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1 June 2015


The Map You Make Yourself .....


You have looked at so many doors with longing, wondering if your life lay on the other side.


For today, choose the door that opens to the inside.


Travel the most ancient way of all: the path that leads you to the centre of your life.


No map but the one you make yourself.


No provision but what you already carry and the grace that comes to those who walk the pilgrim's way.


Speak this blessing as you set out and watch how your rhythm slows, the cadence of the road drawing you into the pace that is your own.


Eat when hungry. Rest when tired. Listen to your dreaming. Welcome detours as doors deeper in.


Pray for protection. Ask for the guidance you need. Offer gladness for the gifts that come and then let them go.


Do not expect to return by the same road.


Home is always by another way and you will know it not by the light that waits for you but by the star that blazes inside you telling you where you are is holy and you are welcome here.


This poem has been used to inspire the Explorations programme and we send it to you with a quick note to remind you that the Mystery and Mastery Explorations begin on the first weekend of October. There are only 2 places left and if you have missed the information about this course do please click here to look on the website.  


The retreats are held twice yearly and create an opportunity for on-going spiritual development as well as the companionship of other ministers in a beautiful and nurturing environment.


Is it time for you to look within and use your inner compass to find the north star of your heart?  


If it is please contact Lindsay to book your place or to arrange a conversation with Elaine.


With love from the faculty  

Jackie and for Bernd, Christopher, Elaine and Nicola