COMMAntary E-Newsletter, Vol. 11, No. 33 
August 19, 2015 
In This Issue
The Minnesota Conference Commits Dollars to Support Global Mission Assignement of Liddles to East Timor
Matching Challenge to Congregations and Individuals - As a Conference we have an amazing opportunity to be part of the global ministries of our wider United Church of Christ. Two of our own in the Minnesota Conference, Rev. Tom and Dr. Monica Liddle have been appointed by our Common Global Ministries Board of the UCC and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to serve a 4-year term with the Protestant Church of East Timor (IPTL). Now you can help ensure their work on our behalf comes to fruition.
--Read More 
New Beginnings! That phrase has been chatted, most recently at our Annual Meeting. If you were there, you heard Kim Schutt of First Congregational in Hutchinson speak eloquently of the New Beginnings program and First Congregational's experience and process. "Go Hutch," as they like to say, is one of five churches that participated in New Beginnings last year and, as Kim would tell you, they do not regret it. Next week in COMMAntary we will be sharing more details about how you can be a part of a "new class" of participating churches that will begin on October 31 with a "Come and See" event. Please begin to identify 5-12 church leaders and members that you can bring along to "Come and See" what it is all about. Watch this space next week for more details.
Fall Youth Events at Pilgrim Point
Middle School Youth Event: "Dreaming God's Dream"
October 2-4, 2015 at Pilgrim Point

Join conference middle school youth (grades 6-8), and confirmation groups accompanied by their adult leaders, for a fun weekend retreat at Pilgrim Point Camp in Alexandria, MN. We will dream God's dream together and explore how being a Christian connects with our everyday lives. Download the flier.

Guiding us through our weekend program, games, music and spoken words will be awesome musician & keynoter, Bryan Sirchio! Bryan is a Christian singer/songwriter and recording artist who has traveled extensively for the past 22 years spreading his Gospel message on important social issues... be prepared for wonder!

Early Registration by September 14: $75 youth, $50 adult
Registration after September 14: $85 youth, $60 adult
Deadline for all registrations is September 28

Download the Authorization Form: Adult Form | Youth Form

High School Youth Event: "Sexuality & Our Faith"
October 16-18, 2015 at Pilgrim Point

Join conference high school youth (grades 9-12) and their adult leaders (21
and older) for a fun weekend retreat at Pilgrim Point Camp in Alexandria, MN. Download the flier.

Leading us through our discussions on sexuality will be National "Our Whole Lives" OWL Coordinator, Amy Johnson. Amy will help us make the brilliant connection between our sexuality and our faith... accenting the faith aspect! All leaders and high school youth will want to listen and learn from Amy about how the OWL sexuality teachings come alive within our UCC Faith! 

Early Registration by September 28: $75 youth, $50 adult
Registration after September 28: $85 youth, $60 adult
Deadline for all registrations is October 12

Download the Authorization Form: Adult Form Youth Form

Questions? Email Zac or call the Conference office at (612) 871-0359. 
Interfaith Pilgrimage and Dialogue
United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities is pleased to offer the broader community a two-week interfaith pilgrimage to Israel and Palestine in January 2016. As a course "auditor," you will join seminary students in a dialogue intensive in the birthplace of three religions, two national identities and one of the world's most intractable conflicts. Get more details.

When:  January 4-18, 2016
Estimated Cost:  $3,325, plus airfare and auditing fee ($300 deposit by due by Sept. 6)
Joys & Concerns
  • The First Congregational Church in Staples (directions) will celebrate its 125th anniversary on Sunday, August 23 at 9:30am. A reception will follow. Congratulations to the congregation!
  • A Service of Installation for Rev. Leslie Moughty as pastor of First Congregational UCC in Brainerd (directions) will be held on Sunday, August 23 at 3pm. Clergy are invited to robe and process. A reception will follow the service.
  • Dr. Ava Adams-Morris will be ordained on Sunday, August 30 at 4pm at First Congregational UCC in Mankato (directions). A reception will follow the Service of Ordination. Clergy are invited to robe and wear red stoles. Ava is currently serving as Interim Pastor at First Congregational UCC in Fairmont.
  • Adam Blons has been named to a group of 13 Collegeville Institute fellows and was selected among 165 individuals nominated by Minnesota church leaders for this prestigious opportunity. The Collegeville Institute Fellows program aims to bring an ecumenical group of participants together with professionals from other sectors of Minnesota (in education, business, health care, criminal justice, social services, etc.) toward the goal of helping to strengthen these church leaders' sense of themselves, and their capacities, as civic leaders and public theologians. Adam is the Lead Minister at Macalester Plymouth United Church in St. Paul.
  • Internship Grants Available for Churches - An internship in a UCC church is an important step on the path to ordination for a Member in Discernment with the Minnesota Conference UCC - whether a seminary student or seminary graduate. Grants are available to assist churches with the cost of hosting an intern. Your church is invited to apply.
  • United Theological Seminary is offering a tempting list of courses that don't require prerequisites, allowing you to step into (or back into) seminary education.  If you want to explore theology more deeply or return for a class you'd find helpful in your vocation there's still time to register as a non-degree student or auditor for the fall semester.
  • The Clergy Seminar Series in Congregation-Based Spiritual Direction is for religious professions who are interested in bringing a spiritual formation focus to their ministry. Sessions begin October 26 and the deadline for registration is September 30.
  • SCUPE is offering a course in September on Public Theology in an Urban Context at St. Peter's AME Church in Minneapolis. This course is open to pastors and others who would like continuing education or to audit. The course takes place on three Friday-Saturdays; September 11-12, 18-19, 25-26, 2015. More information.
Upcoming Events
  • Minnesota Conference Events
    • Anti-Racism Dialogue: All in the Conference are welcome to attend a portion of this Fall's Annual Leadership Retreat at Pilgrim Point Camp on Friday, September 11. Kent Nerburn will lead those gathered in continued anti-racism dialogue and training.
    • Fall Clergy Convocation: Join us at Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo, MN for a special time for our Conference's clergy leadership to gather in a beautiful setting, enjoy fellowship with each other, and reflect together on our ministries, our calling, and our challenges. Our keynote speaker will be Rev. Dr. Robin Meyer.
    • Back Bay Mission Trip: The Minnesota Conference UCC is sponsoring a mission trip to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi January 31-February 6, 2016. 
    • Women's Retreat of the Minnesota Conference UCC - "Finding Our Voices" with Maren Tirabassi on September 25-27 at Pilgrim Point
Employment Opportunities
Check out the employment opportunities portion of the Minnesota Conference website. Click here to see the listings.
Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ |
122 W Franklin Ave, Suite 323, Minneapolis, MN 55404