Wishing you good times, good cheer, and a memorable new year.

Set Your Goals

We know that the individual that writes out their goals either for the month, the year or for several years finds that they accomplish far more than the individual that simply lives each day without setting in motion ideas to follow.

It is wise to decide to make goals and we encourage you to do so. Years ago, when World United Church was in operation, we had an event each New Year of the members writing their goals and placing them in our big box of which we prayed each day for the success of those goals. We have dismissed that since we have no church services now.

That however, should have no influence upon your writing out your goals, for you still live. Life is still very important. What you do in it is also important. If you have an idea of what you want to do is of the essence if you want to accomplish a specific purpose.

It can be very simple. Decide what you would like to happen in 30 days, 60 days, 3 months, or 6 months to a year, or even longer. Write them in specific terms and decide if you think it is possible for a certain length of time. It is even wise to give a date when you want these things to happen. If the date comes and goes and you are still waiting for you answer, DO NOT GIVE UP OR EVEN CHANGE WHAT YOU SAID.

The Universe and Our Father wants to know if you are sincere.

In Divine Love and Delight,
The Reverends

[P.O. BOX 776] | [203-916-8287] | [10:00-4:00]