Leadership Chronicles
        practice with us, not your customers 
October 2013



Welcome to our Fall newsletter. Lots of great articles in this edition Enjoy!


All the best,

Randy Sabourin & Cam Anderson 

astd best The ASTD BEST Awards recognize organizations that demonstrate enterprise-wide success as a result of employee learning and development. These organizations use the learning initiative as a strategic business tool to get results.


SunTrust Banks, Inc. was one of 28 winners (out of 70+ applications) that were recognized at the October 1st ceremony in Washington DC. SunTrust's submission was a program designed to sustain the implementation of their coaching model. One of the keys to that sustainment is e-roleplay's one-on-one telephone practice. Working closely together, SunTrust and e-roleplay developed a suite of strategic coaching scenarios designed to allow Business & Commercial Bankers to practice their coaching skills in realistic roleplay scenarios. After each roleplay, Participants received feedback and coaching based on 'how if felt' to be coached by them. Participants were given additional opportunities to practice incorporating skills from SunTrust's coaching model into their coaching approach. Each participant pre-selected coaching scenarios from a 'menu' that they felt they would benefit from practicing in a safe environment.  


"SunTrust is committed to helping all of our people to shine. Practicing critical coaching skills with e-roleplay has really helped with the sustainment of the learning process, and more importantly, helping our people to be better coaches."

            Mary Slaughter, Senior Vice President Talent Management and Development and Chief Talent Officer, SunTrust Banks


"The team at e-roleplay is very proud of our contribution to helping SunTrust and all of our clients. We take our purpose - Helping Business Professionals Improve through Practice - seriously. We are very happy that the team SunTrust was recognized by the ASTD for their hard work and commitment to learning."

Randy Sabourin, Co-President, e-roleplay Inc.


"This is one of the most effective things we can do. I'm always amazed - you guys are really good at what you do. You do a terrific job at helping me be effective as a coach. This is one of the best investments this company has made."

            SunTrust Commercial Team Leader

Net Promoter Score for e-roleplay:  


 By Cameron Anderson

e-roleplay Inc. now tracks Net Promoter Scores for every client and every participant and are having extraordinary results.The Net Promoter Score, or NPS®, is based on the fundamental perspective that every company's customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

By asking one simple question - On a scale of 0-10, would you recommend this company to your friends and colleagues?  (0 = not at all 10 = It was the best ever)  - you can track these groups to get a clear measure of your company's performance through your customers' eyes. Customers respond on a 0-to-10 point rating scale and are categorized as follows:

  • Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will keep buying and refer others, fueling growth.

  • Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic customers who are vulnerable to competitive offerings.

  • Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy customers who can damage your brand and impede growth through negative word-of-mouth.

To calculate your company's Net Promoter Score (NPS®), take the percentage of customers who are Promoters and subtract the percentage who are Detractors.

  Read the rest of this article....
Business Improvisation Research Paper

Attentional and Interpersonal Characteristics of Improvisation Professionals vs. Business Executives [What Executives can learn from Improvisation Professionals]


by Randy Sabourin, with Robin W. Pratt, Ph.D,

This is some research we conducted that compares Professional Improvisors and Business Executives. The results are very interesting and highlights the areas for focus in Leadership Development Programs. 

Executive Summary:

The business world is constantly searching for ways to expand the skills of its leaders. "Business Improvisation", performance under pressure combined with the creative process, is becoming increasingly popular as a strategy to resolve unexpected leadership challenges. A promising approach to teaching new skills in an experiential manner is using improvisation exercises. Accordingly, we felt it valuable to study the characteristics of skilled improvisation professionals to see which ones might be applicable to leaders in business.


We know your time is valuable so we thank you for taking a minute to look at our view of business and the world around us. You can find more information at our site or
 send us your thoughts and suggestions.


 Cam & Randy

In This Issue
ASTD Best Awards
Net Promoter Score
Business Improvisation Research Paper.
Best of the Twitterverse
Video Feature - Using Improvisation to Develop Leadership
Personality Wins
Quick Links

Best of Our Tweets:

Three lessons about talent (in business context) from Tibetan Buddhist monks

Why a shortage of female executives makes for bad business

Pain, not gain, may be a better way to motivate workers - interesting? To Motivate, Better to Take Away Than to Give

Mindful meditation can help CEOs make better decisions + practice attentional skills

The Science of Stage Fright and How to Overcome It

Watch Taliban target Malala Yousafzai leave host Jon Stewart speechless on The Daily Show

You can't expect great results without great expectations.

Why we should treat leadership like an art form

Women&&Tech interviews Amber MacArthur, always interesting.

How to lead like a Navy SEAL - nice short concise article

Legendary typewriter repairman dies - What now?

Firms offer on-site haircuts - Forget health care. These jobs come with hair care   

Tactics for dealing with your least favorite people - BE COOL!

Take a tour of present-day Monopoly properties

We're at https://twitter.com/e_roleplay to follow us directly
Video Feature:
MIT Experts Blog | Using Improvisation to Develop Leadership
MIT Experts Blog | Using Improvisation to Develop Leadership

Personality Wins
By Colleen Coman 

A recent BMO Bank of Montreal survey revealed that personality traits outrank both credentials and education for many employers who are looking to hire new graduates. In fact, for employers in Canada's service sector, the personality traits of a new graduate will hold almost twice as much sway as  the next most important factor, their skill set (28 per cent and 16 per cent respectively, see chart below).  Skills and processes can be learned.  Who you are and how you relate with others is harder to change.  At e-roleplay, this is something we've always known, and it reflects the increasing investment that our clients are making in behavioral testing and ongoing coaching of new hires. (survey)