The Tidings Online  

March 18th 2013


Timeless Worship

Progressive Values

Inclusive Community


Come join us on our journey with God!


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Hope to see many of you this
Saturday, March 23rd, 10 AM to Noon, at the church to help with beautifying the grounds for the upcoming Holy Week festivities.  Come for as long as you can, bring gardening tools if you have them, and enjoy working with your fellow parishioners on our lovely hilltop! 

And,  please note the following activities at Nativity later this month celebrating Holy Week:

Mon 3/25 - Stations of the Cross - 7 pm

Tue. 3/26 - Stations of the Cross - 7 pm

Wed 3/27 - Evening Prayer - 6:45 pm

Thu 3/28 - Maundy Thursday Services - 7 pm

Fri 3/29 - Good Friday Service - 12 noon

Sat 3/30 - Holy Saturday Service - 10 am

Sat 3/30 - Great Vigil - 7:30 pm
(please note time change)
Sunday 3/31 - Festive Easter Eucharist - 10 am with Egg Hunt following service


Contact Us:


Episcopal Church
of the NativIty 


333 Ellen Drive

San Rafael, 94903  


News and Events                                                                        Nativity Calendar


Parish Announcements



Youth Group:  The Marin Episcopal Youth Group meets on Sundays from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm except for Movie Night (usually the last Sunday of the month) when we meet from 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm.   Anyone in grades 6 - 12 are invited to attend. 


Sock ProjectDuring Lent, donations of new socks will be coordinated by Hannah Wellesley-Winter.  They will be distributed to Ritter House and other local shelters in our diocese.  The campaign runs from Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday.  Please join this effort to share Christ's love.


Stations of the CrossDuring Lent on Wednesday evenings we will be walking the Stations of the Cross.  Share this walk with other parishioners at 7:00pm.


Bible ChallengeStacey will host any questions regarding the Bible Challenge at 9:15 am on Sundays in the Owl Room.  If you have not started this challenge and would like to participate, the readings are on the back table.  Also, send an email to Stacey so she can include you in the weekly email.


Easter Egg HuntOur Annual Easter Egg Hunt will be held following the 10 am Easter Service.  Eggs are available in the basket in the rear of the church.  Please put coins, as well as candy, in them.  The funds will be sent to the Bay View Mission for the purchase of fresh eggs for their food pantry.


Coming Events:

Mar17:  Bible Challenge recap - 9:15 am

Mar 17:  Marin Episcopal Youth Group - 5 pm

Mar 20:  Stations of the Cross - 7 pm

Volunteering and Outreach

Marin Food Bank

Thank you for your continued donations. We have taken in 168 pounds of food this year.


Good Friday Offering for the Church in Jerusalem

The Presiding Bishop requests that we hold a collection on Good Friday in support of the Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East.

We have done this for many years.

Envelopes are available if you wish to contribute.

Checks should be made to Church of the Nativity and will be forwarded.



In addition to Safeway and Paradise markets, we get donations from Scottie's Market when purchases are made with a registered debit or credit card.

Please remember to keep your cards up to date.


Coffee Hour at 10:00 AM Sundays



The sign-up sheet is now on the table in the church.

Please look for future dates when you may be able to help.     


Mar. 17: Marianne Keenan 

Mar. 24: ? Potluck ? 

Mar. 31: Easter Day - Ruth Baney

April 7: ?

April 14: ?

April 21: ?

April 28: ?



Our neighbor Carlos is providing the coffee at the moment so all that you need are goodies and half & half, and occasionally juice. (We often have that in the fridge.)

Please note:
The coffee pots need to be emptied and rinsed out so that they can be taken back to Carlos.

The new dishwasher is working. Please set it going before you leave.

In Our Prayers


Remember in Prayer



Our church: Pray for Katharine, our Presiding Bishop; Marc, our Bishop: the clergy, staff, and members of this parish.


The Ministries of our Parishioners:  Kairos Inside Prison Ministry, Kairos Outside Prison Ministry, Cursillo, Sojourn - the Multifaith Chaplaincy at San Francisco General Hospital, San Quentin Prison, the Marin Interfaith Street Chaplaincy, Ohlhoff Recovery Board: the Elders Ministry of Grace Cathedral, Hospice by the Bay, West Coast Post Trauma Retreat, Alano Club and Buckelew Services.


In our Nativity Parish cycle of prayer, pray for the Crosby family - Doyle, Diane, Ian, Derek; Marion deHeer; Rev. Margaret Deeths.


Our world: pray for our country, for our President Barack and Governor Jerry.  Pray peace into being especially in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Darfur, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Haiti, Pakistan, Chile, Palestine, the Middle East, Japan and Honduras.


Our parish members for special grace and healing: 

Carissa Betts, Bob Brandt, Alice Goss, David Wade, Virginia Gerhart,  Marion Slusser, Bill Schlegel,  Juliette Anthony and Muriel Hammond.



Prayers are asked for the following family and friends:

Polly Essinger, friend of Marian Marsh

Winnie Coleman, friend of Gail & Jean


Mike Antill, friend of the Wades

Hal, friend of Nina Woods


Brooks Parker, friend of David Wade

Marsha Calegari, friend of Honor Bulkley


Colton James, great grandson of Marge Cole

Jill Lerner, friend of Honor Bulkley


Gerry Studier, friend of Gail Sanfilippo and Fusae Miller

Margaret Whitfield, sister of Marianne Keenan


Steve Graham, father of Samantha Ehlen

Esther Yuen, friend of Marianne Keenan










World News This Week in Prayer


The night has ended; the day has begun.


Those of us in wintery climes long for spring, while those in summer's midst look longingly toward the comfort of cooling breezes. Why are we never contented, Holy God? Why are our hearts not filled with gratitude for all of the gifts with which our lives are filled?


Perhaps because we look around our world and see so many in pain, so many struggling for the daily necessities of life: the homeless, the hungry, the lonely of every age, and most especially those longing for justice.


Perhaps because we look around our world and see so many suffering the effects of war: homes lost, lives disrupted, families torn asunder.


Perhaps because we look around our world and are filled with a sense of helplessness and frustration. After all, what can we do? What can one person do?


May this time of prayer awaken in us, Gracious God, the hidden gifts contained in this day and in us, and may it open us to the ways in which we can BE your help, BE your strength, BE your peace. Remove us from the ruts of habit, of despair, and set us on the path of openness and joy.


- We lift in heartfelt prayer the families of the seven men in Saudi Arabia who were executed by beheading for stealing, in spite of the appeal by the United Nations that the punishment be withheld, as the men had not been given fair trials and that they had been tortured into confessing.


- We lift in heartfelt prayer Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the newly-elected Pope Francis I, as he begins to walk this new path in his spiritual journey, answering calling to lead the Roman Catholic Church throughout this world.


- We lift in heartfelt prayer all those victims of human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia, India, Iraq, and Syria. Most especially we remember the women and children who suffer as the result of archaic laws which fail to recognize them as persons with rights.


- We lift in heartfelt prayer the young Tunisian cigarette vendor, Adel Khedhri, who died after setting himself on fire on Tuesday in Tunis, Tunisia, as a protest against his government's policies, as the still-fragile democracy struggles to bring peace and justice to the nation.


- We remember with heartfelt sadness the 27 forest elephants killed by poachers in Cameroon as the demand for ivory in Asia drives the world market for this resource.


- We hold in heart the people of Kenya where the man claiming the presidency, Uhuru Kenyatta, had been charged by the ICC with organizing attacks between rival ethnic groups during the 2007 election.


- We hold in heart the people of El Salvador as they pray for the success of the delicate truce between the two major street gangs who have been responsible for much of the violence in the city of San Salvador and surrounding areas.


- We lift our hearts to you, Beloved One, as this season of Lent gently sweeps across our sluggish and sleeping hearts, asking that you will awake within us a greater love for you and for one another.


Let it be so, Gracious God; let it be so.







World in Prayer is a ministry of the Episcopal Church of St. John the Baptist

Lodi, California, USA, and is written by a team of writers representing different denominations throughout the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom.

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TTO Publishing Team
Episcopal Church of the Nativity
(415) 479-7023
Dee Dee Nelson, Circulation Manager       Jean Walker, Reporter     Trish Shurtz, Editor
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