Epiphanies Happen!
Interim Rector's Reflection
"[Y]ou are dust, and to dust you shall return." Genesis 3.19b

Are you eating desserts at every meal? That is what some of my friends do in preparation for Lent. As if one could remember and cherish something denied by indulging in gluttony first.

Lent isn't about giving up sugar... although many of us do that during these 46 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter. And as a video from the Episcopal Church reminds us, Lent is not about "...beating ourselves up, making ourselves miserable or being overwhelmed by shame."  Lent is instead a unique opportunity to spend time differently - pondering our mortality, reorienting our lives, and deepening our relationship with Christ. This season of the church calendar sets apart time, for each of us and for our corporate worship services, to respond to Jesus's invitation to repent and believe in the Good News (Mk 1.15b).

Epiphany invites you to spend some of your time with us as we slow down, listen, and respond to the call of Jesus.

Tuesday, February 9 is Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday
For more information about this day, click here.
12:10 Tuesday Concert Series with a Dixieland Jazz band in sanctuary
1:00 Street Church 10th Birthday Celebration in Franklin Park
6:00 Mardi Gras Celebration in Community Hall. For tickets, click here.

Wednesday, February 10 is Ash Wednesday
For more information about Ash Wednesday, click here.
7:30 Morning Prayer in sanctuary
8:00 Ashes to Go at Metro Center
12:10 Choral Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes in sanctuary
6:00 Choral Eucharist with the Imposition of Ashes in sanctuary

Wednesdays in Lent
Epiphany will offer new ways to deepen our faith each Wednesday through worship and formation.
12:10 Holy Eucharist with Schola Epiphaniensis singing Lenten service music.
6:00 Exploring contemplative prayer in Lent through music, silence, Scripture, and more.

Sundays in Lent
We will examine the worship service's distinct parts by looking deeply at one section each week: Hearing the Word, Responding to the Word, Coming to the Table; Responding to the Table, and our Service Music as Gateway and Response to God's Love.
8:00 Instructed Holy Eucharist with Welcome Table Choir
11:00 Instructed Holy Eucharist with the Epiphany Choir

Music & The ArtsMusic
Tuesday Concert Series
In Epiphany's February 9 Tuesday Concert Series we will celebrate MARDI GRAS with jazz music from Mike Flaherty's Dixieland Direct. The concert begins at 12:10pm, admission is free but a donation of $10 is suggested to support the artists and the running costs of the concert series itself.

January-June 2016 Tuesday Concert Series brochure.

Upcoming Performances
February 5, 2016, 8:00pm- Avanti Orchestra
The evening's program features the Holberg Suite (Grieg), Cello Concerto in B-flat major, G. 482 (Boccherini) with Zlatomir Fung, cello (first prize winner, Johansen International Competition), and Symphony No. 33 in B-flat major, K. 319 (Mozart). There is a $10 suggested donation, which benefits Epiphany's Tuesday Concert Series.

February 7, 2016, 3:00pm- Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic
Twentieth Century Favorites
Maestro James, Conductor; Shaun Tirrell, Pianist; Karl Hovey, Tubist

Acclaimed Washington area pianist Shaun Tirrell joins WMP for a scintillating performance of Gershwin's unique Concerto in FThe program continues with Rachmaninoff's Symphonic DancesRounding out this exciting program is the fourth movement from Walton's music for Shakespeare's play, the Henry V Suite. This movement titled "Touch her soft lips and part," is one of Walton's most tender and expressive pieces of music. A special lighthearted treat will be the Philharmonic's principal tubist, Karl Hovey, performing the baritone solo aria, "Largo al factotum" (Make way for the factotum) from Rossini's Barber of Seville.  For more information and tickets, please visit the Washington Metropolitan Philharmonic's website

Please note that all of Epiphany's guest artists and ensembles handle their own ticket sales. Please contact the respective individuals/ensembles for ticket sales and information pertaining to these concerts.
Learn more about musical events at Epiphany by visiting our website
Spirituality & Ministry Spirituality

Worship at Epiphany

February 10- Ash Wednesday: Come to Church on Ash Wednesday! This is one of the most important services of our church year, when we begin our Lenten devotion together. We are delighted that the Revd. Dr. James Farwell, Professor of Theology and Liturgy at Virginia Theological Seminary, will be preaching at both our Choral Eucharists. 
  • 7:30am Morning Prayer
  • 8:00am Ashes To Go at Metro Center Metro  (G & 13th)
  • 12:10pm Choral Eucharist with Guest Preacher 
  • 6:00pm Choral Eucharist with Guest Preacher
Wednesdays in Lent: The 12:10pm Eucharist during Lententide will be sung by the Schola Epiphaniensis. Short Mass settings (Kyrie, Sanctus & Agnus Dei) by Renaissance composers, Lotti, Biancheri and Hassler and plainchant propers will enhance and beautify our lunchtime liturgy during this penitential season. The addition of music will add only a few minutes to the length of the liturgy, but will give a chance for contemplation in the context of beautiful words and music.

Sundays in Lent: Join us for Instructed Eucharist at 8:00am and 11:00am during the season of Lent. We will examine the worship service's distinct parts by looking deeply at one section each week: Hearing the Word, Responding to the Word, Coming to the Table; Responding to the Table, and our Service Music as Gateway and Response to God's Love

Parish Events
February 9- Street Church 10th Anniversary: We invite you to join us in Franklin Park on Tuesday, February 9 for Street Church's Tenth Birthday celebration. We are planning to do something a little extra by way of celebration and would love for you to join us. For more information, contact the Revd. Catriona Laing.

February 9- Mardi Gras: On February 9, 6:00-8:00pm, we will have our annual Epiphany Mardi Gras Party. The evening's festivities include a New Orleans style dinner and a live Dixieland band. Tickets are $20/adult, $5/children under 12. RSVP to 202-347-2635. Tickets can be purchased online here. Please select "Mardi Gras" in the drop-down menu.

Parish Announcements
Calling Committee Communiqu�: If you have not yet completed your parish survey, we would still love to hear from you! We will happily provide you with a paper copy or a link to the electronic version.
Parish Narrative Questions: In our most recent meeting, we started putting together the answers to the parish narrative questions that we must answer for the Diocese. There are 12 of these questions and we worked on jotting down our thoughts on the first 6. As a teaser, here is the first prompt: "1. Describe a moment in your worshiping community's recent ministry which you recognize as one of success and fulfillment." If you would like to help us draft answers (or critique our responses), please speak up! We will post the questions in Community Hall for your input. You can also contact us at: epiphanysearch2015@gmail.com.

Gracious God, we pray for this parish church and for the Calling Committee as we seek to call a new Rector. Help us to be strong, open, forgiving -- and truthful to those discerning a call to minister in this place. Accompany us on our journey in the knowledge of your love for us and your power to unite us all. AMEN

Weekday Worship: Would you be interested in helping Epiphany design a contemporary weekday worship service for downtown workers? We are putting together a team to interview musicians and worship leaders. If you would like to join us, please contact Elizabeth.

Explore Confirmation : Are you baptized, confirmed or have you ever re-affirmed your baptism vows? If your answer is no to any of these questions then come and join us for conversations about Christian formation and discipleship. The Cathedral Confirmation service takes place on May 14, so the coming months are the perfect time to consider taking your commitment one step further from where you are now.  We will be holding a series of discussions this Lent where together we will explore the teachings, history, and liturgy of the Church in more depth. We would love for you to join us.  Please contact Elizabeth Gardner, or Catriona Laing, for more information. 

Explore different avenues for prayer on Wednesdays in Lent: From 6:00pm-7:00pm on Wednesdays in Lent we will be presented with different ways of approaching contemplative prayer: 'praying with silence'; 'praying with icons'; 'praying with music' and 'praying with Scripture'. Contact Farley Lord Smith for more information.

Godly Play: Godly Play is looking for adults to work with Godly Play.  Would you like to teach our children our Bible stories in an experiential setting?  Would you like to help children with their work, their reaction to and understanding of the stories they've heard?  If you are interested, please contact Ann Gordon at guysandgals52@gmail.com or at 703-303-9833

Diocesan Events
February 5- Hymn Sing with Theodicy Jazz Collective: Join young adults from around the diocese for a Hymn Sing with the Theodicy Jazz Collective on Friday, February 5 at St. Stephen's and the Incarnation from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Food and beverages will be provided. This event is free to all. For more information, check out the Facebook event

February 7- Absalom Jones Service: Presiding Bishop Michael Curry returns to the Diocese of Washington to preach at a Eucharist commemorating Absalom Jones, the first African American to be ordained an Episcopal priest. The service, which will include traditional African American hymns and music of the African diaspora, takes place at 3 pm on Sunday, February 7 at Washington National Cathedral and is open to all. 

Blogs & Websites
Episcopal Cafe  An independent Web site featuring news, commentary, art, meditations, and video
Sojourners  Faith in action for social justice
Sacred Space  Daily Prayer from the Irish Jesuits

Epiphany@Metro Center | 202-347-2635 | info@EpiphanyDC.org
1317 G St, NW  |  Washington, DC 20005