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     Weekly E-News

                   April 17, 2015



in this issue

Dear youth and parents,
This Sunday we will begin planning our annual Youth Sunday services, when our middle and high school youth have an opportunity to lead the congregation in worship. I always look forward to hearing what the youth would like to say to the congregation, and how they intend to reflect back what they have learned and experienced in this faith community. There are so many parts to fill in the service, from preachers to communion servers to decorators to t-shirt designers...it really is a big team effort. I will look forward to seeing many of you on Sunday evening as we begin putting this year's service together.

Read on for additional information on a suicide prevention event for parents, registration for camps and mission trips, the upcoming Senior Banquet, and more.

Grace and peace,


Youth Sunday planning begins this Sunday at youth groups 

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Youth in grades 6-12 will be leading our morning worship services on Sunday, May 10 and we will be planning the services at Sunday evening youth groups over the next two Sundays, April 19 & 26. We encourage all youth to come contribute to the service planning and preparation, and if you are interested in a speaking part it is important that you be present this Sunday. Also, be sure to mark your calendar for rehearsal on Saturday, May 9 from 1-3 p.m.

Remember that our Sunday evening activities run from 5:00-6:15 p.m., folllowed by a snack supper for $3 in the 3rd Floor Kitchen.

"No More" suicide prevention event for parents Wednesday  
From Susan Villanueva Cook, Paschal HS Parent & Community Specialist:

Due to the number of suicides in our student body last semester we are putting together a mental health and suicide prevention symposium this Wednesda
y, April 22 from  6 - 8 p.m. in the Paschal High School auditorium called "No More". We have been working with community leaders, faith-based organizations, and mental health specialists in an effort to bring hope to our community, parents and families. The event will include speakers who are mental health professionals, all of whom volunteered their time to educate, equip and empower our community on this issue. There will also be a community resource fair where parents and families can obtain information from different organizations for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness. It is with a humble heart that we ask each of you to join us. Join us in the effort to say NO MORE to teen suicide. NO MORE to our students being so overwhelmed with darkness that they feel there is no light. NO MORE isolation. NO MORE hopelessness. NO MORE. Help us bring this conversation to light and offer hope to our community.

For an event poster featuring all of the sponsoring organizations (including University Christian Church), click here. If you have questions, contact Susan Villanueva Cook at susan.cook@fwisd.org or Maria Manks at maria.manks@fwisd.org


RSVP today to honor our graduates at the Senior Banquet  

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graduation graphic ~ 
University Christian Church invites you to come honor our 2015 high school graduates at the Senior Banquet on Wednesday, May 6 at 6 p.m in Walker Fellowship Hall. During the evening we'll share a dinner catered by Pulido's, take time to meet each of the graduates, see photos and memorabilia from their journeys, and send them off with a gift and the blessing of their church family. RSVP's for dinner are needed by May 1, so be sure to e-mail Susan Henry at susan@uccftw.com to let her know the number in your party. The cost for dinner is $10 per person. 


Register now for Chi Rho and CYF summer mission trips  


 Roofing photo

Registration flyers for our summer youth mission trips are available! Here are the details on both trips:

The Chi Rho Mission Trip to Oklahoma City for grades 6-8 will take place June 9-12. The group will be working at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma before cooling off at a water park at the end of the trip. Cost is $150 per person and full or half scholarships are available upon request. Full details are available on the registration flyer.

The CYF Mission Trip to Los Fresnos, Texas for grades 9-12 will take place June 27 - July 4. The group will be working at Southwest Good Samaritan Ministries to repair homes in the Rio Grande Valley, and enjoying some fun fellowship time with an afternoon at the beach and a day at Schlitterbahn Beach Waterpark. Cost is $300 per person and full or half scholarships are available upon request. Full details are available on the registration flyer.

You can sign up online and pay the deposit by credit card on the mission trip registration page, or register by submitting the signed registration flyer and a $50 deposit check to the youth office. 


Registration continues for camps at Disciples Crossing   

Disciples Crossing cross


Our church camp, Disciples Crossing in Athens, has a full slate of camps for children, youth, and families available this summer. To provide an incentive to go to camp, UCC automatically covers half of the cost of the early bird price for every participant from our church. That means that a week-long camp with a regular price of $370 is only $200 with the UCC supplement. For a 2-page document with dates and descriptions for all the camps, click here


Signing up for summer camps this year is a two step process: Go to uccyouth.org/camps to sign up with UCC and pay for the camp, then you will automatically be forwarded to disciplescrossing.org to complete Disciples Crossing's registration and health forms. The UCC discount and any parking funds or scholarship monies can be selected on UCC's registration and payment page before proceeding to the camp website. Please be sure to complete the sign up process with UCC and Disciples Crossing to ensure you are fully registered for camp.

The last day for summer camp registration is Friday, May 15. After that, camp attendance is based on availability and will be up to the camp directors' discretion, so be sure to sign up now! 


Youth volunteers needed for Vacation Bible School
From Kera Watts, Director of Children's Ministry:  

Youth events and key dates on the horizon...
April 19: Youth Sunday planning at evening youth groups
April 22: "No More" suicide prevention event at Paschal HS - 6 p.m.
May 6: Senior Banquet - 6 p.m. in Walker Fellowship Hall
May 10: Youth Sunday worship services at 9 and 11 a.m.
May 15: Registration deadline for camps at Disciples Crossing

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Staff Links
Russ Boyd, Associate Minister for Youth - E-mail Russ
Alison Nicoll, Assistant Minister for Middle School - E-mail Alison
Michael Yandell, Assistant Minister for High School -  E-mail Michael
Susan Henry, Ministry Assistant - E-mail Susan
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