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News from Ah-Man

         September 2016

In This Issue

Friends and Family,

For most of us, the season of summer is waning. Time to begin to embrace what's next. It's truly amazing how the seasons gradually flow from one to the other. Here in the Northeast, the morning temperature is beginning to drop into the upper 50's, low 60's. Leaves are beginning to change color, and some trees are even beginning to lose their leaves.
There is an old quote:
"Change is like the seasons, I suggest you embrace it."
Over the next couple of months and going forward here in the United States as well as around the world, there will be some major changes. Some might look like bad changes. Some might look like good changes. But never the less, change is coming. 
I don't believe in crystal balls. But I do listen and read the works of some Saints and Sages, as well as an Eastern Sacred Astronomer. Who has said for some time that around this period there will be major changes.
According to each of our individual perspectives, we will see things differently. But make no mistake, change is coming and change is evolutionary.
So this month I will take Prayer and Faith to another level. Each time I write about a topic, although I have written about it before, I weave new material into it...a deeper meaning. Spiritual knowledge is not like regular knowledge, it cannot be understood with our empirical or rational mind, but rather through the heart. And I don't mean our physical heart but our spiritual heart, our soul.
I look forward to your comments and interaction.

As mentioned above, I will write about prayer and faith and how these two practices act as our anchors in a storm. They are what keep us from being lost during the storms of time.
Again perspective is key. Below is a wonderful poem to start us off:

Its all about perspective. At one time we might have thought our prayers were not answered, when we didn't get what we wanted. That is why when some of my friends tell me they don't believe in God, I tell them they are right. Because of their perspective, God does not exist for them.
You can hear or read more of these topics from the weekly blogs or become a friend of the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Facebook page to receive weekly links of the topics.

Thank you for your time and support.
Peace & Love,
New Ah-Man Website

If you haven't already done so, please visit and take a look around my new Ah-Man website. I thought it was time to do a bit of "freshening" on the site and I am very pleased with the result.


Be sure to bookmark the site and come back often, as we'll be updating and adding new features periodically.


The following link will take you to the new site: New Ah-Man Website. And you'll find the blog here: New Ah-Man Blog.

Let's Connect!

Following are some links that will help you get to know me better and, perhaps, enable you to assist those who rely on you for information and resources.

Here is a link to the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery web site, where you will find a wealth of information about me and the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program, and my upcoming events and appearances: Ah-Man Website

Here's the link to the Ah-Man Blog where you will find my writings and videos: Ah-Man Blog

For information on my latest book Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, visit Returning to Wholeness.


Join me on Facebook at Michael Hoare on Facebook and on LinkedIn at Michael Hoare on LinkedIn


Like the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program at Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Facebook Page.

You can follow my tweets at Michael Hoare on Twitter.

If you're interested in obtaining copies of my published articles or scheduling a personal appearance or interview, contact my assistant, Kathy Watkins via Email.


I look forward to connecting with you! 

Like me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter  View my videos on YouTube
Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man."
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at