August Preview 2013 Louise Reichlin & Dancers
The Baggage Project
Tap Dance Widows Club
* TriArt Preview Aug 4/ Announcements soon on this year's Dance & Music Groups
* Los Angeles & DRC prepares for
Western Arts Alliance Showcase
* New Funding for Educational
Residencies for our company
TriArt SP Festival early Preview August 4 - Announcements next week!
This weekend, to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the city of San Pedro, come to the free LA Waterfront Summer Festival. Besides outside activities for two days, you can see a short preview of several of the dance groups on Sunday at 3 pm at People's Place, 365 W 6th St San Pedro 90731. Featured this week are Viva Panama/ Victor Grimaldo and Louise Reichlin/ LA Choreographers & Dancers.
Announcement for dance and music groups at this year's SAN PEDRO ♥ TRI ART Festival will be made next week. It's a free family event of dance, music & crafts in the Ports O'Call Village on the waterfront! This will be its 7th year, the 3rd at this beautiful outside location on September 21 and 22. We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded our first Department of Cultural Affairs, City of LA, Festival Grant as well as a California Arts Council CPV (Creating Places of Value) grant.
Last year the Dance component included 16 professional and 6 pre-professional companies from all over the Southland. You can see more about the last two year's festivals at web-sites TriArt SP 2012 and TriArt Festival Dance 2011. For a short video from these years see below:
TriArt Festival - excerpts 2011 & 2012
For more information contact:
Louise Reichlin, Producer and Dance Director,
This year, as last, our partners include Alvas/ Matt Lincir, Spirit Cruises and Ports O'Call Restaurant/ Jayme Wilson, LA County District 4/Don Knabe Supervisor, and LA City District 15/ Joe Buscaino, Councilman. A major new sponsor is Rickenbacker Guitars. New this year will be previews at Crafted, also at the Port of Los Angeles (1 pm), and at Angels Gate (3 pm) on Sept. 7. There will also be a preview at Alvas on Sept. 13 (7:30 pm). Like the actual festival on Sept 21 and 22, everything is free to the public. Besides the new grants for the dance portions, we have been awarded an LA County Music in Public Places grant.
The SAN PEDRO ♥ TRI ART Festival is produced by Los Angeles Choreographers & Dancers in conjunction with People's Place San Pedro, Blue Water Green Earth,and Freshboks Music.
Los Angeles & DRC prepares for Western Arts Alliance Showcase
The Western Arts Alliance meets in Los Angeles from August 27-30th this year. Attending will be 13 Western States of presenters, and artists and agents from all over the world. Also attending, and showcasing, are many of the Dance Resource of Greater LA members. The companies, curated by a distinguished dance panel, include 20 of many dance genres. I am delighted to be working as a producer with Laura Karlin (Invertigo Dance Theatre) on the showcase at the Moss Theater at New Roads School, which will also have 350 seats which we will market to those of you not attending WAA (attendees get in for free!). The Moss Showcase plays on August 27 from 8-11 pm. Part of the producing trio is Laurie Sefton (Clairobscur Dance Company) who is producing a "Presenters Only" showcase at Los Angeles Ballet Center on August 28 from 8-12. These showcases both have an amazing line-up (already announced on the brand new official website which has information including schedule, about the companies, videos and a way to buy tickets to the Moss Showcase for the general public. To see trailers for both showcases, go to dance showcase video/Moss Theater and dance showcase video/LA Ballet Center. There will be complementary gourmet food truck food (free for WAA attendees) and free round-trip shuttles from the Hyatt in Century City to the venues running continuously from 7 on. My own company is on at 8:34 at the Moss ( Tap Dance Widows Club) and at 10:28 at Los Angeles Ballet Center ( The Patchwork Girl of Oz). Please put both incredible showcases on your calendar now.
New Funding for Educational Residencies for our company
|  Schools in the Valley - in LA Council Districts 2, 3, 6, 7, and 12 - We have received a grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs for 2 free residencies. Please contact us right away for details!!!
Special Thanks
| Special thanks to you for your support!
Please continue to contribute and consider raising the amount if you are able. The new Los Angeles County Arts Commission, the DCA City of Los Angeles, and the CA Arts Council grants are all matching grants, and go towards the TriArt Festival in September, the performances of Tap Dance Widows Club and the The Patchwork Girl of Oz in August, and new school residencies in the fall.
We are grateful for school activities funded by Don Knabe's Educational Partnership Grant by LA County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, but your contributions can bring us to any location in LA or Santa Barbara County (or further). If you donate, you can help us get to your location!! Please visit our website to make your donation.

Videos of Louise Reichlin & Alfred Desio:
click here for Reichlin on You/Tube
click here for Desio on You/Tube
Please contact us if you would like more information about anything you see here.
Louise Reichlin, Director
Louise Reichlin & Dancers/LA Choreographers & Dancers
Top photo: Screen shot 'Tap Dance Widows Club'
Duel photo: Paul Antico on left
Patchwork Girl photo: Sallie DeEtte Mackie