June 2015
Redeemer Lutheran Church, Atlanta, GA e-newsletter
An opportunity to share stories of faith, inspiration, community-building, and mission.
Goshen Valley Boys Ranch
Rescheduled Workday

Redeemer Celebrates Goshen Valley's 15th Anniversary

Please join your Redeemer Family at Goshen Valley Boy's Ranch on Saturday, June 20 from 9:00 a.m. through the afternoon.  It will be a wonderful day, with service, family fun, and special recognition.  Goshen Valley, in a special partnership with Redeemer, opened its doors 15 years ago.  This year our partnership will mark a special milestone with over 250 young women and men having called Goshen "home." Please let us know that you can attend by contacting  www.goshenvalley.org


Adopt a Grad! 

We have10 graduates in our New Beginnings program this spring and we couldn't be more proud or excited. This initiative is to help support them in their 'next step'. Click here to see how you can be a part.


We are holding a Summer Program BBQ kickoff for New Beginnings youth (18-22 year old men and women) on June 1st at Etowah Park in Canton, GA. It will start at 1:30pm. We would love to have families attend and bring a dish to share. It will be a great opportunity to meet with and engage the youth. The park has covered tables and a playground area for kids, so families are definitely welcome.


 Click here for a list of needs and engagement opportunitiesfor both the Goshen Valley Boys Ranch and the New Beginnings program.

Prom Night

On Saturday, April 18th, five youth did what many other Cherokee High School youth did: They went to prom. This may seem like a very basic experience that many adults can think back to. It is almost a rite of passage in our country. However, for these five youth it was much more. For these youth, it meant that for one night they could be just like all the other kids. They could be normal. Read More...

Dear Myra,


What's with all these hymns we don't know?  Ever since we got that red or cranberry or whatever book, I feel like I don't know half the songs we sing.  Could we just sing more of the old hymns, you know, the good ones that everybody knows?

                                --Cher Sando


Redeemer's Week at Lutheridge | June 7-13, 2015


This year the 22 Redeemer children, who will enjoy a week at Lutheridge together, will also be among the first to splash in the new pool! This new play area was made possible by the successful Heritage Campaign with donors from North and South Carolina.  Redeemer youth Jack Verner, Joel Medford, and Jordan Slappey will serve as counselors this year. 
Nine Redeemer youth will attend
Campfirmation at Lutherock and many others will attend camp during other weeks throughout the summer. Lutheridge is a part of NovusWay Ministries.



Music & Arts Camp  | "Animal Adventures" | June 15-19


The registration deadline has been extended to June 5. Register now at www.redeemer.org. Don't miss out on this fun and affordable day camp for rising K-7th graders, with free extended care hours. All are welcome, and no previous experience is required. For more information, please contact Sarah Hawbecker at 404-874-8664, ext. 206 or shawbecker@redeemer.org.



Vacation Bible School | June 22-26 | 9am - 1pm


Don't miss Vacation Bible School ! We are climbing Mt. Everest as we learn about overcoming obstacles with God's mighty power! At Everest VBS, kids embark on the coolest adventure of the summer!  Everest VBS is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste!  Sciency- Fun Gizmos, amazing crafts, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life.  Plus, we'll help kids discover how to see God in everyday life-something we call God Sightings.  Before and after care available. Register on-line at www.redeemer.orgRead More...


Mountain-Top Moments | June 22-26 | 9:45 - 11:30 am


Mountains often had a significant role in God's dealings with His people. In the English language we have the expression "mountain-top experience." This expression has originated from the Bible because of the dealings God had with His people on various "mountain-tops." So the phrase has come to mean a moment of transcendence - or epiphany; and in particular an experience of significant revelation given by God. This year we will offer a VBS adult class at 9:45-11:30am each day.  Pastor Tim will "visit" some of the best known mountain-top  stories and will  lead a discussion of how God uses these experiences as defining moments that strengthen our faith and bring us closer to God.  Each day is a separate lesson so you may come to one or all and not miss anything! Bring a friend! 


Inquirers Class

Interested in joining the Redeemer family?


Summer Inquirers - July 18 and 26

Are you interested in becoming a member at Redeemer, or wanting to learn more about us? Join us this summer for Inquirer's Class! In this class we will get to know one another, explore what it means to be a Christian, a Lutheran, and part of the Redeemer community, and discuss topics on faith, the bible, and the many activities and ministries offered in and through our church. This class is led by Redeemer clergy  and will meet in the Reception Room, located just off the Sims Atrium, from 10am-2pm on Saturday, July 18th (coffee and lunch will be provided), with a brunch and installation on Sunday, July 26th. All are welcome, and sign up is not required to attend. If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact Pastor Seyward (sask@redeemer.org) or Pastor Mary (mpeters@redeemer.org). All are welcome! 


We Prepare to "Welcome the Stranger"


Four years ago, Redeemer partnered with Lutheran Services of GA (LSGA) and successfully settled a refugee family from Burma. They are all doing quite well in no small part to the incredible support given to them from our Redeemer family. The Redeemer Refugee Resettlement Team is planning to assist another family late this summer and held its first meeting Tuesday, May 5.  In July, Redeemer will host an LSGA training for volunteers interested in working directly with the family.  


We are planning to settle our assigned family in September and will begin collecting all the household items required (furniture, bedding, kitchenware, etc.) for their new home later this summer. If you can't hold onto something that long, we can try to work out a storage solution. For additional information on donations contact Pam Amy-Cupp (pam@high-place.com).


We hope you'll join this service opportunity with LSGA to fulfill the Biblical imperative to "Welcome the Stranger."  Contact one of our team members for additional information and to add your name to the team!  Paul Herman, pdhermannpc.com; Melanie Johnson, mjohnson@lsga.org; Pastor Ask, sask@redeemer.org.


Refugee Wish List 


Called to Be a Living Voice


This is the theme of Worship Jubilee of the ELCA and the Biennial Conference of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, which will take place in Atlanta July 19-23. These two major national events are overlapping for the first time, and will draw hundreds of Lutherans to our city. The 500th anniversary of the Reformation is in 2017, and the conference theme will address the themes of vocation, reformation, and mission. Those active in music, preaching, and worship, as well as those just curious are welcome to register for all or part of the conference. Check out the conference website at http://www.livingvoice2015.org/. The major worship events will be open to the public. Redeemer is hosting the opening worship service on Sunday, July 19 at 7:30 p.m., with Sarah Hawbecker, organist, and the Redeemer Choir.

For More Information 

1-Day Habitat for Humanity Service Project


Saturday June 20th in Atlanta

Redeemer has a wonderful history of service with Habitat for Humanity, building many homes and volunteering hundreds of hours.  There will be another Redeemer build in August this year, too.  Here's a chance for a 1-Day service project on Saturday, June 20th in Atlanta.  Thrivent Builds Repairs, through its national sponsorship of Habitat for Humanity, is hosting a day of updates for local Habitat homeowners.  You can paint a house ... and see what a difference it makes in a neighborhood.  Lunch and a t-shirt will be provided.  This is open to volunteers age 16+.  You can sign up on the sheet at the Welcome Center in Sims Atrium or by calling Redeemer member Derek Peterson, CFP® with Thrivent at 770-565-9912 or derek.peterson@thrivent.com.  Come on out, and let's get to work together!

Meet Congregation Financial Secretary, Hewett M. "Mack" Alden


Mack Alden was born and raised in southwest Atlanta, studied at the University of Georgia, and then graduated with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.  While in Iowa, he met Beverly, who met one requirement by being from the south (southern Wisconsin), and they were married in 1966. As Mack says, "She still tolerates me!"  Immediately after the wedding, they came to Georgia and practiced chiropractic in Clarkston, GA while living in Stone Mountain. They have two married daughters who each have a daughter and son. They retired from active practice on November 1, 2014.  Read More... 




Welcome Redeemer's New Intern

Tina Trice-Culpepper is a native of Atlanta and an Account Executive at Visiting Nurse Health System/Hospice Atlanta since 2008.  She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational Management Leadership at Morris Brown College in 2009, and a Master of Divinity from The Interdenominational Theological Center in 2012. She was appointed part-time Director of The Atlanta University Center Lutheran Campus Ministry in 2013. Tina is serving as Intern at Redeemer Lutheran during her candidacy process. We welcome her and look forward to her partnership in ministry!


Pastor Devin Strong to Help Out at Redeemer

Devin Strong-formerly the Associate Pastor at Lutheran Campus Ministries-will be pitching in while Pastor Seyward Ask is away on maternity leave in June and July this summer. Devin will be working part-time in the areas of Outreach and Evangelism.  He will also be assisting in worship on Sunday mornings.  He are some quick facts about him that you might like to know: Read More...


Ethiopia Mission Update



by Gary Bowman

"I have returned from our 2015 Ethiopian trip. We had a very successful trip! I did meet with the President of the Church and the President of Ethiopia. I believe we have set a plan for partnership with both the church and the government. We did put in two water pumps that will serve 8,000-10,000 people. We did distribute Bibles in two churches that need them. We did visit 'Abigal's Kids.' This program is really a blessing for children living in or near the dump. We gave them money, clothing, candy, food and toys. These people were celebrating Easter when we were there. I spoke in the church Easter service. The President of the church who was in the service later told me that his church received a visit from two angels - who proclaimed that The Lord has Risen and Hope has come to Ethiopia this Easter. I think it was a very unique visit. I believe God blessed us and the People of Ethiopia on this trip!"


Redeemer member Donna Matern accompanied Gary Bowman on the April trip. She adds, "All I can say is this was the gift of my life and I will go again next year, God willing. The people are wonderful and Ethiopia IS the Garden of Eden."



The month of April saw what may become an annual Redeemer tradition: ChangeFest, a joint project of House of the Rock, the Red Door Concert Series and the Evangelism Ministry Team. 

The purpose of the event on April18 was to help make the world a better place by offering space for social change groups to share their missions with the public. ChangeFest also featured food trucks, Beer & Hymns and an amazing musical line up. Despite the weather report, the event proved fantastic. The highlights were many, so we threw together a Top 5 List of some our favorite ChangeFest happenings. Read More...



New Members



We welcomed new members on Sunday, April 19: from the back (left) Christina Simpson, Chris Wisener, Eric Brewer, Amanda Powell, Sam Giffin, Patricia Chardavoyne, Kimberly Lehnert (not pictured Eric Boye).



Redeeming G.R.A.C.E.

On May 14,members of Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. gathered at the home of Dorothy Beasley to create "Summer Fun in the Sun" gifts for the girls of Wellspring Living. The project was the inspiration of Leith Fitch who led the group in filling beach tote bags with colorful towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, and gift cards for swimsuits - donations from the members of Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. Also in each tote was a personal note of encouragement written that evening. Leith and Amy Carpenter delivered the totes the next day- just in time for the start of summer holidays and twice-a-week visits to the pool! The girls were thrilled!


Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. (Galvanizing Resources Against Child Exploitation) supports the work of Wellspring Living's Girls Residential Program for children 12 - 17 years of age. This program securely houses and serves survivors of DMST (Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking) with a focus on trauma therapy, education, life skills, and confidence. Redeeming G.R.A.C.E. co-chairs are Katy Hurley and Amy Carpenter (amy.carpenter@comcast.net).





On Sunday, May 17, ten 8th graders were confirmed and our congregation recognized and celebrated their commitment throughout the past three years. We welcomed them as adult members of the congregation, witnessed the public affirmation of their baptism, and listened to a personal statement of faith from each Confirmand. Pictured with the Confirmands are Youth Minister Bill Porter and Senior Pastor Tim Smith.


Evangelism Team "Action for June"


PRAY LIKE THEIR WORLD DEPENDS ON IT!  -- As people of faith, we know that God wants us to pray to him for all of our daily needs and that his answers will be exactly what we need.  Of course, God's answers to what we need are not always what we were hoping for.  At times the answers might be the exact opposite.  Yikes!   Now imagine the people in our communities who struggle with all of life's issues, from cradle to grave and beyond, and don't know how to pray or even to whom to pray.  Perhaps they feel marginalized, passed over by our society or even by "the church."  Many others in our midst do not believe that God is real, relevant or has any answer to "my life."  Can our prayers open doors within these modern hearts?  Read More...


Make Time for Summer Reading


by Mary Mahoney


Summer reading lists are everywhere. They are handed out at schools, posted in public libraries and book stores, and, of course, can be found on numerous websites. It may have been a long time since you were "assigned" or made your own summer reading list. Here's a new approach to consider. In a recent Atlanta Journal/Constitution article, Community Voices columnist Veronica Fields Johnson invited readers to join the "30 Books in 90 Days" challenge. This initiative was introduced five years ago by Michelle Gipson, founder and publisher of "Written" magazine (an online magazine) and now has its own Facebook page, Facebook.com/30booksin90days. The idea is to challenge yourself to read 30 books between June 1 and August 31. All kinds of books count-books of the Bible, audio books, ebooks, paperback, and good old-fashioned hardbound books.  

Inner Treasures and Overlooked Secrets


The Great Redemption Window

When you enter the Nave from the Narthex, especially in the shadowy silence of a mid-day when you may be the only one in sight, one of Redeemer's most striking symbols is directly in front of you above the Altar. It is the great Redemption Window whose stained glass panels depict the story of God's redemption of humankind. Allow your eyes to adjust to the light and look beyond the brilliant colored shards of glass comprising the Biblical stories of Redemption to focus on the tracery, the stone support of this beautiful window. Read More...


Save the Date!

Women's Fall Retreat

"Journey to the Center" September 11- 13, 2015

The Calvin Center


Join Pastor Mary Peters to look at how we journey with God's help to find the still center in the ever turning world. Using spiritual practices, prayer and worship, we will explore ways to connect with God that will strengthen us as we journey. Brochures are available at the Welcome Center.   Cost per person: $185. Register now and invite friends to join you. For more information: Kmedford@redeemer.org






Men's Retreat

Second Annual Men's Retreat - November 13-15 at Lutheranch!

Spend time with Pastor Tim and Pastor Matt in this spectacular setting. Mark your calendars today!



Redeemer Life 


Sympathy to:

  • Ray Hiller and family on the death of his wife, Emily Hiller on May 19.
  • Susan Wilson on the death of her mother, Doris Martinson Wall on April 28.
  • Doug and Ingrid Neale on the death of Doug's mother, Ruth Elizabeth Neale on May 23.
  • Chris Rasmussen on the death of her sister, Candy Rogers on May 25.

 May God comfort them in their time of grief.


Congratulations to:

  •  Cayte (Schissel) and Phil Dillard on the birth of their twins Kai and Phillip, on April 23.  And to grandparents Carla Schissel and Paul Buechele.  
  • Ericka and Reed Van Hoosear on the birth of their twins Lydia Shannon and Elyse Constance, on May 11.  And to grandparents Pat and Susan Shannon.  
  • Paul and Christy Simo on the birth of their son, Stellan Emil, on April 29.
  • Ben and Kate Pearson on the birth of their son, Andrew George on May 20. And to grandparents John Pearson and Sally Pearson. 
  • Minsu and Liz Kim on the birth of their daughter, Ella Moorman Kim on May 23.
  • Frank and Erin Hull on the birth of their daughter, Lauren Marie Hull on May 25.

We thank God for the gift of new life.




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