July 31, 2015

Experts: Exclusion Zones Around GPS-Interference Problematic; LightSquared/GPS Lawsuit Settlement Talks a No-Go

[SIGNALS Exclusive] In the same week conflicting court filings underscored the intractability of the fight between LightSquared and GPS receiver manufacturers. Meanwhile, a key technical group found that aviation likely would be hampered yet not fully protected by exclusion zones around wireless broadband transmission towers using, as LightSquared has proposed, frequencies adjacent to GPS bands. (more)

Key Lawmakers Move to Make DoD Responsible for eLoran, GPS Backup

[SIGNALS Exclusive]  A quintet of well-placed lawmakers, tired of federal dawdling, are prepared to make the Pentagon responsible for building and maintaining eLoran as a backup system for GPS. The move could come by the end of the year, possibly through language attached to a must-pass bill. (more)


"Studying the Effects of Interference on GNSS Signals" - White Paper

Assessing the impact of interference on live GNSS signals is a slow and challenging process, with many uncontrollable environmental factors. In this white paper, Spirent's test engineers describe how to conduct such tests in repeatable laboratory conditions, and reveal the effects of five different interference sources on the tracking capability and navigation performance of a commercially available GPS receiver.

Click here for more information 

China Launches Pair of New-Generation BeiDou GNSS Satellites

China launched two new satellites July 25 for the nation's Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS). (more)

LightSquared Submits GPS Market Study to FCC

A "GPS market review" submitted to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) this week diverges in methodology and results from a preliminary study of U.S. benefits of the Global Positioning System provided earlier this year to the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board. (more)

Thinking Aloud: Premature Farewell to GPS   

There is nothing wrong with provocative, even disruptive, speech or ideas. Turning the world upside down every now and then can shake loose useful innovation along with the shopping lists and pocket change. But U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter's recently revealed comments on GPS seem more in the category of "Loose lips sink ships." (more)

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