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Not Idle, Tennis

Picture: Joseph Aramao    
Idle Hour Tennis
Issue No. 6, 20 September 2013 
In This Issue
President's Message
Treasurer's Report
Nominating Committee
Social Committee
New Member Committee
Marketing Committee
Tennis Committee
Membership Committee
Marketing Committee
Development Committee
Rules, Regulations, By-Laws Committee
Grounds and Beautification Committee
Centennial History Books
Editor's Corner
  Editor: Steven Polgar 




Your Board of Directors is preparing for the annual membership meeting.  The Fall Newsletter is intended to provide the information that our club members will need to make better informed decisions about the club's leadership and the direction in which the club should be going in the coming year. 


You can send us your questions, concerns, or suggestions at info@idlehourtennis.com, or by placing a note in the suggestion box next to the phone in the club building. We are always looking for volunteers to help out with our social events and tennis activities.
Idle Hour Tennis Board of Directors
President's Message:

Letter from the President

These past two years have provided us many challenges, but they have also had their rewards. I'm thankful to have worked with the Board, which is so talented, creative, and dedicated to our club. Listed below are some of our accomplishments

  • Membership Data Program:

We now have the ability to communicate with 95% of our members via e-mail. Our annual membership invoicing is now paperless. This has allowed for savings in time and money.

  • Constant Contact:

In the past contact with our members was primarily through two annual newsletters. The Constant Contact Program allows us to keep you informed with timely notices of various events and happenings at IHTC.  If your e-mail address changes, please let us know at info@idlehourtennis.com

  • Flood Disaster Plan:

When we receive warning of a potential flood, we have a series of emergency measures that will be implemented to protect the courts and the clubhouse.  These measures, followed last fall, have already saved time and money and will continue to do so in the future.

  • Social Activities:

For the second year, we have successfully run monthly mixed double round robins for members and guests. Beginning in May through August, we typically reserve 6-8 courts for these games.

  • Membership Retention:

All new members are invited to a New Member Orientation in May. As part of the orientation, we determine their levels of play. For those members who are looking for other members to play, we provide them with ways to contact other members. The New Members' Committee periodically contacts new members to be sure they are satisfied with their frequency of play and that they have found other members to play who are compatible with their skill levels.


  • Idle Hour's ball machine:

I want to give a special thanks to 38 of our club members who contributed towards the purchase of our high quality ball machine, a welcome and necessary addition to our club's equipment. In total we collected $2,660.00, which paid for the purchase of the ball machine, installation of an electrical outlet on court 15, as well as a concrete path leading from the back shed to our hard courts. The ball machine can be rented at the Pro Shop for a nominal fee of $10.00 per hour or $50.00 for 7 hours. During the summer, rentals will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.  If you want to use the machine at other times, please call to make other arrangements with the Pro Shop.

  • Court Conditions:
We have had a number of problems, such as flood damage, and the necessity to clean and repair the courts. In order to respond to problems with the upkeep and maintenance of the courts, we will convene a special meeting of the Board and all interested members are invited.
  • Retention of Members:
We investigated the changes in membership between 2010 and 2013 to determine the effect that the elimination of the five hundred dollar ($ 500.00) initiation fee had on our membership numbers.  Even though at first, the dropping of the fee resulted in an increase in membership (47 in 2010 and 19 more members  in 2011), by 2012 and 2013 we have experienced drops in these numbers to our present 441.  We investigated the number of drops, and found that in 2013, fifty-one (51) members who had paid the $500.00, and fifty-seven (57) who had not paid the $500.00 initiation fee had dropped.  The previous year these numbers were 22 and 20 respectively. For the year 2013, the ages and numbers of those who dropped their membership were: 62 between the ages of 60 and 89, and 50 between 12 and 59.  These numbers indicate that the initiation fee had little or no effect on the retention of members.  It is more likely that aging, injuries, and moving away influenced the decisions of members to drop out of the club.
Carol Wenner

Treasurers Report - September 2013








  1. July Financials

Total Revenues YTD (10 mos)      $208,549

Budget YTD                                   $225,015


Expenses YTD (10 mos)              $184,884

BudgetYTD                                    $203,808 

Net Income YTD (10 mos)              $23,664

Budget YTD                                     $21,207


Capital Reserve Analysis                                  







Finance committee proposal

Info only

Info only


Info only

Info only


Info only

Info only



  1. Fund balances

10013 Flood Reserve acct(Beneficial)      $126,489

10014 Checking acct(Beneficial)              $120,428

10000 Checking acct(PNC)                      $  59,193

10120 Vanguard Wellington                     $ 146,650


Info only

Info only

Info only

Info only

  1. Taxes

Federal, state withholding, PA uc paid

UD School RE tax-Club property             $ 3,355

UD School RE tax-TLB property              $ 6,917







  1. Township Line Beer, Inc

TLB portion of property tax due               $ 1,871    

Monthly rentals Nov-September have been paid

Letter to TLB 9/11/13






  1. Insurance

Nothing to report


Info only

  1. Large receipts

Membership, App fees, Locker fees, Misc $1,190

TLB rent                                                       $2,815

Preservation fund(Ball machine)                     $664







  1. Large expenses

Ball machine expenses                              $2,170




  1. Payroll

Nothing to report



Info only

  1. Budget

Interim Budget(see separate attachment)

Present to board



Robert Caughey
Nominating Committee Report

September 2013


As of  30 September, the following members declared their candidacy for the Board. The slate of candidates is subject to change if new candidates come forward.


Candidates for President:


Joseph SooHoo

Member 14 years

P.H.D. Electr -Physics

Vice President since 2011, Property Chair since 2011, Interim Rules, Regulations Chair


Developed Flood Action Plan including the design and implementation of the pivot fences.

Acts as Interim Chair of the Rules, Regulations and By-Laws Committee

Assists the President in providing leadership and guidance for the Board.


Jack Higgins


Member 27 years

Served 8 years on Board of Directors

President of IHTC, 2005 - 2007

Ran for President in 2011

Running for President in 2013

President of Home Owners Association  9 years


Candidate for Vice President


William Kupprion

Member in 1975 and since 2010

President, Swarthmore Tennis Club;

President, Strath Haven All Sports Boosters;

Chairman, Central Athletic League Tennis


Candidate for Treasurer:


Robert Caughey

Member for 14 years

Treasurer of  IHTC since 2011

Served as treasurer of his Home Owners Association  for four years.



Candidates for Directors


 Lynn Armao - Member of IHTC for 44 years. Served on the Board as Secretary and Social Director                                                                                       

 Stuart Bowie - Member for 3 years.  Lawyer, interested in increasing our membership    


Louis Pattitucci - Member for 4 years. Electrical Engineer, strong computer skills            


Steven Polgar -  Member for 4 years. English and  Mathematics Professor, IHTC News Letter Editor                         


Maryrose Sheppard - Members for 22 years. Served on the IHTC Board as membership chair and treasurer.     
     Bob Holding Trophy                                            

     Robert Celani


Social Committee

Calendar of Events

We have had another great season at IHTC, starting with our New Member Orientation in May and ending with a Mixed Doubles Round Robin in August.  Between these dates we had several  social events such as our Annual Cocktail Party and Mixed Doubles games in June and July, where we had a chance to meet and play with new people.  We look forward to a good 2014 season, when we look forward to seeing you on the courts.
Joy Effron
New Member

The new member committee was a success for the 2013 season, reaching out to new members 3-4 times during the season for criticism and comments.
We had favorable responses from new members about our efforts at making their experiences at the club rewarding and about our willingness to help them. 
Our goal was to retain them as members by encouraging them to participate in club functions. Our successes warrant continuing these activities. 

Barbara Whitson

Marketing Committee



There were several new programs introduced this year to help promote Idle Hour to prospective new members.  Some worked and others might need some modification. There were over 250 tickets given out and a little more than 100 used in the free guest program.  Of the guests trying the club, 3 or 4 new members signed up. At the annual meeting, we will hold a drawing for several prizes to members who gave out guest passes.  The promotion ends this month.


We posted notices and flyers at area indoor tennis clubs and successfully attracted a few more members.


The member guest Round Robins were well attended and may have led to a few new members.Current members are our best representatives   for promoting our club.  There are flyers available at the pro shop, if you want to take a few to pass out over the winter.  


John Parke


Tennis Committee

IHTC 2013 Men's Challenge Ladder

Name                 Points


Jim Boerckel          256


Liam Little               65


Linus McGint          51


Bill McCourt           49


Tom Haviland         44


Jordan Edelman       34


John Griffin             28


Bob Caughey          26


Jack Rullo               26


Mark Dang              24


Bill Bohannan         23


Mark Dimaio           23


Don Lessem            23


Narayan Rao           22


Dan Sears                22


George Ciccarelli    18


Tony Soong            16


Bryan Parker           13


Bill Keogh                6


Ron Markburger       4


Pat Branin                 1

Many thanks to the members who participated in the IHTC 2013 Men's Challenge Ladder.  Congratulations to Jim Boerckel who had the highest score.
This will be the official 2014 Challenge Ladder, which we will post on the bulletin board, together with the rules at the beginning of the 2014 season.
The ladder is open to all members.  The Tennis Committee is looking forward to next year.
See you on the courts.


Paul A. Painten



 Pro Corner  
We had a good season of tennis and are pleased to report that the courts have responded to our regular applications of calcium chloride, so that remediation and repair will not have to be as extensive as we feared at the beginning of the season.
We will still have to take care of the courts once the season closes and prepare for the repairs that will be needed before the new season begins.
Wish you continued enjoyment of the pleasures of our hardy Har-Tru courts.


Dennis Olenik 



Membership Committee



Membership Count



Grand Total

Individual Adults


Adult New Members




Our website is :http://www.idlehourtennis.com


Idle Hour Needs You!

2010-11 Board of Directors     

Larry Knox, 


Property Committee




Committee Members

Joe SooHoo, chair, Bill Barton, Chris Rohner, Dom Sciubba, Carol Wenner


Har-Tru Courts 

  • Horizon completed tests of courts 1-14 and provided report to the Property Committee and consultants.
  • Summary of report
    • Har-Tru thickness generally adequate
    • 61% of surface (103/168 measurements equal to or greater than 1")
    • 71% equal to or greater than 7/8"
    • 83% equal to or greater than ¾"
    • Court slope contour generally acceptable
  • Horizon's Recommendations
    • Total lift not necessary
    • Local scarification, filling, rolling recommended.
    • Optimum time to perform work is at the end of the season
    • Less efficient to do the work at the beginning of the season
    • Neither thickness or slope measurements are adequate to define fill locations.
    • Must work with contractor to optimize sprinkler coverage.
    • Straightening and painting net posts is optional.
  • Additional data required
    • To define where to install added Har-Tru
    • 15 & 30 & 45 minutes after rain photograph puddles

Tarp Covering Efforts

  • Designed simplified tarp retention approach.
  • Sent design to potential contractor for a quote.
  • Second contractor must be chosen.
  • Tarps were moved outside of court 1, in preparation for a possible flood.
  • Manpower usage and source must be determined.

Gabion Berms - Low Flood Remediation

 Bill Barton met with Upper Darby Township personnel.The township has not made any decisions about granting a permit for us to remediate the berms.



Joseph SooHoo 


Rules, Regulations, By-laws Committee




William Kupprion, Chair (resigned), Joseph SooHoo, Interim Chair, Aquanetta Covington, Tony Soong


Infractions of the Rules and Regulations:

Three disciplinary actions were taken after much deliberation and after attempts by the Board to provide the individuals involved with opportunities to avoid the necessity of imposing penalties.  Unfortunately, these attempts failed, so that, in order to command respect for the club's rules and regulations, the Board, asserted its authority, and took disciplinary  actions. 


Joseph SooHoo,

Interim Chair



We are losing our plump, verdant greens as Autumn begins, and as the rusty red, sunny yellow, and carrot orange leaves drift over the grounds, we will be working on parking lot clean-up and on the general maintenance of the grounds to ensure that our club remains safe and attractive.

Terry L. Irwin
Centennial History Books
Complimentary copies of  The History of Idle Hour Tennis Club... are available in the Proshop.The on-line version is on the club's website: www.  idlehourtennis.com Click on "The History of Idle Hour Tennis Club." Whether you have been a member for many decades and have vivid memories of the club's earlier years, or you are a new club member, you will enjoy the pictures, stories, and the finely crafted work of its authors.

There are still many copies available, so be sure to pick one up.  You won't regret it.  It is as much a pleasure reading this book as it is playing tennis with its contributors.  
Editor's Corner 
Too Human Nature
Summer has drawn its humid, wet curtain and lets us step onto the cooler, clearer stage of autumn. We poor players "who strut and fret our hour upon" the Har-True clay instead of the stage, forgetting how quickly our brief candles go out, continue to play our roles in a "tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury," and though some of us believe that it is "signifying nothing," we insist on being heard now, though we suspect that the time will come when we'll be heard no more.
So those of us who listen and want to preserve our little Har-Tru covered tennis stage must be careful to distinguish fact from fantasy. We must insist that those who make decisions about the present and future of our tennis thespians, make those based on an honest approximation of the truth, and not on some petty soliloquies, which light the way to empty, dusty tennis courts. 

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