Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod, ELCA


Debbie Perez Departs Synod Staff


After 14 years of faithful service Debbie Perez gave notice of her resignation as youth ministry assistant and coordinator for evangelical mission effective December 26, 2014.


Before joining Synod staff Debbie served on churchwide staff supporting Bishop Burkat as her administrative assistant when our bishop was mission director for the ELCA and Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania. In 2006 following Bishop Burkat's election Debbie joined our Synod staff as the receptionist and office assistant. Debbie's skills and gifts opened the door for additional responsibilities, which included providing administrative support for Youth Ministry and Evangelical Outreach of Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod. This snap shot of responsibilities only begins to cover the wide impact and appreciative comments our constituents have shared about Debbie's ministry with and among us. She has also supported many Synod teams, too numerous to name here.


On behalf of a grateful Synod we extend our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to Debbie for her many years of devoted service.


While she will be missed, we bid her farewell and Godspeed as she embraces new opportunities ahead.



With and in Christ


The Rev. Claire S. Burkat, bishop