
Volume 33

                                                                                                  November 2013

 art with science

to create

healing, hope
and health

Some of the many things I am 
thankful for

Eyes to see the beautiful fall leaves

 "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."  Albert Camus 

The Castilleja Girls Supporting My Blue Dots

"Carnival for the Cure"

Castilleja Girls School 
Palo Alto, Ca 

Blue Dot Ornament

To receive our monthly
Newsletter, please

"If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough."
Albert Schweitzer

    Message from
               Sue McCollum
Sue & Ornament

 Dear Friends,


The crisp, snap in the air and the changing color on the trees remind us, once again that the harvest days are now upon us and it is a time to give thanks for the many blessing we have all been given. Thus, this Newsletter is for that purpose. To acknowledge these beautiful fall days and to give thanks for so many who have given their time, talents and treasure to make this world a better place.


Thanks to each of you for for following My Blue Dots as we continue to stay focused on our mission of supporting those cancer warriors as well as supporting cancer research.  We are thankful and grateful for each of you. 


           Until Next Time... 

Being Thankful


Thanksgiving is the perfect time,


To stop all the things that we do.


To count the many blessings


That have been given to me and you.



I'm very thankful for My Blue Dots


And how it does support others,


By giving to cancer research,


 As well as to our cancer brothers.



I'm thankful for the doctors


Who care for their patients each day,


For the therapists who support these folks


To help put their cancer at bay.



I'm thankful for the Castilleja girls


Who are supporting My Blue Dots too,


"The Branches on Bryant' and the "Carnival for a Cure"


Two project that they did do.



I'm thankful for our many supporters


Who have stepped up to the plate,


To give of their time, treasure and talent


Before it is too late.



There are so many things to be thankful for


So may this Thanksgiving Day,


You take the tine to recall what they are


Before you go on your way.


� Sue McCollum




"Not what we say about our blessing, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving." 
W.T. Purkiser 

will be

                               CURED sometime
       Logo  why not NOW?

To learn more about My Blue Dots 
please visit our website: