[SIGNALS exclusive] The results from the GPS receiver testing sponsored by would-be wireless broadband provider Ligado are in. A review of the nearly 600 pages of data and analysis suggests that a number of GPS receivers can - by the firm's chosen, but somewhat controversial technical standard - operate in the presence of the company's proposed wireless signals.
( more) < http://www.insidegnss.com/node/4952>
The Senate Armed Services Committee zeroed out the Pentagon's $393 funding request for the new GPS ground control system during its May 11 markup, asserting that the program's cost overruns - with a total cost that may reach $5.3 billion, up from an original $1.5 billion - had breached the Nunn-McCurdy Act. ( more)
The seeming efficiency of having unmanned aircraft carry the same GNSS-based collision avoidance transmitters required for manned aircraft has generated a lot of interest as a possibly safe way to easily integrate unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the nation's air traffic control system. ( more)
Russia Delays Launch of Next GLONASS Satellite
The Russian news agency TASS has reported that the launch of GLONASS-M satellite No. 53 from the Plesetsk cosmodrome has been rescheduled from May 21 to May 29, according to Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems CEO Nikolay Testoyedov. ( more)
The USAF Space and Missile Systems Center (SMC) has announced the award of three contracts to support companies in preparing for the competition to build additional GPS Block III space vehicles (SVs). ( more)