August 2014
In this issue:
Resident Lifestyle Preferences
Leaders Speak Series- III
Meet Adam Taylor

Tip of the Month: What's Cooking
When asked about how often residents cook, 42 percent of the residents said that they cook daily. 
Statistic of the Month: Green Living
According to Resident Lifestyle Preferences Study by J Turner, Energy-efficient appliances is the most important green feature to renters across all age groups. 

Joseph Batdorf
Dear Friends,

This has been a milestone year at J Turner. We have undertaken national, trendsetting projects to inform the multifamily industry with research that can potentially enable them to overcome the challenges of today and stay ahead of the curve. From online reputation assessment of thousands of properties, to gauging the lifestyle preferences of thousands of residents, our studies have offered extensive and innovative insights.  


New from J Turner is a groundbreaking survey of more 27,000 residents nationwide to understand their preferences, attitudes, and  behavior towards a range of lifestyle aspects. "Resident Lifestyle Preferences: An Insight" is an exclusive survey  conducted in partnership with Multifamily Executive as part of their 2014 Concept Community, "Renovation Nation" Series.  For an in-depth insight into the findings of the study, please join me at the 2014 Multifamily Executive Conference in September.


We hope that you enjoy reading our newsletter. For any questions or comments, please reach me at 




Joseph Batdorf

Presdient, J Turner Research



Exclusive Research - Resident Lifestyle Preferences: An Insight 





In a path-breaking, exclusive study -
Resident Lifestyle Preferences: An Insight, J Turner Research has partnered with  Multifamily Executive to understand the lifestyle preferences of apartment residents nationwide. J Turner surveyed 27,642 residents to capture their attitudes, feelings, and behavior towards aspects critical for apartment developers and rehab experts. The study highlights renters' choices with regards to home ownership, social life, green living, health and fitness, shopping preferences, cooking, and more. 

Undertaken as part of  MFE's 2014 Concept Community, Renovation Nation Series, the study unravels a wealth of information that management companies and developers can harness to design apartment communities better suited to resident's needs. This is the third consecutive year that J Turner has participated in MFE's Concept Community project.


For an abridged version of the study, please visit -  Resident Lifestyle Preferences on MFE's website. Full survey results will be unveiled at the 2014 Multifamily Executive Conference. We hope to see you there!


Leaders Speak Series - III

JTR has been conducting surveys of senior level executives in the multifamily industry since 2009. The purpose is to gauge their attitudes and expectations about the industry. In 2013 we asked the leaders a range of questions. Each issue of our newsletter will highlight two questions. 

Your Portfolio's overall occupancy rate 
Leaders appear to experiencing tremendous improvement in occupancy levels in the 95-100% range. This has grown from 17 percent in 2009 to 55 percent of respondents in 2013. Occupancy in the 90-94 percent range has been fairly constant, bouncing between 54 to 42 percent. 
Optimism about the national economy over the next twelve months  
Although the apartment industry as a whole is experiencing strong growth, the senior executive seem to be hesitant to be overly enthusiastic about the health of the national economy. Their optimism for rent growth (3.94) is higher than their optimism for the national economy (3.37) in 2013. 
For more details, please visit Leaders Survey Series

Meet Adam Taylor 
Manager of Operations

Adam has been with J Turner Research for more than five years, he loves the "atmosphere" here, and without his family he would have probably been a "vagabond". He is responsible for managing the data for standard JTR surveys. Adam also generates the Quick Pulse Reports and email logs. To read more about Adam, please visit Profile. He can be reached at 

About J Turner Research 


Founded in 2001, J Turner Research is the leading provider of innovative, affordable, and business enhancing market research services for the multifamily industry. J Turner uses state-of-the-art technology to empower clients with real time, actionable operational intelligence. With its unique survey methodology, industry benchmarking process, and trending reports, the company strives to consistently meet the changing demands of the multifamily industry. Headquartered in Houston, the company offers a range of cutting edge services including monthly resident satisfaction surveys, real-time prospect feedback surveys, and an online reputation assessment tool among others. For more information, please call (281) 558- 4840 or visit   J Turner Research



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