We want to hear from you!
Have you used Free Library resources to start, build, or grow your business? Did you attend a class or workshop that really motivated you to enhance an aspect of your business? Did a librarian show you how to use a database or resource? If so, we want to hear YOUR story! 
Please write to us at with your name, email, phone number, and description of your experience or submit your answers here
Financial Matters and Accounting  
Wednesday, February 3, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Rooms 405/406/407 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
Gary O'Brien, Vice-President, Finance, of SCORE Philadelphia, will discuss important accounting topics crucial to your business.
  • Match your business concept with your personal income goals
  • Gain a better understanding of financial risks and rewards
  • Identify early development and start-up costs, ongoing operations expenses and the funds needed to finance the business
  • Have a plan to help guide business decisions and monitor results

Presented in partnership with SCORE Philadelphia.

Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
Building Your Private Reserve
Wednesday, February 10, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Rooms 405/406/407 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
Is worrying about money causing you and your family stress and making you unhappy? Without economic freedom you are not free.

Learn about the Private Reserve Strategy!

You will learn the following at this free workshop:
  • How to become a wealth creator versus a saver or debtor
  • How to avoid or minimize losses from the interest you are paying to banks and finance companies for the major items you need during your lifetime (i.e., cars, homes, education, business expenses, etc.)
  • What benefits are associated with various savings vehicles
Presentation by Curtis MaySCORE volunteer and principal of May Financial Services and May Enterprises Inc.

Presented in partnership with SCORE Philadelphia.

Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
Planning for the Business Owner
Wednesday, February 17, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Parkway Central Library, Rooms 405/406/407 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
Do you have questions about owning a business?
There are many things you need to consider when planning and starting your business. This workshop will cover many different areas regarding planning and owning a business including:
  • Understanding the team approach to business planning and putting together a team of advisors to best serve the business
  • Identifying the business's goal
  • Problem solving as your business grows
  • Discussing executive benefits that may help a company attract and retain long term employees 
Presented in partnership with the Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians

Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
The Gift of Digital Gab: Social Media Marketing 101
Wednesday, February 17, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Skyline Room (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
AJ Pitts, from Magenta Madison Limited, presents a highly interactive workshop on introductory best practices of Social Media use for your Business/Personal Brand. This energy filled workshop includes tips and tools on:
  • How to determine the best social media platforms for your brand
  • Building and retaining followers
  • Enhancing social media engagement
  • Benefits of blogging vs. vlogging
  • Maintaining brand consistency 
  • Social Media dos and don'ts
Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
Introduction to Blogging 
Tuesday, February 23, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Ground Floor Tech Lab
1901 Vine Street, 19103
Instructors will demonstrate how to create a basic site using Google Blogger with a particular focus on small business and on marketing your product or service. Anyone with an interest in building a website or blog is welcome to attend.  We will also discuss print and digital resources available at the Free Library to help you improve and maintain your blog or website.

A Free Library card, email address, and basic computer skills are prerequisites. It is strongly encouraged that you have access to a Gmail account as well.

Space is limited to 12 people per class. Tickets are available 30 minutes before class begins in the lobby of the library. You must show your Free Library card in order to receive a ticket.
Call 215-686-5394 for more information. 
Providing the Best Customer Service 
Wednesday, February 24, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, Rooms 405/406 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103
There are skills that every business needs to provide great customer service. Without them, it can lead to losing a customer to a competitor. Why let that happen? 

We will discuss:
  • Raising the level of customer service for your business
  • Increasing consistency in the levels of service
  • Exploring ways to handle difficult customers
  • Your Action Plan - how to provide excellent customer service for your business
Presented by Mary Livingston, Chapter Chair/President, SCORE Philadelphia 

Presented in partnership with SCORE Philadelphia

Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
Next month!

New & Improved Business Plan Toolkit
Monday, March 7 and Thursday, March 10, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, 
Room 405 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103

Please join us for this newly updated two-part series. Learn to use free library resources to research your business plan professionally!

Monday, March 7th at 6:30 PM
Part I: Get an introduction to business plans, NAICS codes, and start researching the competition.
Thursday, March 10th at 6:30 PM
Part II: Target your audience by learning to find and use demographic information. Gain executive perspective by learning to research your industry; then work on developing your financial plan.

This course is (BYOL) Bring Your Own Laptop, so if you would like to actively participate please make sure that you bring a fully-charged laptop (charging space is limited). Intermediate computer skills are required.  
Advance registration is required as space is limited; please contact the Business, Science and Industry Department directly to register at or 215-686-5394. Please note that your registration includes both sessions.
Save the date!

The Human Side of Investing: Why We're Wired to Make Money Mistakes, and What We Can Do About It 
Wednesday, March 2, 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Parkway Central Library, 
Rooms 405/406/407 (Fourth Floor)
1901 Vine Street, 19103

Have you ever made a money decision which you later regretted? Join us to learn what the fascinating fields of Behavioral Finance and NeuroEconomics can tell us about why and how the human brain is not good at money. Stephanie McCullough, founder of Sofia Financial, will help attendees learn about how we can take steps to change things and make better financial decisions!

Click here to register or call 215-686-5394.
One-on-One: Get Your Business Online with Google Consultations
Research shows that 97% of consumers search the web to find local goods and services, however only 37% of businesses have claimed a local business listing on a search engine.  The Free Library of Philadelphia's Business Department is teaming up with Google to help put you in control of your online presence.  Sign up for a one-on-one session to run a quick diagnostic analysis to see how your business shows up on Google search, and learn how to get your business found online!  If your business is listed as unverified, we will help you claim your local listing.  If your business is already on the map, we will discuss ways to increase your visibility online!
Sessions are free and approximately 30 minutes in length. They will take place in the Business, Science & Industry Department located on the second floor of Parkway Central Library, 1901 Vine Street.  Please reach out to us with any questions at 215-686-5394, or via email at
Sign up today by clicking here!
Of interest!

Understanding Credit
Saturday, January 30, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Northeast Regional Library
2228 Cottman Avenue, 19149

Join us and learn:
  • How credit works
  • How to obtain and analyze your own credit report
  • What your credit score means
  • How to reorganize your budget to possibly reduce your bill and credit payments
Presented by Erin Ellis, Financial EducatorPhiladelphia Federal Credit Union.

This event is free and registration is not required.

For more information call 215-685-0522.
Also of interest!

Doing Business with the Federal Government 
Saturday, February 27, 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Northeast Regional Library
2228 Cottman Avenue, 19149
The federal government is the largest purchaser of goods and services in the world.
In this program you will learn:
  • How your business can become a contractor with the federal government
  • How your small business can market your services or goods to the federal government
Presented by George Tapia, Small Business Administration Business Opportunity Specialist and Rob Goza, Economic Development Specialist/Public Information Officer
The U.S. Small Business Administration helps to ensure small businesses get fair opportunities to share federal government prime contracts.

For more information call 215-685-0522.
Connect with us for event news, updates, and more!


Calendar of Events
Business Databases