July 2016 
A publication of the Business Resource & Innovation Center 


Featured Program

Business Plan Toolkit 
Tuesday, July 19 & Wednesday, July 20, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Business Resource & Innovation Center (Second Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
Please join us for this recently updated two-part series. Learn to use free library resources to research your business plan professionally!

Tuesday, July 19 at 6:30 PM
Part I: Get an introduction to business plans, NAICS codes, and start researching the competition.
Wednesday, July 20 at 6:30 PM
Part II: Target your audience by learning to find and use demographic information. Gain executive perspective by learning to research your industry, then work on developing your financial plan.

Intermediate computer skills are required. There will be time at the end of each session to familiarize yourself with the print and online resources. To actively participate we highly suggest bringing your fully-charged laptop (charging space is limited).
Advance registration is required as space is limited. Please contact the Business Resource & Innovation directly to register at erefbsi@freelibrary.org or 215-686-5394. Please note that your registration includes both sessions.

Getting Results with Digital Marketing
Tuesday, July 12, 6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Rooms 405, 406, 407 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
The web, social media, and the shift to mobile devices are transforming the way we live, work, shop, and do business. Consumers have integrated the web into their everyday lives and activities. Businesses and nonprofits need to do the same. In this seminar, learn how to make the most of some core digital marketing concepts to grow your business.
You'll learn about the elements of digital marketing, what's important, how to build a solid foundation, and the importance of building relationships with your customers and prospects.  Websites, citations, social media, email marketing, and reviews are covered in this seminar where you'll leave with actionable steps you can take immediately to get results.  

Presented in partnership with Delos Incorporated

Register Here
Of Interest

Personal Credit for Business Growth
July 14, 7:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Your personal credit is one of the first considerations in business banking and determining your business credit risk.
This workshop will help you become more knowledgeable about the nuances of personal credit. more...

Job Fair at Whitman Library
July 18, 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m.
Bring your resume! Employers are recruiting for customer service, drivers, education, retail, and sales. more...

Schedule a One-on-One Session with a Librarian! 
Whether you are running a successful company, thinking of growing your business, or just planning your first venture, start here! The Business Resource & Innovation Center is excited to offer one-on-one sessions with a librarian. We can provide individual training on our databases with regard to market research, target demographics, competitors, and general business planning. We also offer sessions on patent and trademark research and Get Your Business Online with Google. Appointments are generally 45 minutes to one hour in length. Schedule your appointment today by completing our appointment request form.
Your Summer Reading
"This is a manifesto about ideas. Big ideas, small ideas, and outlandish ideas. Ideas that innovate, ideas that disrupt markets, and especially ideas that irritate. More than ideas, though, Mad Genius is about how ideas are born and the role they play in entrepreneurial thinking. This is a manifesto for managers who want to become leaders and leaders, who want to blow up mediocrity. Because whether you work in a traditional business, a nonprofit service organization, or in the public sector, the best way to create fresh and innovative solutions is to think like an entrepreneur."

Stat of the Month
In 2012, the total value of
Fruit, Cream, and Custard Pies (excluding frozen) shipped by
Commercial Bakeries
in the United States was $239.1 million
Featured Resource
Business Plans Handbook Online to search sample business plans from a wide range of businesses. Search by keyword to discover, download, and save actual business plans. Examples demonstrate how to approach, structure and compose business plans. 
Regional Foundation Center
The Regional Foundation Center informs and supports the local nonprofit community. The RFC houses Philadelphia's largest publicly accessible collection of print and electronic resources on fundraising, nonprofit management, general philanthropy and institutional advancement.