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News from Ah-Man

          August 2014

Friends and Family,

I think that August is one of my two favorite months; the other being October.


Even though I am close to experiencing 60 years in this body of mine, I still remember the summer days of August as a kid. Back in those days, by the time August rolled around, I was fully relaxed and in summer mode...totally into enjoying the moment. Then, as the beginning of the month turned into the end of the month, there was a twinge in my gut. Summer is coming to an end. School is around the corner. Freedom will soon disappear...again.


Today, I try to stay in the moment and take it all in but, at times my mind is also thinking ahead to what the future might bring. This is normal, and as spiritual aspirants we might have learned to stay more in the present, and less in the future, by conceptualizing less on how things might be and enjoying the gifts we have right now.


The mind is always trying to plan and control its own destiny; trying to avoid as much change as possible. Being in our head (mind) is another way of trying to shape our own future and control it.


There is a difference between planning and trying to control change (or trying to control the things you really have no power over).


We need to plan for our future retirement...we need to plan for trips...for the week ahead, etc.  It's even good each morning to go over in your head what you plan on achieving that day: set your goals; assess the situation; make your plans and move forward.


There is even for those who work on the metaphysical level, who put out to the universe (the God of their understanding), what they want to attract to their lives. They put it out and let go of the results, letting the universe bring it when it is supposed to come.


What I am speaking of is a different type of conceptualizing, one of control and fear.


Trying to control situations with other people by conceptualizing the conversation between others is a form of control. Conceptualizing or daydreaming about hitting the lottery is another form of trying to control something you have little power over. Play the lottery game, and then let it go.


We all do it. The trick is to not waste valuable time trying to control people and outcomes. Plan to do your best and then let it go. Try not to daydream your life away.


Instead of conceptualizing/daydreaming on how you would like things to be, make things happen now.


In 12-Step programs, there is a saying; "I make plans, and God laughs."


We think we know what is best for us, and we have to plan for it. But resistance to outcomes that do not go according to our plan only causes pain.


So in the month of August, my Ah-Man Blog posts will focus on the topics of change, resistance and self-inventory.


In just a few weeks, Liz and I will be making another trip to Brazil to see John of God. For details on how you can participate, see the article below.




John of God     

I want to remind you that from August 24 to September 7, Liz and I will be making another trip to Brazil to see John of God.


John of God and his healing center are very powerful. For more information, please visit his website at


I would be honored if you would like me to help you or a loved one, by assisting in the healing that happens at The Casa by all of the community, healers and saints present at The Casa by bringing a picture of the one who needs the healing.


Please write on the back of that picture:

  1. Their full name; married and maiden
  2. Their complete home address
  3. Their city of birth
  4. Their complete date of birth
  5. If you feel comfortable sharing, add what it is that needs healing

At this time, you have to send your requests quickly to:


Michael Hoare

1858 Pleasantville Road, Box 140 

Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510


If you have any other special requests, you can email me at mh(at)ah-man(dot)com.


To learn more about John of God, visit the website at


Love, peace and blessings,


Ah-Man Audio Blogs

Did you know that you now can access Michael's blog posts on line and via audio?

You can read the blog posts in the traditional way by visiting the Ah-Man Blog Page, or you can hear the posts each week in Michael's own words.

You can listen to the posts by visiting the Ah-Man Web Home Page and clicking on the player at the top of the page.
Let's Connect!

Following are some links that will help you get to know me better and, perhaps, enable you to assist those who rely on you for information and resources.

Here is a link to the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery web site, where you will find a wealth of information about me and the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program, and my upcoming events and appearances: Ah-Man Website

Here's the link to the Ah-Man Blog where you will find my writings and videos: Ah-Man Blog

For information on my latest book Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, visit Returning to Wholeness.


Join me on Facebook at Michael Hoare on Facebook


Follow me and the Ah-Man visual boards on Pinterest: Michael Hoare on Pinterest


Like the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program at Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Facebook Page.

You can follow my tweets at Michael Hoare on Twitter.

If you're interested in obtaining copies of my published articles or scheduling a personal appearance or interview, contact my assistant, Kathy Watkins via Email.


I look forward to connecting with you! 

Like me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter  View my videos on YouTube
Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man."
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at