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News from Ah-Man

          May 2014

In This Issue
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Friends and Family,


Spring is here...Really!

There's no turning back for Mother Nature now that the extraordinary winter that we all experienced here in the northern part of the U.S. is behind us and everything is coming to life.

The natural law of nature has its cycles and we have entered a new one that it seemed to me to take a lot longer than usual to get to.

Laws are meant to be followed. They are here to keep harmony. Can you imagine if Mother Nature didn't follow her own laws, i.e., the natural cycles of the seasons? It would slowly affect everything: our food supplies; how we live; how we feel and much more.

Or better yet, what if the law of gravity didn't uphold itself? There would be total destruction. Stars and planets would fall from the sky. How would life exist?

So what do you think happens when we don't follow the natural laws of scriptures that were given to us to keep harmony?

This country was built on the laws within those laws found in the Bible. The constitution reflects those laws, as well.

Did it make it a perfect society? No. It wasn't meant to. It was meant to give us boundaries to grow within and penalties when we live outside those laws, because when others live outside the laws, it creates disruption for those that do.

There will always be people who feel they are above Laws.

People say that the Ten Commandments or the guidelines of Yama Niyama are punitive. They are there as guidelines so that a society that can live in as much harmony as possible in a world of duality. There will always be good and bad, hot and cold, joy and sadness...we can't have one without the other...therefore...the world of duality.

When people say the Ten Commandments and Yama Niyama are punitive or constrictive, it makes as much sense as me blaming the law of gravity for killing me if I jumped off a building.

Our society is slowly going down a path of deterioration because it is watering down the foundation on which this country was built. Today, people in certain places are penalized for mentioning the word God. Unless I'm mistaken, that was the very first principle of this new country; for everyone to be able express their own faith and belief.

So how can we change that course of deterioration? Go out and protest, sign petitions, boycott certain companies and establishments...maybe.

The real and lasting change will happen from within. That is what the Avatars, great Masters and Teachers have taught us.

I will share more on how we can make a difference if we want to help bring more peace and harmony into our world.

Happy May! And enjoy every bit of spring because you certainly deserve it!

Making Changes Within         

For the last several months, I have been writing about the instructions Jesus gave His disciples during The Sermon on the Mount.

These teachings were intimate and powerful. They are guidelines to God Realization that can be followed, if we want to.

One of those steps along the way is prayer, and Jesus gave us a prayer...perhaps the most popular prayer on this planet: The Lord's Prayer.

I'm amazed that at some 12-Step meetings that I have attended, people don't participate in the very prayer that the 12-Step programs were built on. When I would ask them why they don't pray, they would say: I'm not Catholic, to which I want to say: Jesus wasn't either. But I've learned to let people find their own way. Another response I would get is: It's a religious prayer and I am spiritual, not religious. Again, I feel that it's best in these situations to let people find their own way.

This did make me want to take some time and write about the spiritual aspects of  "The Lord's Prayer," a prayer written by Jesus, who took the form of a Jewish teacher/Rabbi; who did not come to create a new religion, but to correct the path of the religion He was born into.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I invite you to participate via feedback and comments on the Ah-Man Blog.




And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying... ~Matthew 5 1-12




This half-day retreat is based on the book The Sermon on the Mount/According to Vedanta by Swami Prabhavananda. While a book about the Sermon on the Mount is not unusual, it is unique that such a book was written by a Hindu swami!.


During the retreat, Michael will help bridge the gap of understanding of the highest teachings of Jesus of Nazareth and the similarities between them and The Vedas, as well as give the spiritual insight of these teachings. He will:

  • Elaborate on the deeper meanings of the Beatitudes, Jesus of Nazareth's most intimate and deepest teachings.
  • Explain the many similarities between the spiritual teachings of the East and the West.
  • Help you open your heart, allowing you to unlock and release misunderstandings of the teachings of Jesus and other Masters.

Michael will lead his half-day retreat on The Beatitudes at Joshua's Place, 30 Sanford Place, Southampton, New York, 11968, on Saturday, May 10 from 10am to 2:30pm. The fee is $25. 


For more information, or to register for the retreat, contact Joshua's Place at 631-287-4100.  


Plan to join Michael on Saturday, May 10 to refresh your spirit! 
Ah-Man Audio Blogs

Did you know that you now can access Michael's blog posts on line and via audio?

You can read the blog posts in the traditional way by visiting the Ah-Man Blog Page, or you can hear the posts each week in Michael's own words.

You can listen to the posts by visiting the Ah-Man Web Home Page and clicking on the player at the top of the page.
Let's Connect!

Following are some links that will help you get to know me better and, perhaps, enable you to assist those who rely on you for information and resources.

Here is a link to the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery web site, where you will find a wealth of information about me and the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program, and my upcoming events and appearances: Ah-Man Website

Here's the link to the Ah-Man Blog where you will find my writings and videos: Ah-Man Blog

For information on my latest book Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, visit Returning to Wholeness.


Join me on Facebook at Michael Hoare on Facebook


Follow me and the Ah-Man visual boards on Pinterest: Michael Hoare on Pinterest


Like the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program at Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Facebook Page.

You can follow my tweets at Michael Hoare on Twitter.

If you're interested in obtaining copies of my published articles or scheduling a personal appearance or interview, contact my assistant, Kathy Watkins via Email.


I look forward to connecting with you! 

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Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man."
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at