Friends of
Friends of the Casa NEWSLETTEROctober, 2015
In This Issue
Featured Casa Entity ~ St Francis of Assisi
It is God Who Heals ~ John of God is an Instrument in God's Hands ~ By Grainne McEntee
Autopsy Shows no sign of Leukemia ~ A Tribute to Wayne Dyer ~ By Deb Court
Casa Guide's Healing Stories ~ An interview with Heather Cumming
Featured Casa Guide ~Barbara Rose Billings
Dom Inacio Day~ By Grainne McEntee
Casa Crystal Beds~ Around the World - New additions

 John of God's

Travel Schedule  

Currently, John of God has no official plans to travel away from the Casa in 2016  



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Listen to John of God's Message
to the Casa Participants
while recovering in the hospital

By Cassandra Lea 
 Official Casa Guide~
Friends of the Casa Social Media Manager 
In preparation for his event, at The Omega Institute, in Rhinebeck, New York, John Of God, went in for routine check-ups, which he does before he travels. During this check-up, he complained about digestive issues and the doctors found that he needed an operation. For John of God to be away from the Casa is highly unusual. While in the hospital, in São Paulo, he made this recording addressing the visitors to The Casa. In the recording, which was then played on the stage in The Main Hall, to all who were there in 
the Healing energy, he reassures us that the work continues and that the entities are there even when he is not. He Thanks the Entities, and the people in current for their support, and makes it clear that the healing work of The Casa is no less strong without him there to receive his many visitors. This is a reminder for all of us, that John Of God is a man, a man with an extraordinary mission, but a human man, all the same. We live in gratitude and joy every day, that this incredibly diligent being has dedicated his life to helping us connect with the entities and our higher selves. Our prayers are with you, Medium João!!!!!

Friends of the Casa
Official Recommended Casa
Guide's Travel Schedule
2015 & 2016 
It is recommended that new comers go with a Casa Guide to visit John of God. The Casa is filled to overflowing with hundreds of people from all over the world. There are many protocols, on how to take care of yourself, during your Casa treatment, what to do, and where to go, while you are there, which the Casa recommended Guides will help you to navigate. You can focus on what is important to your healing process, and you are sure to get the most support and highest benefit. The Casa Guide provides all the logistics, ie taxi, lodging, translation, individual support, Casa Protocols, including care during your healing experience etc.etc 

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Distance Healing 
Through Casa Herbs
For a List of Guides who do a service, taking Photos to the Casa and John of God for Distance healing through the Casa Herbs Click Link:
Note: The cost of this service should be between $65.00 and $85.00USD or equivalent, including regular postage and depending upon what country you and the Guide performing the service, are in.


Distance Healing Update
Because Dr. Wayne Dyre has shared, in his book, Wishes Fulfilled, and at his public lectures, that he was healed of Leukemia, by John of God and the Entities of Light, through his photograph, and the Casa Blessed Herbs, he was able to touch so many people in the USA and beyond.  
There has been a dramatic increase in people asking for Casa Distance Healing through photographs. For the most part, The Entities and John of God are now doing the  Distance Healing work, scanning the photo, sending teams of Spirit Light workers "directly" out to work with the person in the photo with no intermediary needed. Where as before the Entities used a "surrogate" or a person to "stand in" for the Spiritual Intervention for the individual in the photograph.   
If you are interested in having your photograph presented for Distance Healing with the Casa Herbs, contact a Casa Guide who does the service of presenting photos to John of God.

Click Below:
Casa Guide Travel Calendar

The charge for this service should be between $65 and $85.00 US dollars and will include at least 55 days of Casa Blessed Herbs. The Casa de Dom Inacio DOES NOT charge for distance healing through the photograph. Apart from the herbs service and shipping there should be NO extra charge for the service.

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Since early July, 2010, 2883 people have linked up with The Friends of the Casa on Facebook
Featured Book   
 Heather Cumming 
   Casa Guide~John of God Casa Translator       
FOC Image John of God by Heather Cumming and Karen Leffler       
 John of God: The Brazilian Healer Who's Touched the Lives of Millions
  CLICK HERE to see a Video about Heather growing up on her family farm

For more information about Heather, her Guided Journeys to the Casa and her Pousada in Abadiania, Go TO:
Facebook: Tours to John of God
Heather Cumming

FOC Guide Listing Facilitator
To be Listed as a Guide
on the
Friends of the Casa Website
Peter Waugh
If you have been authorized by the Entity to bring groups to the Casa, please contact Peter Waugh at for further information on how to be listed
as a Casa Guide on
The Friends of the Casa Website.

Peter Waugh is an official Casa Guide living in
New Zealand.
For more information about Peter and his Casa Group Travel to Brazil, go to his website: 
Casa Guide Advice Tips: 
Listen for Special Instructions after EVERY Spiritual Intervention
By Sean Durkin ~ Abadiania Local Casa Guide
As many who have come to the Casa know, the Entities often alter the post intervention instructions, for Wednesdays, and sometimes  Thursdays interventions, which make it essential that all guides and visitors check with the people doing the official Casa orientations every time they have an intervention to see what supplemental instructions have been made.

After the 24 hour rest period, visits to the Casa gardens, view/meditation deck and verandas, soup area, Casa store, crystal baths etc are OK before being able to enter the halls and current rooms.

Note: This is the new norm and it too can vary week to week, session to session.

Finally, because the current room energies and work is so very powerful, it is strongly suggested that for the first session after your "keep away time" following any intervention, that you sit only in the first current room - the "Mediums Current", even if you have permission and normally sit in a different room.

For more information on Sean Durkin and his personal local Guide Services:

John of God Event at Omega  
in Rhinebeck New York, USA
Sept 2015

By Bob and Diana Dinga~ Beloved Casa Guides

John of God was given a very warm welcome of love and appreciation by the huge crowd gathered at the Omega Institute for John of God's 7th visit to Rhinebeck, New York on Sept 29-Oct 1st. Heather Cumming,
one of John of God's closest friends, coordinated this lovely event with the help of Skip Backus, CEO of the Omega Institute, and his kind and caring staff.

We were honored to help on stage in
the huge Main Tent where everyone gathered for the morning and afternoon sessions. There was seating capacity for 1,900 participants in the Main Tent. Since participants had tickets for one, two or three days, there were a few thousand participants throughout the event.

A building adjacent to the Main Tent was divided into 4 rooms replicating the layout of the main building at the Casa: Mediums' Room, Entities' Room, Blessing/Intervention Room and Infirmary. The work in these rooms was lovingly anchored and supported by a team of 60 Casa mediums.
The Omega staff did a
magnificently efficient job of organizing and facilitating the flow of people from the Main Tent as they proceeded through
the Current rooms.

John of God addressed the audience from the stage each of the 3 mornings of the event. He thanked everyone for coming to the event and he thanked them for their faith and courage. With great emotion, he expressed his love and
appreciation to the crowd.

On the third day, John of God's wife, Ana, brought their newborn, 5 month old baby girl to the stage and the crowd stood up and applauded
in their honor.
Before leaving the stage, Ana spoke to the crowd in English and said "I love you!"

Ana Keyla, John of God's wife, with their beautiful new baby daughter, Marianne standing with famous model Naomi Campbell  

For more information about Bob and Diana Dinga and their guided trips to the Casa in Brazil:

Submit your favorite Casa Photos to:
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               Casa Soup Kitchen


FOC Casa Blessed Soup Pot 


      FOC Casa picture of Blessed Soup       

Donations of clothes for all ages,
toys, blankets etc are always welcome for the soup kitchen.
The Casa accepts donations for various charity projects related to the mission of John of God. Be advised that neither the Friends of the Casa nor any of the Staff or Volunteers at the Casa are allowed to accept donations in the name of the Casa.
For information on how to donate go to:



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Crystal Light Beds


By John of God 


FOC crystal Bed Crystal Point 1


FOC Crystal Bed Image 2










Find a Crystal Light Bed in Your area. 




                Featured Casa Entity     
                  St Francis of Assisi 
                           (1181 - Oct 3, 1226)
St Francis of Assisi's earthly life ended at sunset on 3 October 1226. If you would like to know more about him, Paul McCathy has created a series of short clips (5 to 15 minutes) accessible online for free click here: 
St Francis of Assisi commentary By Paul McCarthy 
The Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi

Lord, make us instruments of your peace. 
Where there is hatred, let us sow love; 
Where there is injury, pardon; 
Where there is discord, union; 
Where there is doubt, faith; 
Where there is despair, hope; 
Where there is darkness, light; 
Where there is sadness, joy; 
O Divine Master, Grant that we may not so much seek 
To be consoled as to console, 
To be understood as to understand, 
To be loved as to love. 
For it is in giving that we receive; 
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned; 
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. 

 It is God Who Heals.
Medium Joao is an instrument
in God's Hands.
By Grainne McEntee
Friends of the Casa Snoop Reporter
Casa Current Room Facilitator

      Unusually, Medium Joao has been away from the Casa. He underwent a lengthy surgery in a hospital in Sao Paulo. There have been many blessings here in Abadiania despite his absence in the past 6 weeks. 
     We have had an opportunity to pray for John of God consciously as he has in turn been sending messages recorded from his hospital room to the Casa where the recordings have on the main hall stage.
    The Current Sessions continue whether Medium Joao is here or not. During the second week, as it became clear that he needed more rest and recuperation, he took the time out from his hospital bed to acknowledge the dedication of those who made the journey to this small town in the heart of Brazil. 
     Sounding emotional in a recorded message, he welcomed everyone to the Casa saying 'God is always present'.  He hoped people who came to the Casa received everything they came here for. 'Congratulations to all of you, your Faith will heal you. Do not abandon your earth doctors they are messengers & missionaries of God. I love all of you. This work is opened in the name of God.' 
     It's always a good time to come to the Casa. All is in Divine order. There were many lessons learned in this quiet time here. We all had an opportunity to deepen our Faith, to realize that there are multitudes of unseen beings present here for our benefit. Copious reports of deep work being done both in the current rooms and upon awakening, visible scars manifesting as proof of the powerful, infinite and compassionate love, the Entities have for us. 
      First timers to the Casa were shown the power of the Spirit world, a lady one night physically feeling scissors up her nose & experiencing blood flowing from there.  Profound healing was taking place. 
     Many who come here are sent directly from the lines to the Current rooms for work by the Entity. These rooms were full much of the time and spontaneous interventions are taking place here.
     People who have been to the Casa on numerous occasions were surprised that these were the most powerful currents they had ever experienced. We were all given an opportunity to follow our intuition and rest a lot more. There was less noise & chaos usually associated with Casa days. 
     Reports were coming back across the miles of extraordinary healings from people who had their photos placed in the pharmacy of the Casa in exchange for the blessed herbs. The Entity will review all these on his return. Continued healing was been sent from petitions placed at the Casa triangles. 
      There are no mistakes just lessons and opportunities for growth.
     We are sending our Prayers of Support, Love and Healing as Medium Joao rests and renews preparing for the Omega Event in Rhinebeck NY USA. 


Autopsy Shows No Sign of Leukemia
 A Tribute to Wayne Dyer
By Deb Court~ Guide to John of God ~  
Friends of the Casa Webmaster and  
Newsletter Publisher
              On August 30th 2015, Wayne Dyer, our beloved teacher and mentor, had a heart attack and passed into the spirit world. Our gratitude and prayers are with this amazing servant to humanity, who lived his life studying and sharing living the life of our dreams.

      In Wayne's recent book "Wishes Fulfilled", he talks about the Beings who inspired him and Divinely led turning points, which paved and informed his life path.
     Wayne tells us how a the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, hung framed in his hallway near his children's  bedrooms, where he read daily "Let me be an instrument of your Peace". This prayer informed every aspect of his life's work. And was also the foundation of his book:
      In 2006 Dr Dyer, became steeped in a deep inner dialogue and relationship with the Being Lao-Tzu and the Tao Te Ching. During this life altering time, Wayne wrote a brief essay on each of the 81 verses of the Tao Te Ching and how to apply this ancient wisdom in our everyday lives in his book:
 "Change Your Thoughts ~ Change Your Life"

      When Wayne was diagnosed with Leukemia, he was told, by his doctors, that he would no longer be able to practice his Yoga or keep up with his daily exercise regime and would become weaker. Several months later a friend of his, Rayna, invited Wayne to travel with her to visit the full trance medium healer, John of God, in Brazil. Wayne opted NOT to travel to the Casa in Brazil, but gave his friend Rayna, his highly skeptical, permission to take his photo, to be presented to John of God, for Distance Healing, and the Casa Blessed Herbs.
     For the next 4 weeks Wayne shares how his body was resting, detoxing and releasing and then on his 28th day, after his photo was presented to John of God, he felt an inner calling to start slowly with his yoga practice, which he had given up for the last 11 months. 
     In his book "Wishes Fulfilled", after his John of God distance Healing experience, Wayne shares, how he felt absolutely "imbued by Love". He expresses how he had no fear of death and felt the I AM presence of God, and more and more connected to what he called "Angelic Guidance".
      Blessings to you Dear Wayne, from the Friends of the Casa, the Casa De Dom Inacio Family,  and all the students who's lives you inspired through your conscious awakening, steeped in Love and Brotherhood. May you feel our prayers with you as you travel and serve in the Angelic Realms.


Casa Guide's Healing Stories   
      A recorded interview with Heather Cumming
               Casa Guide~John of God, Casa Translator
   Brought to you by Deb Court ~
    Casa Guide &
Friends of the Casa Newsletter Publisher


      During my July, 2015 visit to the Casa in Brazil, I had the pleasure to sit down with Heather Cumming to talk about some of her experiences at the Casa. We talked while the birds sang and the butterflies sipped, in her beautiful garden, at Rai Devi, her home and guest house pousada, where she hosts her guided groups to the Casa.  
     In the past when I recorded an interview with Heather, I would transcribe her stories in writing, trying to keep her wording as close a possible, to how she expressed her experiences. This time we are using "Sound Cloud", a new internet audio service, so you can hear the birds in the background and Heather's beautiful soothing voice, and eloquent intonation, as she describes three of her favorite Casa Healing Stories.
For more information on Heather Cumming and her Guided Group travel to John of God, to:
Featured Casa Guide

Barbara Rose Billings 
     After suffering the effects of Lyme disease for over 40 years, Barbara Rose, was miraculously healed on her first visit to Abadiania. On that visit the Entity recognized her as a Daughter of the Casa and invited her to bring people to John of God's Healing Center, in Brazil.       Since then she has taken groups to the Casa, serving her clients before, during and after their trip. She also leads a Casa style meditation group where people come from the
San Francisco Bay Area.
Her clients speak of her: "She helped us set our intentions ahead of time so that I felt focused on my healing."-"She held space for us to connect most deeply with the Entities of the Casa, the Divine, each other and ourselves."-"emotional and spiritual depth"- "capability and compassion"-"spiritual maturity and wisdom"-"loving, insightful, wise counsel"-"knowledgeable, organized, prepared, attentive, available"- "caring, compassionate, supportive, responsive to our needs"-"embodies the spirit of the Casa".
She would consider it a privilege to be of service to you as a guide on your healing journey to John of God in Brazil.

For more information on
Barbara Rose Billings,
Her Casa Guide services and group travel to John of God, in Brazil: 
~Dom Ignacio Day~
Celebrated at the Casa
Friday July 31st, 2015 

By Grainne McEntee 
Friends of the Casa Lead Reporter  
Casa Current Room Facilitator

St Ignatius of Loyola is always present in the Casa. He incorporates from time to time. Today we get to really feel his message of hope and love. Soldier, dreamer, and man of prayer, he leads us with the popular Pope Francis, also a Jesuit, forward as strongly today
as he did in the 1500s.  
'Surrender to the Divine power.
Thy will be done, not my will.'

'Welcome sons &
& daughters from all over the world' in Portuguese, English and German. These signs accompanied the 77 different flags gathered from all over the globe, a spectacular show of solidarity, unity and recognition in response to a vision from this powerful Entity. Due to the weekly increase in numbers here in Abadiania, there is a huge fusion of cultures as a multiplication of nationalities gather together seeking healing.
   The Company of Jesus, the Jesuits founded by St Ignatius and St Francis Xavier, another compassionate Entity of the Casa, were represented by the Jesuit flag, yellow and white, displayed in balloons around the Casa, with the official crest of the house of Loyola in Spain adding an authentic feel to the celebrations. 

  IHS the first 3 letters of the name of Jesus in Greek spelt out in beautiful yellow & white flowers on the floor of the stage heralded the entrance of Medium Joao happy, beaming & ready to incorporate
the Patron of the Casa.

Dom Ignacio reminding us 'I am calling all my children back together again. There are no co incidences, no accidents, there's a reason why we are all present in this moment in the Casa. There is a bigger picture. We all know each other whether we know it or not  and have come back in this lifetime to work  together again  to help raise the vibration of the planet ,as one heart, making our way out of separation into oneness. This is a reunion.'
Casa De Com Inacio Statue in Garden
Right there in the center of the Casa under his bronze bust, his words ring clear and true, 
"For those who believe no words are necessary for those who do not believe no amount of words are sufficient." 

    John of God Casa Crystal Beds  
Around the World
     Those of you who have been to the Casa will be familiar with the Crystal bed - the Entity regularly 'prescribes' sessions on the bed to help supplement the healing process. There are twelve, plus, crystal beds located in buildings adjacent to the main Casa building. Each bed has 7 quartz crystals suspended above the bed which align with and correspond to, the 7 chakras of the human body. A session consists of lying on the bed for approximately 20 minutes, or more, while listening to soothing music. The crystals radiate color to the respective chakras to cleanse them and to balance their energies. The Entity may prescribe crystal-bed therapy for you, or you may choose to have a therapeutic session on your own.
     On our website, we provide a list of individuals who were given special permission from the Entity to purchase one of these crystal beds, thereby enabling them to offer these unique treatment sessions all around the world.
     The following are new additions to the list of individuals worldwide who offer crystal bed treatments. The full listing of crystal beds around the world is available on the Friends of the Casa website, in our
Casa Crystal Bed Section 


Jeanne Crook  
New South Wales, Australia 
Louise Leecy  
Bellevue Hill, Sydney 
Maureen Ritchie 
100 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 
0402 257283 
Nicole Miles  
Crystal Light Bed  
NSW Australia 

Bob & Lynette Lawrence 
DIGBY, Nova Scotia  
902-245-1266 or 902-247-2233  
Maureen McCulloch 
Whitehorse, Yukon Territory


Vanessa Tallon 
West Cork
087 1344013


Antoinette van Rensburg  
Botha's Hill, Durban
+27 83 214 5638

Abia Alvares 
West Harrison, New York
Anja Woltman & Alicia Nourse
Sebastopol, CA
Bonnie Sandera
Wilmington, NC  
Christine Sylva
8226 Balsam Way
Arvada, CO
Ivone Osborne
Chantilly, Virginia  

Katherine Stacie
Phoenix & Sedona, AZ
Lorri J. Gliner
Delray Beach, Florida  

Pat Yorks R.N.
Kerhonkson NY
Susan and Tamus Duprat
As a Friend of the Casa we invite you to contribute to the Website as follows: 
  • If you have just returned from Abadiania or are aware of any changes / updates to information and prices please let us know. Thank you.
  • Submit your story to be included in the Healing Stories section
  • Each month in the Casa Website Photo Gallery we will feature a selection of Casa photos submitted by our friends from all over the world. Please email any photo(s) you would like to submit for this feature
  • If you have already visited the Casa, we invite you to complete the questionnaire.
  • Submit a review of the books / DVDs / videos listed on the website
  • If you have just returned from Abadiania we invite you to update us with any news from the Casa
  • The Friends of the Casa Forum is used by individuals around the world to exchange information and advice. Your regular contributions to the Forum/Messageboard are very welcome.
  • Your views and advice on how we can improve the website are always welcome