Spring is here in the Northeast. Flowers and trees are bringing forth their leaves and flowers. Bringing back the reflection of life back into our world. Life has always been there, it has just been dormant...with our limited sight we are not able to see what is always there.
Some of us have just finished celebrating Easter. Easter is considered the highest Christian holiday. Easter represents the mystery of faith for Christian's. That Jesus of Nazareth, Son of God (reflection of God) came in human form, died a horrible death to absorb the darkness that separates mankind from Divinity. Then his mortal body became The Light, "I AM the light of the world, whoever follows me shall not walk in Darkness". The Christ, Jesus of Nazareth also taught, "The Kingdom of Heaven is Within." Thus, one can be free, even though we are in this world of duality. For those who are not of this faith, it does not seem possible, that a man can be born mortal, die a mortal death, and then be Resurrected. This is why it is called The Mystery of Faith".
For others, we are entering Passover toward the end of this month. A time to honor another display of faith and freedom. Moses delivered the Jewish nation out of bondage. In order to do so, the Jews had to display a tremendous amount of faith in a prophet and in that prophet's faith in God.
Passover is my favorite Jewish holiday. I really enjoy all of its traditions, enacting in many ways the struggles of the Jews out of Egypt. Teaching the younger ones the importance of honoring everyone's struggles, opening your home to others, and its own "Mystery of Faith". In Moses time, marking their doors with blood, so that the Angel of Death would pass over them, then within a day or so, picking up everything you own and walking into the dessert. Without really knowing where they were going, putting all you have into the words of God's Prophet, Moses. There were many more displays of Faith, I could go on an on....
Happy Passover to all that celebrate this holiday, and remember the Freedom that God gave Moses to give to us all...those natural laws that bring harmony in our relationship with God and others...The Ten Commandments.
In all religious and spiritual beliefs there are three things that are important to keep close to your heart, your faith:
Commitment, Sacrifice and Sacredness.
One must be committed if one is to achieve an outcome. In one form or another, that commitment will take the form of some kind of sacrifice. It is those sacrifices that make your commitment sacred.
Continue to keep your faith, honor the God of your understanding; do not let others take your freedom away!
Amen, Shalom, Namaste,