COMMAntary E-Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 34 
August 26, 2015 
In This Issue
2015 OCWM Campaign Closes September 30, 2015
OCWM Brochure Please remember to send in your OCWM Goals Form today.  If your church has already sent in your pledge, thank you!  So far, we have collected 46 pledges.  That still leaves more than 80 churches that have not returned the form.  Our fiscal year closes September 30, 2015, and we need every pledge for budgeting purposes.  Please complete the OCWM Goals Form today.  If you would like more information about what Our Church's Wider Mission does, please visit our website.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact our office.  Thank you for your ongoing support!
New Beginnings Assessment Service is returning to Minnesota!  Part of the process of any New Beginning or changing directions is found in not only knowing where you have been, but in discovering where you want to go!  Discover more about New Beginnings.
Quilting Service Retreat ~ October 8 - 11 at Pilgrim Point
Whether you're an experienced quilter or interested in learning for the first time - come and enjoy Pilgrim Point Camp on beautiful Lake Ida during this special weekend opportunity! Help us in preparing 30 quilts for use during leadership trainings at PPC for the 2016 season & beyond! 

Deadline to register: Thursday, October 1, 2015 

Who: Quilters or anyone who has ever wanted to quilt
When: 5PM Thursday, October 8 until Noon on Sunday, October 11
Where: Pilgrim Point Camps & Retreats (directions)
Cost: Free-will suggested donation of $40 (to help offset costs of meals and facility use)

Questions about the quilting program? Email Dawn Carlson Conn (612-281-6515) or Mary Kay Sauter (651-216-4172).
MN Conference of the UCC Office Closed for Labor Day
Our office will be closed on Monday, September 7, so that our staff may observe the Labor Day holiday. We will back in the office on Tuesday, September 8.
Joys & Concerns
  • Anne Hage, a historian who in the early 1980s compiled a guide to the parish records of UCC, Congregational, Evangelical, and Reformed churches in Minnesota, died on August 20. She worked for many years as an editor at the Minnesota Historical Society. After retiring from MHS, Anne earned a Master of Arts in Religious Studies at United Theological Seminary and had a second career helping congregations preserve church records. She was a member of First Congregational Church of Minnesota. A memorial service will be held on Friday, August 28 at 1:00 p.m. at Walker Place, 3701 Bryant Ave S. in Minneapolis.
  • Dr. Ava Adams-Morris will be ordained on Sunday, August 30 at 4pm at First Congregational UCC in Mankato (directions). A reception will follow the Service of Ordination. Clergy are invited to robe and wear red stoles. Ava is currently serving as Interim Pastor at First Congregational UCC in Fairmont.
  • An Ecclesiastical Council for Aaron Lauer will be held on Wednesday, September 9 at 2:00pm at First Congregational of Minnesota UCC. To ensure a quorum for the council, please RSVP to the church via email or call 612-331-3816.
  • Clergy Clusters in the coming week:
    • Southeast Cluster: Tuesday, September 1, 11:30 a.m. at Peace UCC, Rochester
    • Twin Cities Cluster: Wednesday, September 2, 12:00 p.m. at Parkway UCC, Minneapolis
  • Refugee Services is the UCC's partner for welcoming refugees in Minnesota through Church World Services.  Refugees have fled persecution, been invited to resettle in the United States, and arrive to Minnesota with hearts full of hope.  We are critically in need of pots and pans, twin bedding, toothpaste, and deodorant to share with new arrivals. Donations can be delivered to the Minnesota Church Center (122 W. Franklin Ave., Minneapolis) anytime during business hours.  For more information, please contact us via email or call 612-230-3219.
  • The Congregational Church UCC in Rochester has several hymnals available. Those interested should contact the office via email or call 507-289-4581 and pay for delivery or arrange for pickup. 
    • 27 - Living Praise Hymnal, publ. Zondervan (1974)
    • 16 - The New Church Hymnal, publ. Appleton-Century (1937)
    • 49 - Pilgrim Hymnal, publ. Pilgrim Press (1958)
    • 14 - Hymnal of the United Church of Christ, publ. United Church Press (1974)
    • 11 - Sing of Life and Faith, publ Pilgrim Press (1969)
  • Interfaith Pilgrimage and Dialogue - United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is offering a two-week interfaith pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine January 4 - 18, 2016.  As a course "auditor", you will join seminary students in a dialogue intensive in the birthplace of three religions, two national identities and one of the world's most intractable conflicts.  Estimated cost is $3,325 plus airfare and auditing fee ($300 deposit due by September 6).  Details are available.
  • Internship Grants Available for Churches - An internship in a UCC church is an important step on the path to ordination for a Member in Discernment with the Minnesota Conference UCC - whether a seminary student or seminary graduate. Grants are available to assist churches with the cost of hosting an intern. Your church is invited to apply.
  • The Clergy Seminar Series in Congregation-Based Spiritual Direction is for religious professions who are interested in bringing a spiritual formation focus to their ministry. Sessions begin October 26 and the deadline for registration is September 30.
Clergy Clusters

Clergy Clusters in the coming week:

  • Southeast Cluster: Tuesday, September 1, 11:30 a.m. at Peace UCC, Rochester
  • Twin Cities Cluster: Wednesday, September 2, 12:00 p.m. at Parkway UCC, Minneapolis
Upcoming Events
  • Minnesota Conference Events
    • Anti-Racism Dialogue: All in the Conference are welcome to attend a portion of this Fall's Annual Leadership Retreat at Pilgrim Point Camp on Friday, September 11. Kent Nerburn will lead those gathered in continued anti-racism dialogue and training.
    • Fall Clergy Convocation: Join us at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo, MN for a special time for our Conference's clergy leadership to gather in a beautiful setting, enjoy fellowship with each other, and reflect together on our ministries, our calling, and our challenges. Our keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Robin Meyer.
    • Back Bay Mission Trip: The Minnesota Conference UCC is sponsoring a mission trip to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi January 31-February 6, 2016. 
    • Women's Retreat of the Minnesota Conference UCC - "Finding Our Voices" with Maren Tirabassi on September 25-27 at Pilgrim Point
Employment Opportunities
Check out the employment opportunities portion of the Minnesota Conference website. Click here to see the listings.
Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ |
122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 323, Minneapolis, MN 55404