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     Weekly E-News

                   August 7, 2015



in this issue

Dear youth and parents,

I want to start by saying thanks to everyone who took the time to provide feedback on our proposed schedule change for youth groups and youth handbell choirs this year. I heard from over 30 families via e-mail, phone, text, and conversations here at church. I learned a LOT about family schedules, and it gave me helpful insight into how you structure your week, what kind of commitments you have on Sundays and on weeknights, what it's like to commute to UCC from outside Fort Worth, and what sort of programming schedule would make it easier (or, in a lot of cases, possible) to participate in programming outside of Sunday morning.

The vast majority of responses we received indicated that consolidating our programming on Sunday night would make participation in youth groups and handbell choirs easier, and would be a welcome relief for many families who struggle to get their kids here two nights every week (or just don't, because it's too hard to pull off). In fact, I was surprised at just how many families said that this would be a welcome change. I knew from informal conversations that it could be a positive move, but the survey response far exceeded what I expected to hear.

I am aware, though, that this change will make it difficult or impossible for several families to continue to participate in handbell choir. It pains me to make a change that I know will keep some of our current participants from continuing, and I will be acutely aware of that as we move through the year. When evaluating how best to schedule for the future, we have to look at the overall impact on families and programs - knowing that a change that works great for many and increases overall participation will still not work for some. I wish there were a solution that suits every family, but at the moment it's clear that we need to select the best overall option and move forward, even though it's imperfect.

Kera, Alison, and I met with Mimi Rogers and Marsha Hodges this week to work out a year-long schedule for youth groups and handbell choirs, and we're pleased with the outcome of that intensive calendaring session. Read on for the weekly schedule and start dates, as well as information about the Youth Family Roundup, a handbell choir preview for new 6th graders, and more. 

Grace and peace,


Youth depart this evening for Back-to-School Retreat         

A group of 35 youth and adult chaperones will depart this evening for the annual Back-to-School Retreat at Briarwood Retreat Center near Flower Mound. Please keep this group in your prayers over the weekend as they grow closer to God and one another on holy ground.

Participants: Click here for the schedule and packing list, and remember to meet at UCC at 7 p.m. tonight to load the bus (and eat dinner before you arrive). We will return around 9:45 a.m. on Sunday for Sunday school and worship.


Handbell preview for new 6th graders Sunday morning          

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Handbell graphic
New 6th graders (and any interested parents) will get a sneak peek at what it's like to play in a youth handbell choir at UCC this Sunday morning. Mimi Rogers, director of the Whitechapel Handbell Choir (grades 6-8) will provide a hands-on orientation to ringing bells and chimes, and will distribute handouts with info on participating in bell choir this year. 6th graders will gather with other youth for snacks and announcements in Room 303 starting at 9:45, then dismiss to the bell choir room (229) around 10:05 for the rest of the Sunday school hour.   


New weekly schedule for youth groups & handbell choirs            

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ calendar graphic
After coordinating with several other ministry areas and soliciting feedback from families, we have put together a new weekly schedule for youth groups and youth handbell choirs for this program year. The new Sunday evening schedule is as follows: 


Middle school youth group, high school handbell choir



Snack supper (all youth, children, college, and volunteers)



High school youth group, middle school handbell choir

Also, note that our children's Sunday night program (CCF/JYF, grades 1-5) will start at 5 p.m. and join with youth for dinner. Afterward, Kera plans to offer some optional programming for kids waiting on an older sibling who will be here until 7:30.

Handbell choirs will meet on August 23 and 30, with a parent meeting in between the rehearsals at 6 p.m. on each of those Sundays. After a break for labor day weekend, handbell rehearsals will resume on September 13 and youth groups will have their first meetings that night. 


Youth Family Roundup for all youth & parents August 16       

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cowboy graphic
We're beginning a new year in UCC's youth ministry, and there's so much to share about what's coming up and how to get involved! To help get everyone oriented we're hosting a Youth Family Roundup on Sunday morning, August 16 at 10 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. All 6th-12th grade youth and parents are invited to join us for a fun and informative event where you can:    


Know a college student heading off to school soon?        

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From Rev. Jessica Vacketta, Associate Minister: 


Are you or someone you know headed off to college? We'd love to have your contact information! UCC is committed to staying connected and supporting our students away as they navigate the challenges of college life.

A beloved part of our Students Away Ministry are the cards and care packages sent to students throughout the year. Please send your mailing address and a current e-mail address to me at jessica@uccftw.com to ensure we have accurate information.


Youth events and key dates on the horizon...
August 7-9: Youth Back-to-School Retreat - Meet at 7 p.m.
August 9: Handbell choir preview for new 6th graders - 10 a.m.
August 16: Youth Family Roundup - 10 a.m.
August 23: Promotion Sunday - youth & children move into new grades

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Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister for Youth - E-mail Russ
Alison Nicoll, Assistant Minister for Middle School - E-mail Alison
Susan Henry, Ministry Assistant - E-mail Susan
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