COMMAntary E-Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 25 
June 22, 2016
In This Issue
The Search is On for an Associate Conference Minister of Faith Formation

The Minnesota Conference UCC is searching for a full-time Associate Conference Minister of Faith Formation for Children & Youth who will plan and support faith formation ministries with children and youth throughout the Conference. The ACM in this position also helps shape the outdoor ministry of the Conference at Pilgrim Point Camp, in cooperation with the Camp Director and Pilgrim Point Camp Committee.

This is a strategic leadership position that in most cases empowers others to carry out the tactical, hands-on elements of the ministry. Significant priority is given to equipping those doing faith formation with children and youth in congregational settings and strengthening those ministries across the life of the Conference. Position is open to both authorized ministers and lay persons with relevant experience. Generous salary and benefits. 

Find out more & read the full Opportunity Profile here.
Commemorative Service for Peace & Healing for Orlando and Beyond  -  TONIGHT

Wednesday, June 22 from 7-8:30PM 
Edina Morningside Community Church (directions)

All are welcome to attend tonight's commemorative service which will be hosted by the EMC Church community and includes participants from the Minnesota Conference UCC staff, Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense, Calliope Women's Chorus, EMC Chancel Choir, Islamic Resource Group, Spirit United, Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, and Parkway UCC.

We will engage in meditation and prayer; a Healing Circle, the reading of names and lighting of candles for those killed in Orlando; readings and reflections on violence affecting all persons who are marginalized and those who have been killed by senseless murders in these times; expression of concerns and prayers for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community and our Muslim community in Minnesota, Florida and beyond; and other healing practices and expressions of support.

An offering will be collected for the Florida Conference UCC - which will then be forwarded to the LGBT Center of Central Florida. Checks may be made payable to EMC Church with "Orlando" in the memo line. 

Light refreshments will be served following the service.
Highlighting Camp Opportunities at Pilgrim Point 
All churches now know of congregation members who are working with a person living within the autistic spectrum of life. This is a camp we have always wanted and need, and we are so excited to add this event at Pilgrim Point Camps & Retreats! Camp AweSum is a week-long family camp that provides family activities, respite care and support for families with members on the autism spectrum. There are plenty of activities and resources to ensure that ALL family members and children have a wonderful time.

Together we will be creating a loving, safe environment for our vibrant families on this great journey to explore faith among the beauty of Lake Ida, trees, and God. Come, share your family with others from across the Minnesota Conference UCC who know and celebrate this differently beautiful life.

When: Sunday, Aug 14 - Friday, Aug 19 | Option to attend for select days
Where: Pilgrim Point Camp, Alexandria, MN (directions)
Who: Families with members on the autism spectrum
Cost: $65/day or $300 for the full week | Attend the full week for a discount!
Registration Deadline: August 1, 2016
Forms: Adult Form | Youth Form

Check out other camp & retreat opportunities at
Pilgrim Point on our website.
June Board of Directors Meeting - Summary
The Board met briefly following the Minnesota Conference Annual Meeting to welcome new members, debrief the just concluded meeting, and to pass organizing motions. The Board members set a goal of collectively giving $21,000 to the Friends of the Conference during its term of office. It acknowledged the excellence of the annual meeting's deep and meaningful content, event organization, and opportunities to create and renew relationships. The next meeting of the Board is scheduled for August 6.  
We Are an Immigrant Welcoming Conference!
Celebrate that the MN Conference has voted to become an Immigrant Welcoming Conference, calling on its members and congregations to become active "Immigrant Welcoming Congregations and Communities."

One way to celebrate is by contacting your Immigration Team and asking them to come to your congregation to discuss ways in which your congregation can learn more about immigrants. They can learn why immigrants come here, what life is like for them when they are here living in the shadows, what they bring to our communities and our state, what their experiences have been like at the border, what our faith has to say about our treatment of immigrants, and what the UCC has said through resolutions and pronouncements about immigrants.The team can bring films, facilitate discussion about the issues, and bring books for discussion. Let us know what we can do to assist you on this important journey of following God's command, "When the foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner living among you must be treated as a citizen. Love them as you love yourself, for you were once foreigners..."  Leviticus 19:33-34
Passed Resolutions at the 2016 Annual Meeting
The Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ voted on two resolutions at our Annual Meeting on June 10-12, 2016. Both resolutions passed. You can read the final, approved resolutions here: 
OCWM Brings Us Together During Troubling Times
from Lese Wright, Development Officer

OCWM Brochure
Over 300 UCC clergy, lay leaders and delegates from across the state gathered together for our 2016 Annual Meeting - where we continued to challenge our assumptions around race, economics, and faith. Participants had the opportunity to attend workshops that provided them with resources, training, and hope around a variety of topics. Rev. Shari Prestemon preached on Sunday morning - extending a "call to courage" & asking those gathered, "What would you do if you weren't afraid?"  

Together, we are meeting the challenges before us. The Annual Meeting is possible because our churches come together to pledge and contribute to Our Church's Wider Mission. We greatly appreciate all of the contributions we receive regularly from our churches, and are especially grateful for the pledges we have received thus far. It is our hope that the majority of churches can communicate with us the level of commitment they can make in the form of a pledge.

If your church has already sent in your OCWM pledge or contribution, thank you very much for your support! If not, there is still time to send in your pledge or contribution. Find out more about Our Church's Wider Mission, download the pledge form, or contact the Minnesota Conference office to learn how your church can support OCWM and all of the ministries it serves. 

Thank you for your ongoing support!
Participate in the Twin Cities Pride Parade on June 26th!
You are invited to join the Minnesota Conference Open and Affirming Ministry Team and participate in the Twin Cities Pride Parade! Simply come and represent your church or faith community - bring your church banner or wear t-shirts representing your congregation. You can visit the facebook event page to sign up.

On Sunday, June 26th, at 10:45am we will have a brief prayer and song worship before the parade starts at 11am. We will be number 95 in the lineup. Please email Kim Graff, or send them a text at (651) 283-0962, if you have any questions.

If you are from a church that traditionally hosts a Pride event in Greater Minnesota, please send the details or link the event on our Facebook page so that we can share the information with others.
Joys & Concerns  
  • St. John's UCC in Norwood Young America will celebrate its 150th anniversary with a polka service on Sunday, June 26 at 10am. Rev. Shari Prestemon, Conference Minister, will preach. Music will be provided by Chuck Thiel and the Jolly Ramblers. Following the service, a catered lunch and cake will be served. All are welcome to attend. Visit for more information or call the church office at (952) 466-2080. 
  • Alice Hakel, widow of Rev. Edwin Hakel, died June 20. A memorial service will be held Friday, June 24 at 10am at St John's UCC in Fairmont. Rev. Hakel, who was pastor of the Congregational churches in Staples and Aldrich in the 1950s, also served Minnesota UCC churches in Sherburn and Ceylon, as well as in Forest City and Eden Valley. He died in 1992. Alice Hakel is survived by her son, grandchildren and other relatives. Our sympathy to the family.
Upcoming Events
  • Pilgrim Point Camps & Retreats Events
    • Deaf First Family Camp | Thursday, June 30 - Tuesday, July 5
    • Taize Meditation Retreat | Tuesday, July 5 - Friday, July 8
    • Youth Camp - Week 1 (Youth leaving the 6-12th grade and their adult leaders 21 and older) | Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15
    • Youth Camp - Week 2 (Youth leaving the 6-12th grade and their adult leaders 21 and older) | Sunday, July 17 - Friday, June 22 
    • Youth Mission Week | Sunday, August 7 - Friday, August 12
    • Camp AweSum (for families with members on the autism spectrum) | Sunday, August 14 - Friday, August 19
    • Women's Retreat | Friday, September 23 - Sunday, September 25
  • National UCC Events
    • Shepherding the Shepherd brings together UCC clergy in their 20s and 30s from all over the nation for renewal, connection, and growth. Check out the details of their next gathering June 21 - 23 in Wallingford, PA.
    • Under Construction: Building Our Faith Together helps you to see and experience how one church builds intergenerational relationships.  This is open to all children's ministry/youth faith formation staff or volunteers.
  • The UCC has released the Stillspeaking 2.0 Toolkit which offers resources and materials for use in social media, websites, and bulletins. 
  • FREE Practical Webinars for Our Churches! The New York Conference UCC, along with the UMC and Presbyterian area churches, are sponsoring a valuable resource for our ministers and lay leaders. Webinars are ongoing throughout the year and cover subjects like: how to do Sunday School differently, intergenerational worship 101, embracing stewardship, seeking God via Google, and much more. 
  • What's a narrative budget... and how can it inspire giving? Is your church looking for fresh ways to motivate members to be generous with their pledges?  A narrative budget inspires giving by telling your church's story with pictures and text, in addition to presenting the necessary page-of-numbers documents. This hits home for church members and inspires generosity. Of course presenting your church with financial information is a necessity, but it doesn't have to be the only way you communicate the budge. "Budgets are moral documents that reflect the values and priorities of a family, church, organization, city, state, or nation. They tell us what is more important and valued to those making the budget." Framing your budget inside a narrative that tells the story of your ministry, with photos and words, inspires giving. Learn more about narrative budgets and see sample narrative budgets from other UCC churches! 
  • Come meet your Muslim neighbors as they participate in the sacred month of Ramadan (June 6-July 5). The Minnesota Council of Churches is excited to invite you to a series of open houses at area mosques. Coordinated in partnership with the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, open houses provide an opportunity to learn about Islam, observe Muslim prayer, and share food and conversation at the meal breaking the fast, called an Iftar. You are cordially invited to meet your neighbors, share an Iftar meal, and learn about each other. All events are free and open to the public, but registration is required.
  • New CPE Offering in Hospice: The Allina CPE Center and Allina Hospice announce the inauguration of Clinical Pastoral Education in their hospice setting.  In the fall of 2016 they will begin a "super-extended" CPE internship, lasting 32 weeks, from October 3 - May 12.
Employment Opportunities

There are many opportunities within the Minnesota Conference.

Check out the employment opportunities portion of our website for all open positions.

Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ |
122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 323, Minneapolis, MN 55404

Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ | 122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 323 | Minneapolis | MN | 55404