
                                                   Volume 49                                  
                                                                                                                      January 2015

 art with science 
to create


 for a new future


mentally, physically,
spiritually, and emotionally


renewed health

Our Year 




Dr. Albert Koong 


Healing, Hope, Health

 My Blue Dots Pins

Hope, Healing,Health

Blue Dot Ornament

"Keep your eyes on the stars,
 and your feet on the ground."

Teddy Roosevelt 

Blue Dot Ornament

To receive our monthly
Newsletter, please

    Message from
               Sue McCollum
       Dear Friends, 

    Before launching into a brand New Year I must first look back at last year and acknowledge and thank each of for your support. I would also like to highlight some of the things we have accomplished  this past year.Thus, the purpose of this Newsletter is to do just that.

    If we don't know where we have been, we will not know where we are going, so here is a summery of some of the places we have been this past year. My next Newsletter will highlight what our plans are for the future.

     Thank you, my faithful readers and supporters, for your interest in My Blue Dots. 

              Until Next Time... 


The Year 2014


  • Dr. Albert Koong - a Full Professor

At a prestigious school like Stanford this is quite an accomplishment for someone of his young age. He was also selected to receive a new endowed Chair in the Radiation/Oncology Department at Stanford University Medical School.


My Blue Dots has supported Dr. Koong and his research for many years and are very proud of his success. Because of your gifts, each of you are a part of this success and I thank you for your support of him over these years.


  •  My Blue Dot Pins


My Blue Dot Pins are given to the doctors, therapists and staff in the Radiation/Oncology Department at the Stanford University Medical School. They are worn as a badge of courage and are to honor each patient that completes their treatments.

o   Each patient is given a My Blue Dot pin as a badge            to honor them at the end of their treatments. These            pins represent complete healing, mentally,                        physically, spiritually and emotionally, renewed                health, and hope for a new future.


   o   My Blue Dot Pins are also given to family members           and friends to wear to support and say, in a non-           verbal way, "I honor you and what you are going through."


  • Ornaments and Donations 

    o  To all who purchased an ornament to honor a friend, we thank you.

o   Thank you Neiman Marcus (Palo Alto) for your donation for free shipping.
     o   Thanks to all of you who sent a donation


      o   Thanks to Whole Foods for their support of our                Eco Bags.



will be

                               CURED sometime
       Logo  why not NOW?

To learn more about My Blue Dots 
please visit our website:

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We thank you for your interest and support in
to donate on line, click here. 
My Blue Dots is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization 
Tax ID #20-5469956
to donate by check, mail to: 
My Blue Dots 
P.O. Box 60725 
Palo Alto, Ca. 94306 