February 28, 2013

Air Force Plans to Test Full Navigation Message on GPS L2C Signal

[SIGNALS Exclusive] The Air Force will put the navigation message onto the civil L2C signal as part of a test it plans to conduct this summer, sources have told Inside GNSS. (more)

Egos behind New EC-ESA Rift?

[SIGNALS Exclusive] Speaking privately at the recent European Union (EU) Space Conference in Brussels, one individual said, "Relations between the European Commission (EC) and the European Space Agency (ESA) are worse than ever." (more)

The Sequester and Its GPS Discontents

[SIGNALS Exclusive] Deep military spending cuts set to kick in March 1 will likely slow efforts to modernize the GPS constellation, insiders agree, in large part because many of the personnel needed to push the program forward will be sitting at home, unpaid, one day out of every five. (more)

GAO Report on Receiver Performance Invokes GPS LightSquared Controversy

[SIGNALS Exclusive] A U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) study on receiver performance and increased availability to radio frequency spectrum reveals just how complicated the issue underlying the GPS/LightSquared controversy is. (more)

Lockheed Powers Up First GPS III Satellite Module

Well, the lights work. So far, so good. The Lockheed Martin team developing the U.S. Air Force's next-generation GPS III satellites has turned on power to the system module of the program's first spacecraft, designated GPS III Space Vehicle One (SV-1). (more)

Czech GNSS Showcase

The European GNSS Agency (GSA) will sponsor a half-day workshop on GNSS for the regional business community at GSA headquarters, Janovkeho 438, in Prague at 8:30 a.m. on March 27. (more)

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