Popcorn Sale News
Make-up Popcorn Kickoff & Training - September 1 - 6:00PM
Did you miss the Popcorn Kickoff on August 5th? Do you need help with your Show & Sell Order? Do you just want to meet with someone to answer your Popcorn Sale Questions? If so, then come to our training event on September 1st. It will be informative for new Popcorn Kernels and returning Kernels as well. You will be able to pickup your Popcorn Kickoff Kit, order forms, and sample some new product. The training is open to all and will be held at the East Providence Office.
Click here for more info
Important Tips for Show & Sell Orders  (Orders Due Sept. 4)
Here are some important tips for the Show & Sell Orders that are due September 4th. Remember, we will take unsold back at no risk to you. In order for us to continue to do that please follow these guidelines in placing your order:
  • Base your order on number of hours of CONFIRMED Show & Sell Locations
  • Units sell at about $125 per hour
  • Don't order for your entire sale (Show and Sell & Take Order) This order is just for Show & Sell
  • Pay attention to the new case sizes. Click here
  • In almost all scenarios 1 case of  White Pretzels and Jalepeno will be enough
  • Use this worksheet to help place your order
  • Email me or call if you need help with placing your order - we are eager to help!
I do look at each and every Show & Sell Order. If I have questions I will reach out to you. In general, if you are ordering more than your ENTIRE sale last year (both take order and show & sell) I will need to know how many hours of confirmed locations you have, etc.
Check out Trail's End TV!
Check out this week's webisode, and be sure to complete this week's challenge for the chance to be featured on Trail's End TV.
Check out this week's webisode, and be sure to complete this week's challenge for the chance to be featured on Trail's End TV.