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Department of Implementation and Training

Dot Suhr, VP of Implementation and Training
Employee Spotlight:
Dot Suhr

I have lived my whole life in Missouri. I have been married 17 � years and have a 15 year old son and 13 year old daughter. They are both into competitive sports so we spend most our time running to baseball games, volleyball games and dance competitions.

I have 16 years of billing and collection experience. My first 11 years were in the DME industry which comes in handy when dealing with DMERC on shoes/inserts issues. March was my 5th anniversary with SMB. I have done about every job there is in billing and collections which is perfect experience in teaching others the various aspects of the job.

Fun(ny) Facts:
I am a big Harry Potter fan. My family can't believe it when they catch me watching one of the movies that I've seen too many times to count. Of course the books are better but if I'm flipping through the channels and find a Harry Potter movie, I'll always stop on it.

It is my goal to train our staff to bill correctly and collect on all charges. This includes helping them when items deny that we know can be paid. Sometimes it means jumping through hoops to make the insurance pay. I also want to prepare the staff when major industry changes occur and help them do their jobs smoothly.

The Department of Implementation and Training, spearheaded by Dot Suhr, focuses on developing expert billers and agers for SMB.  Dot has crafted a training model in which each of our employees have rigorously learned from and mastered to ensure all billers and agers are billing correctly and collecting on all charges.  After the employee has successfully passed our training program and has accounts to oversee, Dot mentors them to make sure the transition is smooth and all employees are working at an acceptable level independently.  Moreover, the Department researches billing issues to find beneficial solutions for SMB employees who then pass on the rewards to their accounts. 


In addition, the Department of Implementation and Training specializes in doctor's offices access to SMB's software, SimplyPodiatry.  Dot manages adding new client's offices and updating current client's offices to our system.  In addition, Dot fields basic software questions and issues for our clients and SMB employees.


At SMB, we want to put our best foot forward in helping you maximize reimbursements and reduce accounts receivables.  Having training in house to produce the best billers and agers in the business helps solidify this goal.


June 2014
 Dear SMB Client,

SMB is excited to celebrate with you the three year anniversary of our Newsletter. We have enjoyed connecting with you these past three years and look forward to many more!  In this newsletter, we will focus on our data hosting company, SMB's daily checklist, the Department of Implementation and highlight one of our executive employees.  If there is a certain article or topic you would like us to focus on, please call Chad at 888-874-5503.

SMB's Data Hosting Company Moving to Kansas City
By: Chad Bixler
SMB's trusted data hosting company, LightEdge, is moving its headquarters to Kansas City.  Currently, they are constructing a state-of-the-art underground facility called SubTropolis.  SubTropolis' facility has secure passages leading to data centers, its own system of backup and a power generator top side. 


SMB's whole system and data is maintained on LightEdge.  We feel its facility and data center is the best on the market.  LightEdge is HIPPA compliant, produces daily backups and has 24/7/365 support.  In addition, LightEdge has a disaster recovery plan in place to prevent lost data.


Below is a link to some pictures of LightEdge's new sophisticated facility.  We want to welcome LightEdge to SMB's hometown of Kansas City!  


Link to Pictures


SMB Daily Checklist & Facts

By: MaryKay Jones

Superbill:   Do I fax/scan the superbills daily?

Yes.  By sending SMB your information daily, you will reduce your accounts receivables and maximize your reimbursements.  We prefer to receive charges daily.  This helps with our workflow as well as a timely reimbursement for you.  When the set up process is complete, you will receive a direct fax number from your billing representative.  Scanning instructions are listed below.


What do I need to send with the superbill?

We need a copy of the FRONT and BACK of the insurance card.  We need to see the ID#, group #, and claims address in order to transmit the claims for processing.  Medicare has all this information on the front of their cards.   We also need a demographic sheet for the patient.  This should include the patients personal information, including the date of birth.  The insurance cards and demographic information is required for all patients in the beginning, then for all new patients.


What fee schedule is used to bill claims?

SMB has a standard fee schedule that ensures that you receive the maximum reimbursements from Medicare.  Also, your SMB Biller monitors your reimbursements from both government and commercial payors.  SMB will increase fees on the schedule to ensure that you get paid 100% of allowable reimbursements..


What do I do with the paper EOBs I receive at our office?

As soon as you receive your  paper EOBs at your office, fax it to SMB. By following this protocol, it will allow us to immediately call on any denials and send out secondary claims as quickly as possible.  We call on outstanding claims on a regular basis.  It is important to send all EOBs so we can track all claims.


Can I get copies of EOBs received electronically by SMB?

Yes, we can email copies of the electronic EOBs we receive to you in a pdf format.  You can tell us if you would like to only receive copies of the Medicare EOBs are all electronic EOBs received.


How do I inform SMB of patient payments received in our office?

We need proof of patient payments faxed to us.  If paid by check, please provide a copy of the check or ck#, date and amount can be written on the superbill.  If paid by cash or credit card, please provide amount and/or type of credit card.


Will I have access to SMB's software for our patient files?

Yes, you will have access to SMBs software, SimplyPodiatry.  You will be able to view everything within our software as if we were in your office.  You will have the convenience of running various established reports that we offer as well as customizing your own report.  Once we enter your first batch, you will be provided with a user ID and password for everyone in your office.  We can limit access individually per your request accordingly.


Do I report over the counter items to SMB?

Yes, it is important to inform us of over the counter items sold and paid for in your office.  This will assist us to keep an accurate invoice for your patient.  We will discuss more details on "Q&A Check List" conference call.


When will we receive an invoice from SMB for billing services?

SMB invoices bi-monthly for our billing services.  The term for payment is net 10 days from the date of the invoice.  If an account should become 3 invoices past due, the account will be placed on hold until payment is received.  If your invoice is less than $300, then a $100 clearinghouse cost recovery fee will be assessed for that billing period.


To Scan your Superbills, please follow the instructions below:


Scanned work: Send a test email with the word "test" in the subject of the email to:


After security is set up, you will receive an email with further instructions for the completion of the scan set up.


SMB been in business since the summer of 2001. Our staff has over 175 years of direct podiatry account receivable experience. We are a private, family-owned and operated business whose future depends on the strength of our word, our great working relationships with your office staff, and our work performance.


Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter.  We hope you have a fun-filled and relaxing summer.



SMB Medical BIlling

SMB Medical Billing | | |
4317 NE Walnut Ridge
Lee's Summit, MO 64064