COMMAntary E-Newsletter, Vol. 12, No. 8 
February 24, 2016
In This Issue
Our Churches Wider Mission (OCWM) Serves Vital Ministries
OCWM is there for you and your church as a larger support system when you need it, bringing you events and trainings and supporting your church and clergy when you are experiencing transition. UCC ministries happen because your OCWM support makes it possible. Year-to-date, forty-four churches have already sent in their OCWM pledges-thank you to every church that has sent in their pledge. We are indeed very grateful, and off to a good start this year. Yet, in order that the United Church of Christ might continue to offer the same ministries that feed our minds, hearts and souls, we hope that every church will participate in supporting OCWM.
Spotlight on Our Minnesota Conference Churches -
  First United Church of Christ, Mankato 

NEW starting this week!  Look for an article about one of our churches in the Conference and take the time to get to know each other and see how God is working in our mission and ministries. To kick things off, we are spotlighting First Congregational UCC in Mankato this week.

Tell us about your work in your community or in the world:
Simply put, this past year has been about nurturing relationships. We began 2016 with interfaith worship to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of the beloved community - gathering together the people and leaders of seven neighborhood churches (Catholic, Methodist, Lutheran, Unitarian, Presbyterian) and the Islamic Center.

Is Your Church Attending Youth Camp at Pilgrim Point?

"Strengthen Your Youth Ministry -- Go to Camp Together!" 

Whether you have one youth in your church or many, attend camp together (6th-12th grades) for an unforgettable ministry and life-changing week! Adult church leaders attend camp with their youth and serve as camp staff/counselors for the week. This program is designed to help get your church youth ministry going into high gear! 

The theme for this summer is "Love One Another" - a theme focused on how we greet our neighbor and how we recognize and welcome the other among us. Always an important theme to lift up, it is especially important this year in response to the negative political rhetoric that will be ongoing throughout the summer and fall. 

Please email Zac at [email protected] no later than February 15 to let us know which Youth Camp week your congregation prefers to attend together: Week 1 (July 10-15) or Week 2 (July 17-22). Registration for Youth Camps to be opened shortly after this deadline. 
Congregations, Reserve Your Space at Pilgrim Point!
Congregations of the Minnesota Conference UCC are invited to sponsor a week or weekend at Pilgrim Point Camp. Each day we provide two all-camp, cross-generational programs - and are willing to work with you to make them as meaningful as possible for your congregation. We offer worship planning and support for the Vesper's leadership (done once a day as all-camp), providing as little or as much of the worship or music you request. Don't worry - there will still be plenty of time for relaxing, playing at the beach on one of our new water slides, playing in the ball field or creating your own experiences!
Download the 2016 Congregation Camp Reservation Form for lodging and rate information. On the back you will find procedures on how to make a successful reservation. Email Reservation Form to PPC&R Registrar, Zac Norenberg, at [email protected]
Available Dates & Facilities to host your own Congregation Camp:
  • May/Early June | Camp service opportunities that are open to ALL interested congregations! Contact Camp Director Gigi for more info. 
  • June 17-19, 2016 | All facilities available
  • June 24-26, 2016 | Annex, North Shore, POEM Cabins, Campground
  • July 8-10, 2016 | Annex, North Shore
  • July 22-24, 2016 | Annex, North Shore
  • August 5-7, 2016 | All facilities available
  • August 12-14, 2016 | North Shore, POEM Cabins, Campground
  • August 26-28, 2016 | Lodge, Annex, North Shore, Campground
Upcoming Events
  • Minnesota Conference Events
    • Register Now for Boundary Training in April and May 2016.  Two sessions have been scheduled for spring:
      Registration is open for both sessions.  The cost is $50 and space is limited.
    • Clergy Clusters:
      • Southeast Cluster - Tuesday, March 1 at 11:00 a.m. at Peace UCC, Rochester
      • Twin Cities West Cluster - Wednesday, March 2 at 12:00 p.m. at Parkway UCC, Minneapolis
      • Northeast Cluster - Thursday, March 3 at 11:30 a.m. at First Congregational, Brainerd
      • Southwest Cluster - Thursday, March 3 at 11:30 a.m. at First Congregational, Mankato
    • "Being OPEN and AFFIRMING Changes Lives" will be held at Linden Hills Congregational United Church of Christ, 4200 Upton Avenue South, Minneapolis on April 9 starting at 1 p.m. with workshops followed by worship at 2:30 with Rev. Lawrence T. Richardson, Minister for Digital Evangelism with the church's national setting. This event is sponsored by the Open and Affirming Ministry Team of the Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ. Everyone is welcome to this celebration.
  • National UCC Events
    • National Youth Event (NYE) is scheduled for July 26-30, 2016 at Walt Disney World in Florida. Mark your calendars! We encourage local churches to begin the fund raising process early. The Minnesota Conference is arranging a delegation for this event.
    • Sacred InterSexTions - Bodies, Culture, Sexuality & Spirit
      is a retreat offered by the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ at Oak Ridge Conference Center near Minneapolis/St. Paul, March 31 - April 3.  Speakers are Rebecca Voelkel and Phil Porter.
    • Come and meet Rev. Dr. Mary Schaller Blaufuss who serves in the UCC national setting as the Global Sharing of Resources Team Leader and Executive for Volunteer Ministries.  Mary leads the staff team facilitating UCC disaster, sustainable development and refugee ministries with the funding of the One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special mission offering, designated appeals, and OGHS Endowment.  Mary will be at Macalester Plymouth United Church (directions) on February 28 at 3:00 p.m. to talk about the 2016 OGHS theme of "Go the Extra Mile" and the Syrian Refugee Crisis as well as initiatives of UCC Disaster Ministries both in the U.S. and around the world.
Joys & Concerns
  • Rev. Gary Titusdahl began an Intentional Interim Ministry on February 1st with Dayton Avenue Presbyterian Church in St. Paul.  Rev. Titusdahl is a UCC minister with standing in the Minnesota Conference UCC.  He has previously served as interim minister at First Congregational UCC in Mankato and as settled pastor at First Congregational UCC in Cannon Falls.
  • Have you always wanted to "walk where Jesus walked"?  Do the complexities of the situation in Israel-Palestine interest you?  Do you long to experience the region that is cradle of three Abrahamic faiths...Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?  Save the date and look for more information for a trip the Minnesota Conference is organizing for January 9 - 20, 2017.  If you are interested in being part of this amazing experience, contact Conference Minister Shari Prestemon.  Exact cost, itinerary, deposit deadline, and other details will be released at a later date.
  • Did you know that only 12% of the people in our congregations and our communities have paid family leave through their employers to be able to care for their loved ones after a birth, adoption, or during a medical emergency?  ISAIAH of Minnesota is seeking 500 clergy and faith leader signatures by March 5 to support a Paid Family Leave Policy for the State of Minnesota.  Here's how to participate.
  • The deadline to input your church's information for the UCC Yearbook & Directory is March 7!  Access the Data Hub to report 2015 information.  If you are looking for helpful video tutorials and information sheets to guide your church through the process, they are available.  Our goal at the Minnesota Conference is to have 100% participation in reporting this year so we need your help!  If you have questions contact Sandy in the Conference Office.
  • Eden Theological Seminary has made available the Explore Scholarship, which is awarded to students beginning a Master of Divinity degree at Eden.  The gentle nudge of exploration may come from a friend or a family member, from an ad or a newsletter, from a pastor or a professor.  There is no one way.  The Explore Scholarship will help you acknowledge and act upon that nudge.  To be eligible, a student must be a member of a Christian congregation, enrolled at Eden full-time (9 credits or more) and participate in Eden's Contextual Education program.  This full-tuition scholarship is for the first year of study only.  For more information, please contact Eden's Admissions Office at 877-627-5652.
  • The Wisconsin Conference will be bringing to light the need for compassion and justice by observing a "Break the Silence" Sunday on April 24, 2016.  Last summer the Rev. Moira Finley shared her horrific experience of sexual assault.  Her journey of survival and healing gradually transformed into a ministry of advocacy and support for victims of rape and sexual violence.  Over the past several months she has been diligently crafting liturgical materials including creative writings, music, stories and statistics, worship tips, sermon suggestions, and contact information.  We want to encourage you to observe "Break the Silence" Sunday here in Minnesota as well - however you are willing.  Dare yourself to address this difficult, but necessary subject.  Too many innocent victims remain isolated and left with shame, fear and despair because too often our society is silent on this issue. The documents are available here.
Employment Opportunities
Check out the employment opportunities portion of the Minnesota Conference website for all open positions. Click here to see the listings.

Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ |
122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 323, Minneapolis, MN 55404