Monday, August 10, the Feast Day of Saint Lawrence Deacon/Martyr. The Mass will take place at 6 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius in Palm Beach Gardens. During the Mass, deacons with milestone anniversaries will be recognized. This year, there are 18 who will be recognized for ordination anniversaries of 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 35 & 40 years.


Bishop Barbarito will be the celebrant. All are invited to attend this special Mass. A by-invitation only dinner will follow for the deacons and their wives. 


The Diocese of Palm Beach thanks all deacons for their dedication to the Church and our faith family. Please use our online monthly calendar to pray daily for our deacons found at www.diocesepb.org/pray-daily-for-deacons


Deacons Celebrating Ordination Milestone Anniversaries

5 Years

Deacon Matthew Bartlett, Saint Joseph

Deacon Gerald Bott, Holy Family

Deacon Steven Dove,  Holy Spirit

Deacon Angel Rivera, Holy Family

Deacon Bob Rodriguez, Saint Therese de Lisieux


10 Years

Deacon Alberto Delgado

Deacon Phil Baker


15 Years

Deacon Jim Brooks, Holy Family


25 Years

Deacon John Dunlop, Saint Sebastian

Deacon Edward Fischer, Saint Martin de Porres

Deacon Charles Parlee, Our Lady of Lourdes


30 Years

Deacon Joe DiMauro, Saint Helen

Deacon Richard Venezia, Saint Andrew


35 Years

Deacon Igino Aceto, Saint Ann

Deacon Richard Dingee, Holy Family

Deacon Miguel Rodriguez,     Saint John Fisher


40 Years

Deacon Ira Sawney, Saint John Fisher






Save the Date:

Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate 

September 12 at 11 a.m.

Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens




Join Us for Our
Family Fun Day at the Rapids! 
Deadline Quickly Approaching to Purchase Tickets 



The Diocese of Palm Beach invites all of our faith family to join us for a Family Fun Day ~ Connecting Family, Fun and Faith ~ at the Rapids Water Park in Riviera Beach on Saturday, August 22 from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. This Family Fun

Day is fun for everyone, especially for the whole family! 
Tickets must be purchased by Monday, August 17 to get our special discounted price deal.


Just for the diocese, the Special Event Pricing is $31.99 plus tax per person (regularly $44.99 + $10 parking) which includes: All-Day Admission, Buffet Lunch from noon to 1 p.m. in a private pavilion, and discounted parking. 

  • Your parents and grandparents!
  • Young Adults come with other YAs!
  • Come with friends from your Church and ministries!

It truly is a day for our entire Church family to come together for some fun!


You'll find fun for every age -- from the Splish Splash Lagoon, to floating in the Lazy River, to those seeking adventure and thrills on water rides like Big Thunder and Rapid Racer! Check out the rides on water park's website.  


Buy tickets online now - click here 

***When purchasing, be sure to use the Special Event Pricing Codekeepitcatholic



This Family Fun Day ~ Connecting Family, Fun and Faith ~ is sponsored by the Diocese of Palm Beach's Office of Marriage and Family Life & Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. For more information, please contact Cathy Loh in the diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life.




Promote the Event: 
Please view, print and share our  Family Fun Day  event flier (Stick it on
 your fridge, calendar and bulletin board!)
Save the Date: Literally!: 
Place this Family Fun Day on your electronic calendar - visit our
Family Fun Day listing on our online Events Calendar. Once on the page, click "add to calendar" to place this event on your mobile, tablet or
 computer calendar.


when purchasing your special-priced event ticket

 for $31.99 (+ tax) per person, you will receive::

  • All-Day Admission Present your ticket voucher at Entrance to receive wristband for Buffet Lunch
  • 1 Hr. Buffet Lunch (in a private pavilion) - Enjoy hotdogs, hamburgers and sides from Noon to 1 PM
  • $5.00 Parking Voucher - When buying the tickets online, remember to print and bring your $5 parking voucher to save half of the $10 cash only parking fee!

*Regular admission price is $44.99 per person plus $10 price for parking




Family, Film Fest & More to be Part of the

 "Mission" of the World Meeting of Families




World Meeting


Next month thousands of Catholics from around the world are expected to gather in Philadelphia where the World Meeting of Families (WMF) will take place September 22-27. Held every three years and sponsored by the Holy See's Pontifical Council for the Family, the WMF is the world's largest Catholic gathering of families. It is an international event of prayer, catechesis, daily Mass, devotions, keynote addresses and multiple breakout sessions. There is also a Youth Conference for young people ages 6 to 17 who attend with their families. The WMF seeks to strengthen the bonds between families and to witness to the crucial importance of marriage and family to all of society.


The theme of the World Meeting of Families - Philadelphia 2015 is "Love Is Our Mission: The Family Fully Alive" which emphasizes the impact of the love and life of families on our society.


Recently the WMF and Greater Philadelphia Film Office formally announced themovie-items.jpgWorld Meeting of Families Film Festival in which family-friendly movies will be shown each night Sept. 22-25. Some of the movies to be shown are "The Mighty Macs," "The Wizard of Oz," "Diary of a City Priest" and the premiere of "Urban Trinity," a film chronicling the history of Catholicism in Philadelphia. On Friday evening, an outdoor screening of the popular Sing-a-Long version of "The Sound of Music." The film festival will close just before Pope Francis' arrival in Philadelphia.




WMF organizers also recently announced important vehicle registration requirements that affect some travelers who arrive in Philadelphia via private or Charter Bus commercials.


****All private and commercial buses (RV, passenger van, motor coach, school bus or mini bus) traveling to Philadelphia to participate during the Papal Visit weekend (Sept. 26 & 27) MUST register through the GO GROUND portal.


Buses arriving during the week of the Congress (Sept.  22 through Sept. 25) being held at the Pennsylvania Convention Center DO NOT need to register through GO GROUND portal.  Directions and locations for passenger drop off for the Congress at the Pennsylvania Convention Center during the week will be available on the transportation page of the WMF website. You are advised to check back later this summer. You will also find recommended parking information during the Congress Convention Center.


You can find more information about the WMF on the events website:



Though the Diocese of Palm Beach is not organizing a diocesan-led tour or trip, we continue to get phone calls and e-mails from people looking for information. The Offices of Communications and Marriage and Family Life is in constant touch with organizers in Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C., and are continuing to pass that information to the faithful in our diocese.


On our website, we keep updated two specially-created pages: one on the WMF (www.diocesepb.org/world-meeting-of-families) and the other on the Holy Father's visit to the U.S. (www.diocesepb.org/papal-visit). On these pages, you'll find planning/trip resources and other helpful information. We also provide a link to the official WMF catalog containing more than 200 official products memorializing this global event.


For more information, please view the web pages or call the diocesan Offices of Marriage and Family Like or Communication at 561-775-9500.




The Papal Visit to the U.S. in September





Excitement is growing for Pope Francis' historic trip to the United States of America -- his first ever to our country. Pope Francis will visit for five days during that time he will visit Washington D.C., New York City and Philadelphia. 

Before coming to America, Pope Francis will visit Cuba.


The Holy Father plans to make Philadelphia his last stop on his U.S. visit. He'll arrive on Saturday morning, the day after the World Meeting of Families ends, but while many Catholics are still in town and attending Saturday's big Festival of Families. The festival will be a day of concerts, firework and family-fun events. Pope Francis is expected to attend for up to 90 minutes on Saturday night. 

The next day, planners are estimating two million will be in attendance when Pope Francis celebrates an outdoor Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The parkway will, of course, be closed to transportation traffic. Philadelphia officials describe the Benjamin Franklin Parkway as Philadelphia's Champs Elysees - or its Pennsylvania Avenue. While there is no Arc de Triomphe or White House, there are such fine buildings as the Philadelphia Museum of Art, the Rodin Museum, the Barnes Foundation, the Franklin Institute, the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, and City Hall. Fountains, small parks, statues and monuments all lend a formality that gives the Parkway it's own special aura.



Pope Francis' Schedule

Below are just a few of the highlights of the Holy Father's U.S. itinerary. More details of the dates and events can be found on the diocesan papal visit web page as well as on the Vatican website and on the website of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.     


Please note tickets may be required for some of the public Masses or events in New York or Washington, D.C. Tickets must be requested through the Catholic parishes within the Archdiocese of New York and the Archdiocese of Washington. You will find more information on the websites of each archdiocese.


Trip highlights: 

 Washington, D.C.

September 23: Holy Father will celebrate an afternoon Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception where he will canonize Blessed Jun�pero Serra. Plans for the Mass are still pending, but the congregation will assemble in the area surrounding the Basilica, including the 3.6 acre university mall at Catholic University of America.


September 24: Address to Joint Session of United States Congress. Though other Holy Fathers in the past have addressed different Congressional Houses, this is the first time a pope has addressed a Joint Session. The public will be able to watch the telecast from outside the U.S. Capitol building. Organizers states Pope Francis wishes to make a "brief appearance" on the West Front of the Capitol building after he addresses Congress. The speech will be broadcast live to the public outside the West Front of the U.S. Capitol building, and an "inauguration-like setting" on the steps of the Capitol is planned for the event. 

New York, NY

September 25: United Nations General Assembly Address. This visit occurs as the UN is holding its World Meeting of Leaders and as the UN is celebrating this year the 70th anniversary of its founding. 


 Philadelphia, PA

September 26 - Attend the Festival of Families

September 27 - Celebrate Sunday Mass on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway 


Thousands are expected to attend the World Meeting of Families during the week as well attend the meeting's Festival of Families. Millions more are expected to attend the Sunday Mass.   




Though the Diocese of Palm Beach is not organizing a diocesan-led tour or trip, we continue to get phone calls and e-mails from people looking for information. The Offices of Communications and Marriage and Family Life is in constant touch with organizers in Philadelphia, New York and Washington D.C., and are continuing to pass that information to the faithful in our diocese.


On our website, we keep updated two specially-created pages: one page contains information on the Holy Father's visit to the U.S. (www.diocesepb.org/papal-visit) and the other page is on the World Meeting of Families (www.diocesepb.org/world-meeting-of-families). On these pages, you'll find planning/trip resources and other helpful information. 


For more information, please view the web pages or call the diocesan Offices of Marriage and Family Like or Communication at 561-775-9500.






Are You Going? Please Help 

the Diocesan Communicators!




The diocesan Office of Communications would like to know of any groups or families that plan to attend the World Meeting of Families or any of the other events planned in other cities during Pope Francis' visit to the United States. If you are a ministry, a family, an individual, a group of students  --- please let us know. This information will help us in future newspaper stories and in our promotion of this large Catholic event!


We request such information to be sent via e-mail to the Dianne Laubert, Director of Communications, or via phone at 561-775-9529. Information given to Dianne will be shared with the Florida Catholic. We thank you in advance for your assistance.  




Pray for Families and Our Catholic Gathering




Catholics are encouraged to pray for the success of and for those attending the World Meeting of Families. Prayer is a beautiful way to increase your family's relationship with Our Lord and with one another. We encourage you to pray the following prayer each day leading up to the event - alone or together with your family members, during ministry meetings or Masses. Find more resources at www.worldmeeting2015.org



World Meeting of Families Prayer

God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior,

you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church.

May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel.

May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. Through Christ our Lord.



Jesus, Mary and Joseph, pray for us!


Una oraci�n para el Encuentro Mundial de las Familias en Filadelfia en el a�o 2015

Dios y Padre de todos nosotros, en Jes�s, tu Hijo y nuestro Salvador,

nos has hecho tus hijos e hijas  en la familia de la Iglesia.

Que tu gracia y amor  ayuden a nuestras familias

en cualquier parte del mundo a estar en uni�n con las dem�s en fidelidad al Evangelio.

Que el ejemplo de la Sagrada Familia, con la ayuda de tu Esp�ritu Santo, gu�e a todas las familias, especialmente las m�s atribuladas,  a ser casas de comuni�n y oraci�n y a buscar siempre tu verdad y vivir en tu amor.

Por Cristo nuestro Se�or. Am�n.



Lapriy� pou Rasanbleman Mondyal Fanmiy yo nan Filad�lfi an 2015

Bondye e Papa nou tout

Nan Jezi, Pitit w e Sov� nou,

W f� nou tounen pitit gason ak pitit fiy w

Nan fanmiy Legliz la.

Se pou lagras w ak renmen w

Ede fanmiy nou yo toupatou sou t� a

Ini youn ak l�t nan fidelite Levanjil la.

Se pou ekzanp sent fanmiy lan,

Av�k konkou Sentespri w la

Kondwi tout fanmiy, espesyalman

Si la yo ki pi boulv�se yo

Tounen fwaye t�t ansanm ak lapriy�

ki toujou ap ch�che verite w la e

Viv nan renmen w lan.

Pa pouvwa Jezi Kri, Granm�t nou an. Am�n


Jezi, Mari, Joz�f, ...Priye pou nou!




 "The Family Fully Alive" Newsletter 


Prayer is the centerpiece of Catholic family life - of the family members we are related to and of our faith family.  What does praying as a family teach? Find out when you read the Family Discipleship Challenge (#10) in the August "The Family Fully Alive" newsletter. Also this month the Did you know question focuses on the fact that we are all called to choose life.


Available in English and Spanish, each month the newsletter features a Catholic Family Discipleship Challenge and a brief summary of what Catholics believe about human purpose, marriage and the family. Look for this newsletter each month as a parish bulletin insert or on the diocesan website to discover simple ways for your family to Keep it Catholic! You can read the issue at www.diocesepb.org/newsletters


The Family Fully Alive newsletter is a new initiative begun October 2014 by the DPB Office of Marriage & Family Life. It is designed as a simple, monthly bulletin for families to encourage them to Keep it Catholic. The underlying message supports the theme of the upcoming World Meeting of Families scheduled for September 22-27, 2015 in Philadelphia:  Love is Our Mission- The Family Fully Alive.


The Family Fully Alive newsletter is a great resource for parishes, schools, families and individuals. Also available on the web at www.worldmeeting2015.org is other helpful information on how to prepare the World Meeting of Families. Even if you do not plan to attend travel to Philadelphia this year, you can still prepare and celebrate the event. 


Or you can receive directly the newsletter as an E-newsletter as it is published. Sign up to be part of our Family Fully Alive address book. 



School of Christian Formation Classes Begin 

the End of August



As adults, we need to continue learning about our faith to bring us closer in our relationship to God, our Church and to help our faith family grow. The diocese offers such an opportunity through its School of Christian Formation which will begin its 2015-2016 class schedule on August 24. Many different classes and programs are offered on different days of the week for adult Catholics who wish to learn more about the rich tradition of their faith. Classes, available in English and Spanish, provide introductions to the major topics and historical periods of the Catholic faith.


The School of Christian Formation seeks to make its programs accessible to adult Catholics in the diocese who are interested in taking a few classes to learn more about the faith we receive at baptism, enhancing their preparation for ministry, or taking classes to receive an Upper-level Catechist Certification. Classes are just $10 each plus the price of the textbook.


To view schedules, please call 561-775-9554 or visit www.diocesepb.org/schools-of-christian-formation



Upcoming Diocesan Events 
Below is a list of some diocesan events taking place this month and next. For more information on any event, please visit the diocesan online Events Calendar  or Catholic Charities online Events Calendar.

Share a Haircut to Benefit Catholic Charities
Dates: August 1-15  
During the above date, when you bring your child in for a haircut at any Hair Cuttery, the company will donate a haircut to a child in need in our community.  Catholic Charities will be one of the many agencies benefitting from Share a Haircut and will distribute the free service coupons to children under the age of 18 in time to get a back to school haircut.
Our Catholic Mass on TV
Dates & Times: August 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 - 9:00 AM
Produced by the Diocese of Palm Beach, this Mass airs each Sunday on CW34 WTVX.  You will likely find the station on Channel 4 on Comcast, AT&T U-Verse, DirecTV, DISH Network and Hometown Cable Plus. If you have a Digital Antenna, you will find the station on Channel 34.1. If you problems finding the channel, check your listings. Visit www.diocesepb.org/tv-mass 
Phone: 561-775-9529

Presentation of the Ignatian Spirituality Project
Date: August 18
There will be a presentation on Catholic Charities new initiative - the Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP). ISP offers an overnight retreat for homeless men and women that are currently in recovery. The retreat is shaped to help retreatants claim God's commitment to them in their lives through Ignatian The first retreat will be held in September. For more information, contact Alex Stevens, program director of Catholic Charities Homeless, Hunger and Outreach Program at 561-360-3323.

Monthly Meeting - Faith Community Nursing
Date & Time: August 28 - Noon 
Location: Holy Name of Jesus Church in West Palm Beach 
The Faith Community Nursing program of Catholic Charities brings together Registered Nurses in the community at Networking Meetings which are held every other month. This is an opportunity to meet other parish nurses and learn the benefits of whole person care of mind, body, and spirit. 

Workshop for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Date & Time: Saturday, August 29, 9 a.m. - Noon
Location: St. Rita Church in Wellington 
The fall schedule of workshops for new and experienced Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion is out. The first will be in August. Last day to register is Thursday, August 27. Those who wish to attend should call your parish office as the parish will be taking reservations and registering all participants with the diocesan Liturgy Office.


Coming in September

Month's Mind Requiem Mass
Date & Time: Sept. 12 9:00 a.m. to - 10:00 a.m.
Location: Our Lady Queen of Peace Cemetery, Royal Palm Beach
Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate 
September 12 at 11 a.m.
Location: Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens

Vesper Prayer Service
September 13 at 4 p.m.
Location: St. Edward Church in Palm Beach
Gather with the religious of the diocese as they join religious across the nation in this day of prayer. The day is for Religious and Laity to make the continued celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life.

CASA Columbia Family Day
September 28
In the spirit of The World Meeting of Families, the diocesan Office of Marriage and Family Life encourage you to observe this family day which occurs the day after Pope Francis celebrates the closing Mass for the World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia. Plan to gather at the dinner table for a family meal, activity and conversation. For ideas, visit the website casafamilyday.org/familyday

For more information on any events listed, please visit the diocesan online Events Calendar at www.diocesepb.org/events or www.catholiccharitiesdpb.org/events



School Year Begins Soon






The first day of school for students attending our diocesan Catholic schools is Monday, August 17. Others may be heading off to college. Please join us in prayer for our students, teachers, school staff and parents. May we have a blessed 2015-2016 school year. Below is the Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, the patroness of Catholic Education. 


May we have a blessed 2015-2016 school year! 



Add a description

Prayer of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

O Father, the first rule of our dear Saviour's

life was to do Your Will.

Let His Will of the present moment be the first rule

of our daily life and work, with no other desire but for

its most full and complete accomplishment.


Help us to follow it faithfully, so that doing what

You wish we will be pleasing to You.





Coming in August: 

Our diocesan Welcome Back to School E-Newsletter

Sign up to receive School News




Rachel's Healing Retreat to be Held in September


(courtesy: rachelsvineyard.org)

Struggling after an abortion or miscarriage? YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  





Experience the healing love of Jesus Christ during a Rachel's Vineyard healing retreat Friday, September 11 through Sunday, September 13 at Casa San Carlos Retreat Center in Delray Beach. This retreat offers an opportunity to deeply enter into the grieving process and identify the ways your abortion or miscarriage may have affected you or a loved one. Discussions, spiritual exercises, prayer and reflection combined with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Memorial Service honoring your child and a beautiful Mass will help to heal the wounds of your past.


Participation is strictly confidential and offers a unique opportunity to experience God's love, forgiveness and tender compassion. Both men and women are invited to experience this healing for their soul. This healing program is an apostolate of the Catholic Charities Office of Respect Life of the Diocese of Palm Beach; however, those from other faith backgrounds are welcome to attend.


Pre-registration is required. To register or for more information, call Donna Gardner, head of Catholic Charities' Rachel's Vineyard at 561-602-4778.  All calls are CONFIDENTIAL.  For more information, visit the Rachel's Vineyard website.  





The Catholic Charities Connection


Volunteers Needed for Prison Ministry

Volunteers are needed to help establish a Prison Ministry bible discussion program at the recently opened Okeechobee Correctional Institution Work Camp in Okeechobee. Please contact Tom Lawlor, Director of Catholic Charities' Prison Ministry, at 561-360-3326 for details.


Are you concerned about the addiction of a family member?

The Family Recovery Workshop empowers families and concerned others to deal with addiction in their families and to engage in their own recovery process. This workshop is presented in two parts. The first part consists of one 90-minute presentation, and the second optional part consists of three additional 90-minute presentations. Contact Elena Garcia at the Office of Parish Social Ministry at 561-360-3327.


Confidential, Professional and Affordable Counseling Available

Are you or a family member in need counseling for depression, anxiety, grief inter-relationship or adjustment issues? Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach offers confidential, affordable services at seven locations in the five-county area with (licensed?) counselors that incorporate the philosophy of spirituality and psychology to heal the "whole" person. Call 844-848-6777 and speak to our intake coordinator for more information or to schedule a session.


Birthline/Lifeline in Need of In-Kind Donations

The Birthline/Lifeline Pregnancy Care Centers are in need of the following in-kind donation items:

New: Hooded baby bath towels; baby bottles; small packs of baby wipes; infant car seats; and pak-n-play cribs; New or Gently Used: boys/girls baby clothes sizes 6 months to 3 years. Contact Mary Rodriguez, Program Administrator, at 561-278-0894 or e-mail



Save the Dates for Fall 2015

  • October 3: Birthline/Lifeline's Annual Walk-a-Thon at Emmanuel Parish in Delray Beach
  • November 14: Birthline/Lifeline's Annual Dinner Dance Gala at the Okeechobee Marriott in West Palm Beach


Save the Dates for 2016

  • January 2, 2016: 4th Annual Diocesan National Migration Week Celebration Mass at the Cathedral of St. Ignatius in Palm Beach Gardens
  • January 28, 2016: Catholic Charities 5th Annual Caritas Dei Bishop's Gala at the Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach








Around the Diocese and in the Province of Florida - Upcoming Events
Below are just a few upcoming events occurring around our diocese and in other dioceses around the state.  For more information on any events listed below, please visit the diocesan online Events Calendar or call the phone number listed for each event. 

Grief and Loss Support Group
Dates & Time: August  4, 11, 17, 24 & 31 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola
The group is a SUPPORT GROUP that is group led and group focused.
Phone: 561-622-2565
Student Ministry's 2015 Summer Program
Dates & Times: Aug. 3 - 7 & 10 - 14 - 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Location: St. Jude Church in Tequesta
A two-week, fun-filled program offered to children in Kindergarten through the 6th Grade. Features arts & crafts, music appreciation, off-site adventures and much more!
Phone: 561-748-8805

Caribbean Cruise-NIC Fundraiser
Date & Time: Sunday, August 30 at 1 p.m.
Location: Holy Family Catholic Church
Sail away in the parish hall for this fundraiser for  WJJP 100.1 FM Catholic Radio on the station's 8th anniversary. This family event will be a picnic in a Caribbean Cruise atmosphere. The Cruise-nic itinerary will include live steel drum music, Caribbean food and drinks, trivia, Limbo, Hula Hoop and Disco contests, as well as a drawing for a $500 in cash raffle prize, other prizes and a 50/50.  
Phone: 772-335-2385


Events in the Province of Florida

Orlando Liturgical Conference
Dates & Location: August 20 - August 22, Orlando Airport Marriott
This is a conference not to miss for those in parish ministry! The theme is "Liturgy in Action: Glorifying the Lord by Your Life/Liturgia en Acciόn: Glorificando Al Se�or Con Tu Vida". Speakers include Monsignor Kevin Irwin, Reverend Juan Sosa, Tony Alonso, and ValLimar Jansen. 
Who's invited:  Clergy, Choir Members, Cantors, Lectors, Sacristans, Liturgy Team Members, Art & Environment Team, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ministers of Hospitality. Special registration prices available. For more information, visit the conference website or find more information on our diocesan website.
Night of Joy at Disney World and Rock the Universe at Universal Studios 
Dates &  Location: Sept. 11 & 12, Orlando
This is the night for Christians to enjoy, have fun and listen to some Christian singers at these amusement parks. Each park hosts concerts featuring several top Christian performers plus you can enjoy the rides at the parks. Plus each park is open only to those who buy special tickets for that night. Visit the website of each park for a list of performers, prices, times and more details.

Night of Joy Group Trip, Sleepover and Mass Planned by St. Jude Student Ministry
Dates: Sept. 11 - 13 or Sept. 12-13
The Student Ministry at St. Jude Church in Tequesta is organizing a bus trip for teens and for families interested in Night of Joy at Disney. The trip includes a bus ride to Orlando, hotel stay, Disney admission/ticket, and Mass the next day at Mary, Queen of the Universe Shrine before returning home on the bus. Those interested can also participate on Friday, Sept. 11, in a Lock-in at the parish, or you can arrive early at the Church the next morning to join the bus trip. Contact Frank Faranda at [email protected] or 561-748-8805 to book your space or for more information.

Submit your events on the diocesan Events Calendar



Coming This Summer and Fall




Ordination to the Permanent Diaconate 

September 12 at 11 a.m.

Cathedral of Saint Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens


Birthline/Lifeline's Annual Walk-a-Thon:

October 3 at 5:30 p.m.

Emmanuel Parish in Delray Beach


Respect Life Sunday

October 4

In honor of Respect Life Weekend, prayer vigils will be held this day throughout the diocese. Further details & locations to come. 


Diocesan Grandparents Pilgrimage Mass

October 24 at 4:30 p.m.

Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola n Palm Beach Gardens 


Birthline/Lifeline's Annual Dinner Dance Gala:

November 14 at 6 p.m. 

Okeechobee Marriott in West Palm Beach


Taping of the Diocesan Christmas Mass
Thursday, December 17 at 5:30 p.m.
Cathedral of St. Ignatius Loyola in Palm Beach Gardens
Join us for this special pre-taping of our Christmas Mass which will be broadcast on TV for the benefit of our homebound and those in hospitals and nursing homes. Our celebrant will be Bishop Barbarito and will include great music and worship by our diocesan choir. A holiday reception with cookies will follow. 


Share Your Events - Submit Once; Reach Two Audiences 

Want to publicize your 2015-2016 events like parish fairs, fish fry dinners, ministry meetings and other special events? Reach beyond your parish walls to the entire faith community via the diocesan Events Calendar. Submissions are welcomed!


Information submitted online is automatically sent to the Office of Communications and the Florida Catholic for inclusion in the newspaper, on the diocesan website and for thoughtful consideration in E-News Communications and parish bulletin announcements sent to all parishes from the diocesan Office of Communications. Anyone checking out the Events Calendar section on the diocese's website will see your event. 


With just one visit & click, you can submit your item to TWO places! Submit now on using our online Event Submission Form


Questions? Call the Director of Communications at 561-775-9529. 



Our Diocese & Faith in the News

View great stories on our faith in the Florida Catholic. In every issue of the newspaper, you will find good news of our ministries and Church from around our diocese, state, nation and world. Click here to view the latest issue of the Florida Catholic

For $26 a year, you can receive 24 issues sent to your home. Or enjoy reading the paper on your tablet or PC. This e-edition subscription is also affordable at $20 a year. AND it includes three editions (Orlando, Venice and Palm Beach dioceses) for the price of one! 

Get your subscription started via our website or call toll free 1-888-275-9953. 




Prayer to Avert Hurricanes

The Most Reverend Gerald M. Bishop is asking all parishes and schools in the diocese to join him a united prayer effort in thanksgiving for the past several calm hurricane seasons and for our protection from devastating storms in the 2015 season. Below is a prayer to avert storms that you and your families can use throughout the hurricane season.


Thank you for your support of our prayer effort to ask God to keep us safe from hurricanes in this upcoming season. 




God our Father, Creator of the Universe and Lord over all creation, we humbly stand before you as your children in thanksgiving for your loving care and protection.  We ask that you keep us safe from all hurricanes which may threaten us in the coming seasons.  Protect us from all fear and anxiety of storms and give us an ardent trust and hope in Your love and mercy.  You alone have the power to command the sea, the wind and the rain.  You alone bring peace, calm, and safety.  Father, we thank you in advance, for you are our only Refuge.  We ask this through Christ, Your Son, Who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.  Mary, Queen of the Apostles, and Patroness of our Diocese, pray for us.




Oraci�n para pedir protecci�n contra las tormentas

Dios Padre nuestro, Creador del Universo y Se�or de toda la creaci�n, humildemente nos presentamos a ti, como hijos tuyos, en acci�n de gracias por tu  amoroso cuidado y  protecci�n. Te pedimos que nos guardes de los huracanes que nos puedan amenazar en la pr�xima temporada. Prot�genos de todo temor y de la  ansiedad que nos causan las tormentas y danos confianza ardiente en Tu amor y misericordia. Solo T� tienes el poder de mandar al mar, al viento y a la lluvia. Solo T� traes paz, calma y seguridad. Padre, te agradecemos de antemano, pues tu eres nuestro �nico refugio. Te  lo pedimos por Cristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo y el Esp�ritu Santo, un Dios, por los siglos de los siglos. Am�n. Mar�a, Reina de los Ap�stoles y Patrona de nuestra Di�cesis, ruega por nosotros.




Bondye Papa nou, ou menm ki kreye sy�l la ak t�'a, ou menm ki Bondye kreyasyon'an,  nou kanpe devan'w tou piti, nou menm ki oun an, pou nou di'w m�si pou tout renmen ak pwoteksyon ou ban nou. Nou mande ou pou ou pwoteje oun an sezon siklon k'ap vini'an. Ban nou pwoteksyon ou kont tout sa ki vle f� nou p�, kont tout angwas e ban nou plis lafwa ak lesperans nan renmen ak mizerikod ou'a. Se ou menm s�l ki gen pouvwa pou komande lanm�'a, van ak lapli. Se ou menm s�l ki kapab bay lap� ak pwoteksyon. Papa, nou di'w m�si davans, paske se ou menm ki refij nou. Nou lapriy� ou konsa nan non Jezi-Kri pitit ou, li menm ki vivan e ki ap komande ansanm av�k ou, ansanm ak Lespri Sen'an, yon s�l Bondye, kounye'a e pou toutan. Amen. Mari, r�n Apot yo, ou menm ki patron Dyos�z nou'an, lapriy� pou nou.






Year of Consecrated Life




The Catholic Church continues to celebrate a Year of Consecrated Life invoked by Pope Francis. Begun on the First Sunday of Advent and concluding on February 2, 2016, the Year of Consecrated Life is a time for all to celebrate: it is a renewal for men and women in consecrated life and a time of thanksgiving among the faithful for the men and women in the Diocese of Palm Beach who live a consecrated life. The theme for the Year of Consecrated Life is "Wake Up the World."


In addition to praying the Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops is encouraging the faithful to spend these months promoting "Days with Religious" initiatives and resources to help families learn about the consecrated life of religious men and women. To learn more, visit www.usccb.org/cclv 


Prayer for the Year of Consecrated Life

O God, throughout the ages you have called women and men to pursue lives of perfect charity through the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience. During this Year of Consecrated Life, we give you thanks for these courageous witnesses of Faith and models of inspiration. Their pursuit of holy lives teaches us to make a more perfect offering of ourselves to you. Continue to enrich your Church by calling forth sons and daughters who, having found the pearl of great price, treasure the Kingdom of Heaven above all things. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.


Oraci�n para el A�o de la Vida Consagrada

Oh Dios, t� que a trav�s de los tiempos has llamado a mujeres y hombres a fin de que vivan la caridad perfecta por medio de los consejos evang�licos de la pobreza, la castidad y la obediencia. Durante este A�o de la Vida Consagrada te damos gracias por estos valientes testigos de la fe, que son tambi�n modelos de inspiraci�n. Con su empe�o por lograr la santidad ellos nos ense�an a ofrecerte nuestra vida de una manera m�s perfecta. Te pedimos que contin�es enriqueciendo a tu Iglesia con hijos e hijas que, habiendo encontrado la perla de gran valor, atesoran el Reino de los cielos por encima de todas las cosas. Por nuestro Se�or Jesucristo, tu Hijo, que vive y reina contigo en la unidad del Esp�ritu Santo y es Dios por los siglos de los siglos, Am�n.



In This Issue
Living the Truth
in Love:
Read Bishop Barbarito's Columns  


Much to Reflect Upon

Read Other Columns Written by Bishop Barbarito 

Catholic News & Headlines

How Junipero Serra fought the death penalty for a California native
Pope Francis thanks Knights for their commitment
to marriage

What you think you know about human trafficking is probably wrong

The story behind the new LA bishops' pectoral crosses

Pope Francis' advice to altar servers: Let Christ draw near to you

Here's Pope Francis' schedule for the Jubilee of Mercy

Cardinal O'Malley Presents 2015 People Of Life Awards

In the News: Catholics Respond  
How to respond to Planned Parenthood? Prayer and fasting, say Colo. bishops
Cardinal O'Malley denounces Planned Parenthood for disrespecting human dignity

Archbishop Says Planned Parenthood Videos Should Urge Us to Fight All Social Ills

World Meeting of Families 2015   

University of Notre Dame Student is Winner of Papal Sanctuary Design Contest
Official Website of the World Meeting of Families
 (to be in Sept. in Philadelphia) 

The Prayer for the World Meeting of Families

The Papal Visit

Lessons Learned from South America: How to greet and understand Pope Francis

Do you hug a pope? What is the proper etiquette?

Make friends with your congressman - and you just might get to see the Pope
Want to walk with Pope Francis? Then take this pledge

Where and when will the Pope be? View the schedule of Pope Francis' Apostolic to the U.S.

A Family of Faith in Service to Others   


View Bishop Barbarito's Message in Our DSA Video
Resources & Prayers


Pray Daily for Our Diocesan Priests

view calendar and prayer 


Pray Daily for Our Diocesan Deacons

view calendar and prayer 


Daily Readings

click here to read 



Prayer of the

for the

Florida Catholic - 

For the ministry of the Florida Catholic...that God will continue to utilize this ministry - as it has since 1939 - as a tool for evangelization and communication for the years to come. 

We pray to the Lord.



The Florida Catholic Newspaper

our faith news available electronically or

 in print

Read the Florida Catholic (Palm Beach edition)


TV & Movies     


What Movies to Watch?

Before grabbing popcorn, read the Catholic News Services' reviews of recently released 
and "older movies"



Release Aug. 28: 

War Room 

(starring Priscilla Schirer and 

Beth Moore)



Release Sept. 11

90 Minutes in Heaven

Learn more & watch the trailer


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