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News from Ah-Man

         September 2013

In This Issue
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Friends and Family,


Summer is fading here in the Northeast; the chilly mornings and cool evenings have arrived. I am always saddened when my favorite season leaves us, and this year it seems to happening earlier then usual.


But this is life: the end of one thing, the beginning of another. Welcome to our wonderful world of duality. Yes, we can have our feelings and let them pass, just as other things on our journey slip through our hands. We can let go of the sad feelings; let them slip away and look ahead to what is coming...and there is always something coming.


Looking ahead is very exciting at this moment in my life. Next month I will marry my beloved, Liz Brown. As we both prepare for this sacred ceremony and proclaim to the worlds (both material and spiritual) that we are One, I am able to see on many levels how I am able to be so present and committed today, and that is because of my commitment to God and my Self.  


Because of the past 23+ years of showing up and my commitment to continuing to look at my own duality...the positive and make amends wherever possible and to continue to improve my conscious contact with the God of my understanding and my Self, I have been able to be that person I am to be for Liz, my children, my friends and those who I serve through my business and my ministry.


Without my commitment to God, none of this would have been possible. So it's no surprise to me that I am choosing the topic of Commitment for this month's newsletter and blogs.


Thank you all for being in my life, in some way.





I'm sure at one point in time in most of our lives, commitment might have been a "dirty" word. I can remember saying "I'm a free spirit. I'm not committed to anything." But honestly, that never felt right for me. I believe I was trying to be someone I was never meant to be.


Then there were other times in my life when, because of my situation and/or my disease, I couldn't be committed to the things I really wanted to be committed to. I had lost the "glue" that bonded me to my commitments. I had lost my higher Self.


We have all heard it said that our word is our bond. And when we give our word, we make a commitment to whatever we said we would do.


But in order for others to trust you, you usually have to display some basic principles that others recognize and that hold true and, therefore, agree to your word.


Where do these principles in our lives come from?


While growing up, I'm sure most of us were taught the simple, yet important, rules in life: Don't lie; don't cheat or steal; don't be cruel, etc. Yes, our parents said a lot of other things we can all chuckle about now. But seriously, most of us were given some pretty simple rules to help us build our characters.


When we didn't follow those simple rules/guidelines, our characters (and more) were in question. Also, it wasn't always easy following those rules. We had to become committed to following them. And even when the outcome wasn't what we wanted, we followed the rules anyway.


Today, commitment is the same. It's not always easy to keep our commitments, but it's important that we keep them. It's important to ourselves, to the ones to whom we made the commitment and to everyone we come in contact with. It's the glue that holds humans together. This glue not only gives us character, but it also guides us when we don't know the answers. This glue is also our faith. So the type of glue that is used in your life will determine on how you hold up through diversity, and hard times, which we all experience in the world of duality.


So, over the month of September and a little into October, I'd like to talk about the very principles upon which we can draw to build our character and cement our commitment to God, ourselves and others.


I invite you to follow along as the discussion continues in the Ah-Man Blog this month.


Peace and Love, 




Spiritual Recovery is all-inclusive and non-sectarian; available to any man or woman, regardless of age. It happens when someone is reconnected to Spirit, allowing one to begin to see things from a different perspective. There's usually a common thread that brings one to seek Spiritual Recovery. That thread is pain: physical, mental or emotional.   On rare occasions, it can be a joyous or spectacular life event that brings one to Spiritual Recovery. But in most cases, it will be life's painful events that we explore.


Let Michael's vast experience guide you in learning how to enrich your journey to Spiritual Recovery during upcoming half-day Spiritual Recovery Retreats.  


Whether you're a neophyte beginning a new relationship with your Inner Self or you've already had a Spiritual Awakening/Divine Experience, you'll want to deepen and enhance your experience.


Below is a listing of retreat dates, times and venues. Each session is scheduled for a Saturday from 10am to 2pm. The fee is $25 per person.


Michael will lead his Spiritual Recovery Program half-day retreat at Joshua's Place, 30 Sanford Place, Southampton, New York, 11968, on November 2.


For more information, or to register for the retreat, contact Joshua's Place at 631-287-4100.  


Plan to join Michael for one of these sessions to refresh your spirit! 
Ah-Man Audio Blogs

Did you know that you now can access Michael's blog posts on line and via audio?

You can read the blog posts in the traditional way by visiting the Ah-Man Blog Page, or you can hear the posts each week in Michael's own words.

You can listen to the posts by visiting the Ah-Man Web Home Page and clicking on the player at the top of the page.
Let's Connect!

Following are some links that will help you get to know me better and, perhaps, enable you to assist those who rely on you for information and resources.

Here is a link to the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery web site, where you will find a wealth of information about me and the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program, and my upcoming events and appearances: Ah-Man Website

Here's the link to the Ah-Man Blog where you will find my writings and videos: Ah-Man Blog

For information on my latest book Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man, visit Returning to Wholeness.


Join me on Facebook at Michael Hoare on Facebook


Follow me and the Ah-Man visual boards on Pinterest: Michael Hoare on Pinterest


Like the Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Program at Ah-Man Spiritual Recovery Facebook Page.

You can follow my tweets at Michael Hoare on Twitter.

If you're interested in obtaining copies of my published articles or scheduling a personal appearance or interview, contact my assistant, Kathy Watkins via Email.


I look forward to connecting with you! 

Like me on Facebook Follow me on Twitter  View my videos on YouTube
Michael Hoare, D.D., is a minister and certified Angel Therapy Practitioner, who has a wealth of experience and expertise in healing his own life and helping others heal theirs. He is the author of the new book "Returning to WHOLENESS...Discovering Ah-Man."
For more information, or to learn more about Michael and Ah-Man, visit his web site at and his blog at