Idle Hour Tennis
Issue No. 6, 4 July 2013
Idle Hour Tennis Club members have enjoyed the gifts of a mild spring and the pleasures of warmer days, making the continued use and enjoyment of our Har-Tru courts possible. One of the most important decisions we as a club must make involves the upkeep, renewal and protection of our courts. The Board has worked on how to maintain, renew and improve our courts, which are over thirty years old. The annual pre-season court repairs and post-flood court minimum remediation have helped to maintain the courts in tolerable playing conditions, at a modest cost. The present remediation has left the Har-Tru cover thin which adversely affects the courts' needs for retaining water. Because this spring has been fairly wet, playing on the courts has been good, and our water bill has been low. This will change as we enter the hotter and dryer summer season.
In the near future, we will commission an independent assessment of the conditions of the courts. We will provide the membership with the results and conclusions of the assessment and suggest ways to improve the court playability within our financial resources. Consideration is being given to many options including doing a complete laser lift on seven courts at a time.
We invite all members to actively and openly engage in finding the best ways to repair and to renew our courts, including suggestions based on engineering analysis. All suggestions will be discussed and evaluated to reach the best solution. Please commit yourselves to making our club the best that it can be.
Send your questions, concerns, or suggestions to, or place a note in the suggestion box next to the phone in the club house.
Idle Hour Tennis Board of Directors
President's Message:
The Board is concerned with our drop in enrollment, so we are asking for your help to recruit new members. Our senior membership is now 430, which creates a financial shortfall for our club. Ideally, we need the dues collected from 480 senior members to meet the club's expenses.
In an attempt to increase enrollment, we have implemented a free, guest-pass program. Each member is encouraged to pick up two of these passes at the Pro Shop and use them to introduce prospective new members to the club. By taking advantage of this opportunity, you not only save $10 per guest, but you can help our club increase membership.
There are some players who are reluctant to join Idle Hour, because they do not know any members and are concerned that they may not be able to find anyone to play with. Three years ago we initiated a New Members Orientation to help new players meet others, new and old, to acquaint them with our court sign up system, and our club rules and regulations. This year we started a new program, which helps individuals find other players or groups they can join.
If you need help in finding a game, please don't hesitate to speak with Dennis or Zdenka. For assistance, you can also contact me at 610-640-4884 or
Treasurer's Report
June 2013
Findings and Conclusions
Actions and follow-up
1. May Financials
Total Revenues YTD
(7 mos) $184,311
Budget YTD $206,838
Expenses YTD
(7 mos) $121,139
Budget YTD $133,020
Net Income YTD
(7 mos) $63,172
Budget YTD $73,818
Capital Reserve Analysis
Discuss with Board
Info only
Info only
Info only
Info only
Info only
Info only
2. Fund balances
10013 Reserve account
(Beneficial) $126,319
10014 Checkingaccount
(Beneficial) $ 14,024
10000 Checking acct. (PNC) $101,412
10120 Vanguard Wellington $142,686
Info only
Info only
Info only
Info only
3. Taxes |
Federal and state withholding paid
4. Township Line Beer, Inc |
TLB portion of property tax due
Monthly rentals Nov-June have been paid
Notification rental increase due August
To be resolved
Letter to be issued
5. Insurance
Nothing to report
Info only
6. Large receipts |
Membership, App.,
Locker fees, Misc $5811
TLB rent $2784
7. Large expenses |
8. Payroll |
Nothing to report
9. Budget
Interim Budget
Presented to board
Social Committee
Calendar of Events
The following tennis competitions and social functions are coming up this summer. Save these dates
July 12th 5:00 p.m.
Mixed Doubles Round Robin
July 20th 2:00 p.m.
Mixed Doubles Round Robin
August 24th 2:00 p.m. Mixed Doubles Round Robin
Joy Effron Chair
Find Other Players
Profile: Tennis
Click this link to create an account and become a member of the Idle Hour Group. Looking for a match? will help you find someone to play with. Idle Hour Tennis Club will be using a new social network called, which connects people of similar interests. By joining the Idle Hour Tennis Club Group you will be connected with all club members. You'll be able to: - Let other members know you're looking for a match by creating calendar events
- Join calendar events that other players create
- Find other Idle Hour members at your USTA level
- Post pictures
- Chat with other members also allows you to: - Create a group of friends you like playing with
- Join public groups in your area to find new players
- Find new players at your USTA level
- When you're on vacation, you can look for a public group, and find local players.
- If you play golf, LikeYouSocial will help you find partners.
- You can check out our list of other profile interests, and meet people who share these with you.
Tennis Committee
Summer Plans
We have a full schedule of men's and women's club tournaments continuing this season. Schedules are posted on the web site, and on the club bulletin board. When you make your plans to participate in the tournaments, please check your schedules carefully for conflicts that may prevent you from finishing a tournament.
We have been hosting several USTA tournaments as well as adult inter-club and league teams again this year. Check the club information sites for more details about these activities.
2013 Idle Hour Men's Tennis Challenge Ladder
We have initiated a men's tennis challenge ladder to allow all tennis players, regardless of skill levels, to meet and play with other tennis players. Whether you play occasionally or several times a week, you can participate at your level and have the opportunity to improve your game by challenging other more advanced players.
If you are interested in participating in the tennis challenge ladder, please sign up on the sheet posted on the club bulletin board. For more information, contact Paul A. Painten, Tennis Chairperson or Dennis Olenik, Club Professional.
Thanks and good hitting,

Paul A. Painten
Editor's Corner
The rains wash away our tennis opportunities, but we must not relent. Water is good for our thirsty Har-Tru surface, and it's better when mother nature provides it, since that saves us money. We need the money for the rejuvenation of our aging courts, so that this summer is remembered not as the summer of discontent but as the summer made more glorious by our sum of sense, renewal and kind beneficence.
Pro Corner
Wishing everyone a continued season of good tennis and camaraderie.
Since the month of June has been particularly generous in rainfall, moisture retention of the Har Tru surface has been generously helped by mother nature, but no matter what her whims may bring, we will do everything to help our Har-Tru courts adjust to them.
Dennis Olenik
Membership Committee
2013 Membership Directory
available at the Pro Shop.
We need everyone to recruit new members, since our current numbers are significantly down from 2012. The maximum membership is 525.
Today, we are at 430 senior members, 46 standby, 30 new, 95 short of the maximum. There are 13 junior members.
Since dues are the main source of the club's revenues, it is crucial that we maximize the number of members.
We still offer a one-time $25 credit towards next year's dues for the primary sponsor of a new senior member. Full details are available on our website in the Membership Application tab.
Our website is :
Idle Hour Needs You!
Marketing Committee
Calling all Tennis Players
Just a friendly reminder that now is the time to stop by the Pro Shop to pick up your two free guest passes.
The Pro Shop is open until 6:00 PM on week nights. This promotion was developed as a way of getting your friends or family to try out Idle Hour at no cost to you. If they enjoy themselves and like our Club, you can encourage your guests to join.We prefer that you use the passes to bring new tennis players to our Club and not people who have been your guests in the past.
As an added incentive to you, all used guest passes will be placed in a fishbowl in the Pro Shop for a year-end member drawing for several prizes including a dinner for two (2) at a local restaurant.
In our efforts to help promote our club to new members, the committee has come up with several ideas.
We will display posters and brochures at three area indoor tennis clubs to attract tennis players who are not aware of Idle Hour's attractions or location.
For the nominal fee of $ 2.00, we are selling IHTC bumper stickers, available in the pro shop, so you may display your love of tennis and of Idle Hour.
We need your help to increase the number of our members which will help keep club dues affordable. 
John Parke
Centennial History Books
Complimentary copies of The History of Idle Hour Tennis Club... are available in the Proshop.The on-line version is on the club's website: www. Click on "The History of Idle Hour Tennis Club." Whether you have been a member for many decades and have vivid memories of the club's earlier years, or you are a new club member, you will enjoy the pictures, stories, and the finely crafted work of its authors.
There are still many copies available, so be sure to pick one up. You won't regret it. It is as much a pleasure reading this book as it is playing tennis with its contributors.